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I don't get the anger over the questioning. I was actually surprised and pleased at how they challenged the candidates - outside of the "does God speak to you" waste of time.


Did The Don slam Megyn Kelly?

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I agree.


Can't imagine him retweeting comments about Kelly being a bimbo is going to play well with women voters...:idunno:


To say nothing of them, it doesn't even play well with me. What's going to happen the first time Angela Merkel says Germany won't go along with the U.S. on his plan for Syria?


"That fat kraut-sucking cow is a loser. She shouldn't be allowed to run a country because she's a moron."


The man just oozes presidential gravitas...



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To say nothing of them, it doesn't even play well with me. What's going to happen the first time Angela Merkel says Germany won't go along with the U.S. on his plan for Syria?


"That fat kraut-sucking cow is a loser. She shouldn't be allowed to run a country because she's a moron."


The man just oozes presidential gravitas...






The thought of him as POTUS scares the crap out of me much more so than any other candidate on either side of the aisle.


He's probably the most despicable human-being that I've ever seen as a Presidential candidate. The fact that he has the support he does paints a sad sad picture for our society IMO.

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To be fair to Trump, the moderators went after him from the get-go while tossing underhand lobs to most of the other candidates.


To be honest with Trump, he handled it in his typical aggressive, confrontational style and even when he made decent points, they were overshadowed by his complete inability to act like a decent human being.


..which has appealed to , shockingly, a lot of folks.

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The thought of him as POTUS scares the crap out of me much more so than any other candidate on either side of the aisle.


He's probably the most despicable human-being that I've ever seen as a Presidential candidate. The fact that he has the support he does paints a sad sad picture for our society IMO.


People keep talking about him "telling it like it is." Well, what "is" means what's true, which certainly isn't a claim Trump can make. What he does is say whatever thoughts happen to pass through his brain at any given moment.


He thought-broadcasts.


Mr. Trump has no apparent ability to distinguish what one thinks from what one ought to say. It's a sign of being a sociopath and I don't want him speaking on my behalf to anyone of significance be they from around the world or here at home.

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I agree.


Can't imagine him retweeting comments about Kelly being a bimbo is going to play well with women voters...:idunno:


Frankly, I don't think the people who support Trump are interested in how his comments play with [insert group] voters, and I don't think Trump is either, for that matter. But, people love Megyn Kelly; I don't know how much mileage he'll get insulting her.

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I'm always , although I don't know why, surprised at how the candidates try to sell us on JUST HOW BAD the country sucks TODAY.


It's becoming cliched.


Watching this last night was like watching a Saturday Night Live skit.

If the Fall TV season had started they would lead with this debate on the Saturday show.:lol2:

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Rubio and Huckabee were the big winners as far as we were concerned in my house last night. Both came across as genuine and not rehearsed...a problem that Rubio has had in the past.


We felt the same way in our house, especially Huckabee. I will also add that Carson did something to get my attention. Even though it seemed he started slow, somehow he sold himself as being a good kind of "different" than the rest of the pack.

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On a side note, Rubio has some large ears. My wife pointed it out, then I could not hardly watch him anymore without snickering.


:lol2: As soon as someone pointed that out to me it's all I noticed.

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It was obvious GOP and Fox doesn't want Rand to shine. He had the least screen time out of any of the 10. 1/3 of Trump's.


It wasn't the amount of screen time. It was what he did with it that made me think he didn't do well. His best point was a jab at someone else for giving Obama a hug. I don't know, not a fan after last night.

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He thinks we should change the Constitution to line up with the Bible.


He thinks gay marriage is a health risk.


He's claimed that Sandy Hook happened because we've removed God from schools.


You want any more?

Good Points but he also said "The key issue of real faith is that it never can be forced on someone. And never would I want to use the government institutions to impose mine or anybody else's faith or to restrict." So even with his rhetoric about changing the constitution I think that's all it is...rhetoric. But I see your point on that.


I don't know about the gay marriage health risk.


As far as school shootings here was what he said was..."Well, you know, it's an interesting thing. When we ask why there is violence in our schools, but we've systematically removed God from our schools. Should we be so surprised that schools have become a place for carnage because we've made it a place where we don't want to talk about eternity, life, responsibility, accountability? That we're not just going to have to be accountable to the police, if they catch us. But one day, we will stand in judgment before God. If we don't believe that, we don't fear that."


Doing some quick research I find it hard to find a Christian School that has had a Student perpetrated school shooting...maybe he is on to something there.


I get it that you and many others don't like him and I don't agree with everything he says, but I wouldn't call him names either as there is no candidate not named Jumper_Dad that I would agree with 100%

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