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Rush Limbaugh Accuses Michael J Fox of exaggerating his disease!

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Who is lauding Olbermann here? I simply pointed out that the video of Limbaugh mimicing Fox was shown on his show.


I didn't mean to imply that you were. Sorry it came out that way. People don't need to be warned about Rush because everyone knows his act. They are not as familiar with Olbermann.

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I like Olbermann, but he certainly doesn't approach the news from the middle. His show is entertaining, and at least when he criticizes someone, he does so for their policies and statements and not with personal attacks and wild conspiracy theories.

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I didn't accuse you of either.

I agree, but as Francis Bavier eloquently stated, there was a way for Limbaugh to challenge Fox's ad ... with facts. Instead, he chose to point an accusing finger at his motives and actions and showed a remarkable insensitivity to Fox's condition.


I rarely agree with Limbaugh, but I don't lambaste him and others simply because share a different opinion than myself. Limbaugh deliberately chooses to belittle those that disagree with him and question their motives, and he deserves disdain for that. The same goes for Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity and their ilk.

Actually , Rush did challenge with facts . But as usual , everyone has chosen to ignore the facts. I find it curious that nobody has had much to say about LABS posts regarding the facts.

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All right, people are asking for the cite, that's c-i-t-e. This would be Michael J. Fox, an excerpt from his book "Lucky Man" June 1, 2002. Here is what he writes regarding his appearance before a Senate appropriations subcommittee hearing in Washington on September 28th, 1999: "I had made a deliberate choice to appear before the subcommittee without medication. It seemed to me that this occasion demanded that my testimony about the effects of the disease and the urgency we as a community were feeling be seen as well as heard. For people who had never observed me in this kind of shape, the transformation must have been startling," as it was for me when I saw the commercial he was running in Missouri, because I had never seen him that way before, ever, and I got numerous e-mails from people saying he had said that he does this: goes off the medication to illustrate the ravages of the disease to people and so it's in his own book, that he admits doing this.

Now, Kathryn Jean Lopez at National Review Online has a story on their website today: "Doc Hollywood on the Campaign Trail; What Michael J. Fox learned while on Spin City," and in it she quotes Princeton professor Robert P. George, who sits on the president's bioethics commission, and he says this: "I have great sympathy for Mr. Fox and other victims of Parkinson's and similarly horrible diseases. I understand how desperately he hopes for a cure for what afflicts him and so many others. I have seen members of my own family suffer, and I too want to hasten the day when the great engine of science conquers the diseases that cause so much suffering. But the fact that Mr. Fox is a victim is not a license for him to mislead or manipulate the public.


"The truth — the whole truth — must be told. Those politicians who, for political gain, have run these ads in which the truth is distorted and people are misled deserve the most severe of reprimands. Win or lose, they have brought upon themselves disgrace." That, ladies and gentlemen, is my whole point: "that Mr. Fox is a victim is not a license for him to mislead or manipulate the public. The truth -- the whole truth -- must be told. Those politicians who for political gain have run these ads in which the truth is distorted and people are misled deserve the most severe of reprimands. Win or lose, they have brought upon themselves disgrace." That, ladies and gentlemen, is my whole point. "Mr. Fox is a victim is not a license for him to mislead or manipulate the public. The truth -- the whole truth -- must be told. Those politicians who for political gain have run these ads in which the truth is distorted and people are misled deserve the most severe of reprimands. Win or lose, they have brought upon themselves disgrace."


That is happening to Claire McCaskill in Missouri today. Ben Cardin in Maryland are both disgracing themselves by exploiting the suffering of this disease in the effort to politicize it and to make it appear to voters in their states, Missouri and Maryland, that voters for -- well, let's put it this way: Making it appear that their opponents, Jim Talent in Missouri and Michael Steele in Maryland, are for Parkinson's disease because they are opposed to research which would cure it. Nothing could be further from the truth. I can't emphasize this enough. Embryonic stem cell research in Missouri is legal, and it is ongoing, and nobody wants to criminalize it. To the phones we go. This is Carol is it San Diego. You're up first today. It's nice to have you with us.


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Rush will be the first to admit that he is NOT a journalist and that he does have an agenda. I just wish the rest of the media would admit that.
:thumb: :thumb: :thumb:




















I have earned my living producing media and in dealing with the media for nearly a quarter century. There is not one person in the media that does not allow their personality, beliefs and personal agenda to color their message in some way.

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I like Olbermann, but he certainly doesn't approach the news from the middle. His show is entertaining, and at least when he criticizes someone, he does so for their policies and statements and not with personal attacks and wild conspiracy theories.


You must be talking about a different Keith Olbermann.

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Rush will be the first to admit that he is NOT a journalist and that he does have an agenda. I just wish the rest of the media would admit that.
Rush makes a living by claiming to be smarter and more honest than the media. He's neither. He's just a partisan hack with an agenda. It came back to bite him in the rear during the Donovan McNabb stuff and it bites him occasionally when he gets called on such outlandish remarks.
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Rush makes a living by claiming to be smarter and more honest than the media. He's neither. He's just a partisan hack with an agenda. It came back to bite him in the rear during the Donovan McNabb stuff and it bites him occasionally when he gets called on such outlandish remarks.
Right now he has a job to do and that is keep Pelosi out of the Speaker seat. After the elections, he and other GOP hacks better start calling the Republicans out and making them accountable. I like the information I get from these hacks, but I'm a little tired of them never finding fault with their own party.
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