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Things you don't understand


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I dont understand why people will wait in a drive through line for 20 minutes, when they could just go in and order the stuff and ne out in 5 minutes.


Every time I try this, even if I'm the only one in line, it seems like 10 people in the drive through get served before me. I'm convinced fast food places don't care about those that go inside...it's all about getting the drive through served.

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I don't understand the whole hash tag thing. What does that mean? I have even tried to hit someone's hashtag on FB thinking it was a link or something. I asked one of my kids to explain it but they looked at me like I was stupid...again.


I don't use Facebook that often so I honestly didn't even know that it used hashtags, but I assume they're the same as they are on Twitter and Instagram which I'm much more familiar with. Anyway, hashtags in their original and most common use are a way to group together related posts or comments. For example (because it's on right now) if you're posting about the Golden State vs Portland game you'll use #GSWvsPOR and all posts using that hashtag can be easily found. However hashtags are also sometimes used basically as a punchline or sarcastic comment related to whatever they're posting about.

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I don't use Facebook that often so I honestly didn't even know that it used hashtags, but I assume they're the same as they are on Twitter and Instagram which I'm much more familiar with. Anyway, hashtags in their original and most common use are a way to group together related posts or comments. For example (because it's on right now) if you're posting about the Golden State vs Portland game you'll use #GSWvsPOR and all posts using that hashtag can be easily found. However hashtags are also sometimes used basically as a punchline or sarcastic comment related to whatever they're posting about.
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Wish you wouldve been at the FCC game last night. Wonder if it would've changed your mind.


I've been to two of their games before. I just can't get into it. The only times I've ever had even a little interest in soccer is when America is playing in the World Cup and in high school when I had friends on the team.

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I don't use Facebook that often so I honestly didn't even know that it used hashtags, but I assume they're the same as they are on Twitter and Instagram which I'm much more familiar with. Anyway, hashtags in their original and most common use are a way to group together related posts or comments. For example (because it's on right now) if you're posting about the Golden State vs Portland game you'll use #GSWvsPOR and all posts using that hashtag can be easily found. However hashtags are also sometimes used basically as a punchline or sarcastic comment related to whatever they're posting about.



(btw, I have no idea what I just did)

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