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Rush Limbaugh Accuses Michael J Fox of exaggerating his disease!

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One side note...

In the game of politics, is Fox fair game since he has jumped into the pool?


Lastly, one thing the Dems were hopeful for was a weary GOP base worn down by many factors and the Foley factor, and them not turning out on Election Night. The base has shown signs of waking up and the polls are closing in key places. Is this just the thing to get the base stirred up? It could be...the GOP still has ample money in the warchest and the Democrats are now borrowing money.

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It speaks to the nature of the world that we have had some forums on here that are excellent and thought provoking and they get 3-4 responses. And then we put one on Rush, Al Franken, Rosie ODonnell or Ann Coulter and they go on and on and on.


These people don't deserve this much attention from such fine folk.

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When Fox entered the political arena, he opened himself up to the heat that comes to all with a political agenda. He, regardless of circumstance, willingly opened the door and entered. It is fair game to question the veracity of his effort. He deserves no free pass whatsoever.

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You know I have a hard time believing some of these posts and critcisms about "exageratting" Parkinsons. Have any of you had any loved ones that have suffered with the disease? Maybe for 10 or more years? Seen the effect it has. Medications help but soon your body gets immune to them and you need new ones. To call his actions a "dramatization" is to forget what Parkinson's does. The medicines mask the tremors but not forever. What's more they are hiding the significant turmoil inside the body. :rolleyes:


Regardless of politics this attitude was wrong. Just kick a cane out from someone next time and say he's hiding how bad it really is. :mad:

Even if Fox has admitted to doing this in the past?

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When Fox entered the political arena, he opened himself up to the heat that comes to all with a political agenda. He, regardless of circumstance, willingly opened the door and entered. It is fair game to question the veracity of his effort. He deserves no free pass whatsoever.

I, for one, am not advocating that he get a "free pass".


By the same token, it would be nice to see Limbaugh debate the position taken by his targets, as opposed to ridiculing and mocking them, based on his own ignorance of their medical condition.


Than again, since Limbaugh wasn't able to just shout Michael M. Fox down, or cut off his microphone, he is forced to either debate the point, or resort to character assasination.


We see which route he chose....




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I don't see why he should be criticized at all. I don't think he sees what he's doing as a pro-democrat action. I think he sees it as a necessary evil to promote progress.
I haven't criticized M.J. Fox at all my friend, nor will I. I certainly would not wish to trade places with him. My heart truly goes out to him and everyone in his situation. BUT, as deeply as I may feel compassion for him, and as much as I might personally like to help him any way I could, the fact that he is the tragic victim of a horribly debilitating disease does not immunize his statements from critical scrutiny and a reasoned response to his claims.


I’m certainly not defending Rush or his handling of this event. I did not defend Ann Coulter’s bombastic comments about the “Jersey Girls” who lost husbands on 9/11. the fact that she could have worded her critique in about 15,000,000,000 less offensive ways, does not take away from her point that when someone enters the political/public arena with opinions, statements or claims of fact, their commentary should be open to scrutiny separate from the calamitous circumstances that earned them the public spotlight in the first place.


As offensive as some may feel that Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh are, I feel it is at least equally as offensive for political partisans to trot out tragic figures to speak their points, and then cry foul when anyone questions the veracity of their claims.


Not only is this cowardly, it is ruthless exploitation by political scavengers IMO.

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As offensive as some may feel that Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh are, I feel it is at least equally as offensive for political partisans to trot out tragic figures to speak their points, and then cry foul when anyone questions the veracity of their claims.


Not only is this cowardly, it is ruthless exploitation by political scavengers IMO.

Best I can tell, the vast majority of the complaints about this subject is because of the nature of Limbaugh's comments, not the substance of the issue.


If the ad is misleading, it is worthy of criticism. But Limbaugh went over the line with his comments and mimicing of Fox's condition.

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I, for one, am not advocating that he get a "free pass".


By the same token, it would be nice to see Limbaugh debate the position taken by his targets, as opposed to ridiculing and mocking them, based on his own ignorance of their medical condition.


Than again, since Limbaugh wasn't able to just shout Michael M. Fox down, or cut off his microphone, he is forced to either debate the point, or resort to character assasination.


We see which route he chose....





I what way did Rush mock Fox?

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Best I can tell, the vast majority of the complaints about this subject is because of the nature of Limbaugh's comments, not the substance of the issue.
I can accept that, but again you are describing the foolishness of our current media culture... the good, the bad and the ugly. We become so entangled in how things appear, we skip right over the substance or essence of the crucial issues of our time.


The sad thing is, the gullible dolt who believes everything he or she hears has the same power to vote as the intellect capable of seeing through the smoke. As a result, we have a political and media system that panders to the lowest common denominator, rather than standing up for what is truthful, appropriate and best.

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I don't see why he should be criticized at all. I don't think he sees what he's doing as a pro-democrat action. I think he sees it as a necessary evil to promote progress.


You can't be serious...MJF is a party hack...if you don't think he is party affiliated, you are out there,...


And I want to say he is one of the best actors of my generation and veerry underrated IMO...loved everything he did, especially Back To The Future...

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