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The POTUS and the Emolument Clause


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I won't pretend to say I can speak intelligently about the Emolument clause but I can say we're going to hear it A LOT.


New report says that Kuwait embassy cancelled a contract with Four Seasons in DC for a party after, per the report, getting strong-armed by the Trump team to move it to a Trump hotel.


Let me be clear. No one has gone on the record saying it happened that way. The source to the ThinkProgress (I'll pause while some of you start typing and killing the source)...... site cited "political pressure." ThinkProgress said they saw the documents to back up the source's account.


Under political pressure, Kuwait cancels major event at Four Seasons, switches to Trump’s D.C.


You can find an expert to back up whatever opinion you have on the Emolument clause. It's certainly open to interpretation.


My advice is to get ready to hear it over and over because it will be a hot topic.

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Here is what is going to happen the next 4 years. The left is going to do ANYTHING it can to destroy Trump. It is already getting started with the Russian hacking hysteria (funny how Obama said after the election that the Russians did not affect the election but now all of a sudden it is a big deal...but I digress). The EC nonsense that never had a chance to succeed but was made into a big story because the MSM wanted any chance to hurt Trump.


Now that this and the recounts did not work, more stuff will be brought up (and most of it will be made up) every day. Just get ready. I am NOT opining as to whether this story is legit or not because I have no way of knowing. I AM saying I am going to be very skeptical on stories like this until proven because (1) I think the MSM will flat out lie without even thinking twice to take Trump down and (2) I cannot believe that Trump would be that stupid. It is not like he needs the money.


The next four years with Trump and the MSM is going to be hand to hand combat. The MSM will try to take him out and Trump will call them out as liars and be a tweeting machine.

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Kinda like emails, Benghazi, etc. Maybe nothing there, but some are convinced there is.


We'll know where the party is when the invites go out. We'll never know for sure the "why did they switch it" part.


Bahrain also booked their party at a Trump hotel.


It's going to be a potential distraction for the President. I don't see how it doesn't become a hot button.


If you're a constitutional scholar you're going to be busy in DC with everyone wanting to know your legal take.

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Here is what is going to happen the next 4 years. The left is going to do ANYTHING it can to destroy Trump. It is already getting started with the Russian hacking hysteria (funny how Obama said after the election that the Russians did not affect the election but now all of a sudden it is a big deal...but I digress). The EC nonsense that never had a chance to succeed but was made into a big story because the MSM wanted any chance to hurt Trump.


Now that this and the recounts did not work, more stuff will be brought up (and most of it will be made up) every day. Just get ready. I am NOT opining as to whether this story is legit or not because I have no way of knowing. I AM saying I am going to be very skeptical on stories like this until proven because (1) I think the MSM will flat out lie without even thinking twice to take Trump down and (2) I cannot believe that Trump would be that stupid. It is not like he needs the money.


The next four years with Trump and the MSM is going to be hand to hand combat. The MSM will try to take him out and Trump will call them out as liars and be a tweeting machine.


His twitter account could be gold for the next four years.


No question every business transaction that smells funny will be brought to the public's attention.


His legal team will stay busy.

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Also, when you KILLED the press during the campaign you will get NO breaks as the POTUS.


Ink by the barrel.


Paid subscriptions are up big time. He might save the industry. :lol2:


On a serious note, we need investigative journalism now more than ever. I'm glad to see people are paying for it with what's at stake.

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Also, when you KILLED the press during the campaign you will get NO breaks as the POTUS.


Ink by the barrel.


Republicans get killed by the press all the time. Nothing new there. Trump is the first one to literally call the MSM out and not back down. He also can fight back because of social media. He does not need the MSM to get his message out. He can tweet from his bedroom in his boxers at 3am. That REALLY ticks off the media too. The MSM is still trying to figure out to handle him as the things they have done to him have not worked yet and they have thrown A LOT at him. It will be fun to watch because I truly think Trump has hurt the MSM more than they have hurt him so far. The MSM has really been damaged by this election cycle. Wiki-leaks exposed the MSM as much as it did HRC. The danger is that if Trump really does something awful and it is exposed in the media, many people in this country (if not most) will simply not believe the media because of how corrupt this last election cycle has shown many in the media to be...

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Republicans get killed by the press all the time. Nothing new there. Trump is the first one to literally call the MSM out and not back down. He also can fight back because of social media. He does not need the MSM to get his message out. He can tweet from his bedroom in his boxers at 3am. That REALLY ticks off the media too. The MSM is still trying to figure out to handle him as the things they have done to him have not worked yet and they have thrown A LOT at him. It will be fun to watch because I truly think Trump has hurt the MSM more than they have hurt him so far. The MSM has really been damaged by this election cycle. Wiki-leaks exposed the MSM as much as it did HRC. The danger is that if Trump really does something awful and it is exposed in the media, many people in this country (if not most) will simply not believe the media because of how corrupt this last election cycle has shown many in the media to be...


I will disagree in one area. I bet the media LOVES the fact that Mr Trump fires off tweets. It's fodder. I bet they have people watching his account 24/7 ready to react.


If you're media President Trump is gold. He's job security.

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Republicans get killed by the press all the time. Nothing new there. Trump is the first one to literally call the MSM out and not back down. He also can fight back because of social media. He does not need the MSM to get his message out. He can tweet from his bedroom in his boxers at 3am. That REALLY ticks off the media too. The MSM is still trying to figure out to handle him as the things they have done to him have not worked yet and they have thrown A LOT at him. It will be fun to watch because I truly think Trump has hurt the MSM more than they have hurt him so far. The MSM has really been damaged by this election cycle. Wiki-leaks exposed the MSM as much as it did HRC. The danger is that if Trump really does something awful and it is exposed in the media, many people in this country (if not most) will simply not believe the media because of how corrupt this last election cycle has shown many in the media to be...


This victim of the press by some, including the PEOTUS is amusing. Throw the blame at others, great strategy. Do what you were elected to do and quit having "rabbit ears"?

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Let's leave the media for another thread.


My point is that the discussion isn't going away. If the story is true it sounds like the source wanted it out there that they were pressured.


There's no easy answer to this issue but , again, get used to hearing it.

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This victim of the press by some, including the PEOTUS is amusing. Throw the blame at others, great strategy. Do what you were elected to do and quit having "rabbit ears"?


I totally agree that he has rabbit ears. It may be his best quality and his worst at the same time. I will add this too...Trump is not the only side who has rabbit ears...many in the press do as well...

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