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Trump is dangerous

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My worry - and it's not entirely hyperbolic - is that we'll be standing under a mushroom cloud.

Well, then none of us will need to worry about our 401ks or annuities or mutual funds or anything. Red button will never be pushed by Trump, no matter how insane you think he may be. He's used crazy statements to get a ton of free media coverage and the pundits are all taking that hook.

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Irrelevant. We also used to think it acceptable to own other humans. As we've moved forward in time, we've progressed as a society. Just because things were done in the past, doesn't make it any less wrong. It was wrong when Carter did it, and it'd be wrong to do today.


How in the world is blatant discrimination of an entire group of people ever okay in this day and age??


It isn't blatant discrimination, he just says a lot of this stuff to rile people up and get them talking. And it puts his fellow Republicans in a difficult position, this time they have to stand for something they believe in, for once. I like to see them cringe because he's thumping them in the polls. Actually this is quite entertaining.:popcorn:

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It isn't blatant discrimination, he just says a lot of this stuff to rile people up and get them talking. And it puts his fellow Republicans in a difficult position, this time they have to stand for something they believe in, for once. I like to see them cringe because he's thumping them in the polls. Actually this is quite entertaining.:popcorn:


And, golly...isn't THAT what we want the leader of the free world to be? ***sarcasm so heavy I am bent double.***

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And, golly...isn't THAT what we want the leader of the free world to be? ***sarcasm so heavy I am bent double.***


It is nice to have a politician that says what he thinks, PC or not.


I would rather listen to Trump put his foot in his mouth than Hillary lie every time she takes a breath.

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It is nice to have a politician that says what he thinks, PC or not.


I would rather listen to Trump put his foot in his mouth than Hillary lie every time she takes a breath.


You really want him talking to his world leadership peers like he's talking to us?


And the reality is, he is full of puff and bravado. I'd imagine that once elected, nothing he is promising with his blusterous, "inciteful" rhetoric would come to pass. Once elected, there'd be Congress to deal with. While I'm not a fan of most of our elected representation, I certainly would support them continuing on in their ineffective way, consequently rendering him ineffective.

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You really want him talking to his world leadership peers like he's talking to us?


And the reality is, he is full of puff and bravado. I'd imagine that once elected, nothing he is promising with his blusterous, "inciteful" rhetoric would come to pass. Once elected, there'd be Congress to deal with. While I'm not a fan of most of our elected representation, I certainly would support them continuing on in their ineffective way, consequently rendering him ineffective.


I didn't say he would be effective. I said I would rather hear him put his foot in his mouth, which he does often, than listen to Hillary lie.


You know how you can tell how Hillary is lying? Her lips are moving.


I am as appalled at her lying to the American people, Congress, etc. as I am Trump's foot in mouth disease.

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So we have been at war with radical jihadist what, Christians, Hindu's, Buddahists, for the past few decades?


Again, we are NOT at war with the Muslims. The radical jihadists do not define Muslims any more than whacked out Christian groups define Christians.

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Before condemning Trump for his statements of banning Muslims from entering the country, you really need to read the Koran. The Koran openly instructs worshipers to kill for the sake of spreading Islam. The peacefull secularized Muslims actually do not interpret the Koran correctly. What we call "radicalized Muslims" actually do interpret the Koran correctly. If you want a separate discussion, challenge me on this.


I would like to challenge you on this.


I also have not read the Koran and I have no desire to.


I just see about a hundred or more different sects of Christianity in this country who exist because their members dedicate their lives to living according to a book yet can't agree with each other on what it says. You expect me to live in this world then believe that these same people know the real true interpretation of the Koran?

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I would like to challenge you on this.


I also have not read the Koran and I have no desire to.


I just see about a hundred or more different sects of Christianity in this country who exist because their members dedicate their lives to living according to a book yet can't agree with each other on what it says. You expect me to live in this world then believe that these same people know the real true interpretation of the Koran?


Might be 100 in my county !


I paraphrase @PurplePride92, "I hope Trump wins he is just what this country deserves!"

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Again, we are NOT at war with the Muslims. The radical jihadists do not define Muslims any more than whacked out Christian groups define Christians.


We are at war with radical Muslims. You can paint it however you like. It is a fact.


I don't think anyone has ever said we are at war with all Muslims.

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