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New Henry County coach


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The question is what will the new coach do? Let's get back on topic.


You're right addict...I hope the staff stays on, they are all quality people! IF he can keep them they will be successful, it he cannot they will begin to down-slide and begin to be very average at best. Every HC knows that your team is only as good as the assistants you have. Such is the case for Henry Co. :thumb:

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I would say that Boyle spread the field, X spread it at times (many times this season they were 5 wide), and Highlands is for sure spread.


Boyle county ran a two back set many times, Highland's base was divide gun, and X ran many formations with major sucess being in pro, con, I, and offset I. All three of these teams ran the ball well with two back in the backfield.

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Dont get to excited about "the system". It has been around for quite a while now, and only 1 team who truly ran it has won a state title. Many more teams (even in the past few years ) have won titles playing smashmouth rather than "the system".


I agree with you thepointafter. There are many people who confuse "the system" with other forms of spread offense. Great examples are Ft.Campbell and Boyle County. Both teams spread the field by formation, but really run the football. Both teams will use a screen game and throw occasionally , and for good yardage, but they look to run first. I also did not notice their quarterbacks reading progressions and the like. It looked like they were focused more on one specific receiver or route. I also think that while Lex. Catholic did throw quite a bit, I do not think they were completely using the system. Bob Spires had his own passing game that was very good already. Still, things started clicking for him when their defensive play and running game caught up to their passing game. I know that Elizabethtown and Owensboro Catholic were very much products of the system, but Lexington Christian is the only one that is strictly system that has won a championship. But, while watching them, I think they could have lined up in a lot of things and been good at it.:ylsuper:

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Coach Graham will do a great job at Henry County. Having played for Graham when he was an assistant coach at Franklin County and having kept up with his coaching from Rowan to Harrison and then Lexington Christian Academy, I see good things ahead for Henry County.

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Most of you guys that do not run the system really do not have a clue what is even about. You talk about championships as the measuring stick for success, when most of you probably do not have a championship with whatever offense you run. The system is a way of practicing, planning, and developing an offense, each coach adapts the drills and so on to his philosophy to be successful since its popularity many programs that you have never heard of our becoming successful and beating more athletic teams... Example LCA, Franklin County, Henry County, Owensboro Catholic, Hazard, e-town, etc.............Lone oak, the list goes on and on. Some throw it every down some run it down your throat. Its a system, I played in the system and we were 45% pass, 55% running my senior year, and everyone would play us in a pass defense most weeks. The wing-t and the wishbone and all those offense were at one time sold and copied much as the system is now in kentucky. I am not telling you its the end all be all, but some people just do not understand what it really is.

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Ray Graham had an outstanding career at Harrison County. He overcame a couple of down years when folks were demanding his scalp. He is one of the best coaches I have seen in being adaptable, based on the personnel he has available.


He began at Harrison County using the wing-t, went to the wishbone when he had a strong stable of running backs, went to a pass-oriented offense when he had the Faulkner kid at QB, used the I-formation when he had a stud tailback.


Defensively, he has utilized the 7-diamond; the stunt 4-3; 5-2; 5-3; 4-4. He is probably the best I have ever seen at setting and implementing a defensive game-plan for coming opponents.


The biggest issues concerning Ray were his play-calling at times...fake punts from deep in his own territory; passing late in a game instead of running the clock; not passing enough when he had great running teams, etc... Criticisms that always came following a tough loss...not virgin territory for most coaches.


He is the best motivator and role model that Henry County could hope to get.


He is a "young" 50-something year old man and probably has another 10 years or so in him.


A great hire for the Wildcats!!

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