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  1. This thread should go in the classics section. It contains some of the best spin ever posted. The fact is Elliott County lost. Period. Good thing I didn't act on the advice of some of these EC partisans. I would have to thumb back home. Cedar Hill is far from being the best team in this tournament.
  2. Boys and Girls is a high school in Brooklyn. Earlier in the week, ESPN ran a two hour special on the basketball team and its woman coach. Part of the program showed B and G playing in last year's BBC. Last year, B and G lost the city championship to Lincoln- a bigtime school. They are not biased but, of course, they could be proven wrong. I would be cautious in declaring the supremacy of EC over some of these teams. The promoters and those who follow the tournament closely each year do not consider EC to be one of the top teams in the tournament.
  3. Unlike many tournaments, this is not one in which the promoters set up the matchups so as to keep the locals in the championship bracket. The locals usually play those expected to be the better teams in the opening round. That appears to be the case again this year with Mullins playing St. Patrick, Socastee playing Patterson Catholic, and MB playing MLK. That tough pairing extends to the two other SC schools with Southside playing Arlington Country Day and Mann playing Boys and Girls. There is no mercy shown for the teams from the Palmetto State. Some may be interested to know that the tournament was headed for a number of years by Danny D'Antoni, older brother of Knicks coach Mike D'Antoni. Danny was head basketball coach at Socastee. The D'Antoni brothers had fine careers at Marshall University after playing for their father, Lou D'Antoni, at Mullins, WV. The D'Antonis relocated in MB years ago and ran a popular sports bar.
  4. Good, though not surprising, to see Jordan Whiting on the first team defensive unit. Defensive players never get the recognition that they deserve but it still should be mentioned that Whiting is considered by most recruiters and scouts to be the top college prospect in the Kentucky High School Class of 2009. I tip my green shamrock hat to Whiting and to Tim Phillips.
  5. Will all the games be broadcast on the radio? It looks like a fairly well balanced tournament with no clear favorite and no real dud. The AIT is a far cry from what it was in its early years when it was known as the Greenbo Invitational Tournament and was played at the Ashland Armory. Back then it rivaled the state tournament as to having a strong field. Now everybody has a tournament of sorts and, with a couple of exceptions in Lexington and Louisville, it is all watered down. The local schools could surprise so fans should get out and support the tournament.
  6. I would hope that a large crowd comes out for the Manchester game which will be the first home game. But, of more importance is the fact that it will be David Garnes Night.
  7. Actually, Rose Hill prefers it this way. It is certainly an improvement over the past. However, if they beat someone that doesn't expect to lose to them, it could all start up again.
  8. The recount is almost over. Franken is ahead. Amazing but completely as expected.
  9. Does anyone doubt that, just as soon as enough votes are "gleamed" from the rejected ballots, Franken will be declared the winner? When does it end? Just as soon as Al in ahead. It reminds one of the Washington governor's race a few years ago and look what a nut she has turned out to be. It will be an "interesting" senate that will remind one of Camelot with Franken as the court fool and Princess Caroline as the reigning royalty. Throw in the possibility of "Triple J" from Illinois and you have a real hat trick (or, in bowling we could say a "turkey"). Boy, are we in for "change". Where is all the endless assault about qualifications that we heard day in and day out about Palin? The media is "oddly" quiet.
  10. Good grief. Can't those who seek to detract from Trinity's impressive win just let it go. The boy will be fine and that is most important. However, to go over and over this one incident (which had nothing whatsoever to do with the outcome of the game and which resulted in no permanent injury to anyone) is ridiculous. Once we knew the boy would be fine, it was time to move on and salute Trinity for its overwhelming display of superiority in the championship game. Simon Kenton should be congratulated for a fine season. However, they lost. And, if we are honest, St. Xavier should have been there instead.
  11. If you thought I took a shot at Ashland, I apologize. That was not my intention. I merely sought to add some facts to put everything into the proper prospective. I thought oldrambler was doing a little too much unwarranted "gilding of the lily". No one should ever question Ashland's belief in its tradition. It bonds you boys.
  12. I believe the Rose Hill bus just left for West Liberty. I think some of these other schools overreacted. If you can get to West Liberty, you can get most other places.
  13. Have you forgotten the armies of reporters who descended upon Alaska to dig up dirt on Palin? Of course, this will not get any coverage on the usual liberal media outlets unless Palin can be tied to the crime. On the other hand, if this were Wright's church or Obama's church (assuming he has one which may be a large assumption on my part), we'd have the FBI, CIA, media, and all local and state law enforcement groups in hot pursuit. It would be constant coverage that would even knock Caylee Anthony off the air. Barney, Harry, Chuck, Nancy, Jesse, and all the others would be ringing their hands and gnashing their teeth.
  14. Glad you clarified your position although "second to none" leaves little to imagination. The nuances of your post were not obvious from its wording. However, I do detect a little animousity in your last post. However, facts are facts and truth is truth. I, like many, respect the Ashland tradition. It seems to be mentioned quite regularly. However, we must remember that the tradition stems from the late 1920s and early 1930s. Somehow, I think it is significant that it was built closer to the time of the presidency of Abraham Lincoln than to the present day. I believe there are two types of tradition. One represents longivity. The other represents achievement. Probably you were referring to the former rather than the latter. Again, I am just trying to add a little perspective to all this tradition claiming. :ylsuper:
  15. I need to add that Ashland will easily dispose of Raseland.
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