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US Wrestling team banned from competing at World Cup

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I can not give my real feelings on this. I do feel bad for the athletes who spent a life time working towards this goal. But why was this event in I ran anwyay with what is going on there.


Did anybody else hear A Flock of Seagulls playing in their head when reading this….


(no offense to your post Lipton Bash, I get what you’re saying, just dealing with my 1980’s brain).

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Your question got me thinkining...


Many organizations, including professional sports leagues won't hold events in North Carolina because of the bathroom issue, but we will send people to an event in Iran?


Thats because they are a bunch of hypocrites. That was easy.

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Your question got me thinkining...


Many organizations, including professional sports leagues won't hold events in North Carolina because of the bathroom issue, but we will send people to an event in Iran?


Boggles the mind, doesn't it??

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Too many other countries in this world absolutely need us for that to occur IMO...



Oh definitely, but we need them to to keep our consumer costs down. Like it or not, American labor is much more expensive. Even our President realizes that when he ran his businesses. One thing for bsloute certain, the rich will stay rich.

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One thing for bsloute certain, the rich will stay rich.


Zero problem with that.


Lets quit trying to make the poor into the middle class by killing the middle class. And I realize what that says.


My insurance premium has gone up 180% in 4 years without anything changing at my company or how many on my plan.

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Given the precedent that Obama set by paying hundreds of millions of dollars to free the last group of Iranian hostages, this country cannot afford to send more potential hostages to Iran for any purpose. Travel to Iran should be officially off limits as long as the Iranian mullahs are running the country.


It's funny how fearful liberals are that the religious fundamentalist minority in this country will somehow establish an American theocracy, but fret over the fact that Trump's foreign policy has resulted in a travel ban to a dangerous Islamic theocracy run by Muslim terrorists.

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