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We have a Vaccine

Voice of Reason

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Month for approval. If it passes, I would guess early February before mass distribution can take place. That’s pretty damn good for the vaccine. I’ll need to read more, but right now I would lean towards believing I will get it as soon as it’s available. 

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Just now, Voice of Reason said:

Yes, two doses. It is either 21 or 28 days apart. The 90% efficacy is extraordinarily good. Most experts were hoping for 60%.

90% isn’t just extraordinarily good, it’s otherworldly good. The average for the flu vaccine every year is around 48%. Depending on distribution, at 90% by the time spring training is over for MLB we are probably looking at life relatively back to normal. I hope we can keep a lot of the safer hygienic practices we’ve learned throughout all of this because we should have been doing them all along, but the thought of being able to attend sporting events in person with the potential for full crowds, normal 5 day a week school in person, tailgating, concerts, etc. if we can just hang on for a little while longer. Keep wearing masks, keep social distancing, etc. for a couple more months we are right on the edge of putting this thing behind us. This has honestly been the best news of 2020 by far. 

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Got a call from mother's nursing home recently regarding a Covid vaccine.  We were told nursing homes would be one of the first to receive vaccine and we had to "sign off" on it for Mom to get it.  The home also mentioned it was a series of 3 shots.

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3 hours ago, GrantNKY said:

That’s probably best left to a different thread in controversial issues. 

Thanks for the heads up.  Actually, it never occurred to me that my statement might be controversial.  I was merely expressing my pleasure of a fact about the new vaccine that matches well with my personal beliefs (just like we all do about a number of topics that fall within BGP guidelines).  I thought others would also like to know that information regarding this particular vaccine without causing an outside debate on the other issue.  I agree that such a debate, if it would occur, would fall in the controversial category and would distract from the real purpose of this thread (which is the vaccine).

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Look everyone, the political violations have all started up again on BGP and now we have members playing Moderator and talking about the Terms of Service.   Any more of it and all these topics are done. 

Please don't make the mistake of quoting this message and/or responding to it. 



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