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New coach at Scott High?

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Guys let's nip it in the bud now. I have talked to a very reliable source close to the situation and no Coach has been hired. The committee hasn't even been formed yet to go over the applications and no interviews haven't been given. The reason I meant no Bellevue Coach was I think we need someone with head coaching experience not to slight the Assistant from Bellevue I just worded it wrong. In closing I would not look for a new coach to be hired at Scott until sometime in Jan.



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Scott in 2008 will have to have more kids come out and play football because they had such a large senior class this year there numbers will be low if only the kids return from last years team. Scott will open up its schedule in 2008 with a game against Walton Verona which I believe will be its 1st Varsity game ever. Walton will take the place of Anderson County from this years schedule.

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Guys let's nip it in the bud now. I have talked to a very reliable source close to the situation and no Coach has been hired. The committee hasn't even been formed yet to go over the applications and no interviews haven't been given. The reason I meant no Bellevue Coach was I think we need someone with head coaching experience not to slight the Assistant from Bellevue I just worded it wrong. In closing I would not look for a new coach to be hired at Scott until sometime in Jan.


Nice to hear that Scott will be using a committee to find their new coach. It's good to have varying ideas and opinions when it comes time to make your choice. To many schools leave it solely up to their ADs and principals when I think a Search Committee should be used that would include a parent or 2 and possibly even a student for some input. Unfortunately the ADS and Principals that I have encountered aren't fond of that idea. I just think it keeps things above board a bit more.

With regards to the Bellevue Asst. I have heard something similar but I have to believe that the taste of being burnt by another Asst Coach in the area a few years ago isn't a road the Scott people want to travel down.

Good luck to whomever takes on this job. I'm still not convinced that things will ever get much better then they were under Coach Fiske because of this open enrollment that Kenton Cty allows.

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I hear that Covington Holmes coach wants the job or is going to apply for it.


That would be absurd!


I know of a couple of qualified Coaches that are among the interested. I'm sure Lickert (Holmes) isn't one of them.


As HSSB stated, maybe A Holmes coach but not THE Holmes coach...

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Nice to hear that Scott will be using a committee to find their new coach. It's good to have varying ideas and opinions when it comes time to make your choice. To many schools leave it solely up to their ADs and principals when I think a Search Committee should be used that would include a parent or 2 and possibly even a student for some input. Unfortunately the ADS and Principals that I have encountered aren't fond of that idea. I just think it keeps things above board a bit more.

With regards to the Bellevue Asst. I have heard something similar but I have to believe that the taste of being burnt by another Asst Coach in the area a few years ago isn't a road the Scott people want to travel down.

Good luck to whomever takes on this job. I'm still not convinced that things will ever get much better then they were under Coach Fiske because of this open enrollment that Kenton Cty allows.


A comittee with parents and students?? Lord I hope not. I am quite certain that this is not the type of comittee being described, and I'm also quite certain that the type of comittee you are describing would be a bad, bad idea. How parents could possibly know or be expected to know what is best for the future of a program is beyond me. Any hiring committee should be made up of personnel within the school system IMO, a "site based" committee, as is usually the case in most hiring decisions.


I'm pretty sure that Scott will hire the best candidate and it sounds like the administration is committed to doing so, good for them, I hope they are able to do what noone has been able to accomplish.

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A comittee with parents and students?? Lord I hope not. I am quite certain that this is not the type of comittee being described, and I'm also quite certain that the type of comittee you are describing would be a bad, bad idea. How parents could possibly know or be expected to know what is best for the future of a program is beyond me. Any hiring committee should be made up of personnel within the school system IMO, a "site based" committee, as is usually the case in most hiring decisions.


I'm pretty sure that Scott will hire the best candidate and it sounds like the administration is committed to doing so, good for them, I hope they are able to do what noone has been able to accomplish.


:thumb:On 2nd thought you may well be right but I would like to hear a bit of input from players and parents with regards to the type of individual they might be looking to lead their football program. Ultimately I believe you are correct the SBDM has the final approval of a new coach and unfortunately the members of a SBDM aren't always well informed on the status of a coaching search.

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A comittee with parents and students?? Lord I hope not. I am quite certain that this is not the type of comittee being described, and I'm also quite certain that the type of comittee you are describing would be a bad, bad idea. How parents could possibly know or be expected to know what is best for the future of a program is beyond me. Any hiring committee should be made up of personnel within the school system IMO, a "site based" committee, as is usually the case in most hiring decisions.


I'm pretty sure that Scott will hire the best candidate and it sounds like the administration is committed to doing so, good for them, I hope they are able to do what noone has been able to accomplish.



I have to respectfully disagree with your thoughts about not having parents and players on the committee. I think they should be on the committee or at least interviewed by the committee before the search begins and their input garnered. How many times have we read on here that the success of a program is based heavily on how hard the kids work and how committed they are; is based on parents being involved in the program and is based on the community supporting the program. Yet you seem to be saying those very people should not be on the committee choosing the coach? Frankly, I'm not sure what beneficial insight a bunch of school personnel is bringing to the table. Me, if I was the principal tasked with making the choice, I'd have an interviewing committee comprised of some people in the community that I know are influential people (people who can get others in the community to support the coach with dollars, volunteering and showing up at the games); of a representative from each of the junior, soph and frosh football players; and the AD. This committee would interview the candidates and provide me the input; but I'd make the call.

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