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St Henry 4 Covington Catholic 3

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I heard he was injured in the NCC match. Felt bad the he was not able to play last night, don't know him personally but I have heard nothing but good things about the young man... both on and off the pitch.


Sorry to hear. Gotta wonder if his leadership (and skill) could've made a difference. Guess we will never know.

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I concur completely with all of the kind things previously stated about Robert Lilly. He is a fine young man and I hate to hear that he was unable to play last night. He is well respected by his club and high school teammates and I cannot help but believe his on field presence would have had a positive impact. It may have not changed the outcome of the match, but he would have lead by example with high effort and skillful play.

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I agree mostly with what you said. However, three goals should have been enough.


One comment on the St. Henry goalie all of the St. Henry fans might want to consider when they are defending him. My son had his hand stepped on by a St. Henry defender in front of the St. Henry goal. He gets up in obvious pain, and the St. H goalie said "I hope its broken." It probably is.


A little more to the story. The St. Henry goalie messaged my son yesterday and apologized. Nice thing to do.

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Yes, Pura Vida, I agree. Tensions were running very high, huge pressure on the goalie. Let's not pretend any of the guys are perfect, on either side.

I wasn't there and people can always say kids will be kids or they are only 17 year olds etc.

Sorry that doesn't fly with me and to try and brush it off by saying no one is perfect is only allowing the same type of behavior from the kid to continue.


I don't care what happened to make the goalie respond the way he did and I don't care if he is only 14 years old, if I were his coach and saw him flip off the crazies or the crowd the first time I'd sub him out really fast and have a nice strong conversation with him and if he understood he would go back in, if he did it a second time, there wouldn't be any going back into the game with me and there wouldn't be any going down state with me either.


Too bad the ref didn't see it because he should have gotten a card for such behavior. Never, ever condone such actions and to do so is ridiculous!


I have no dog in the fight with either school, I am just a soccer fan and I don't care how much pressure is on these kids, the soccer pitch is no place for that kind of behavior. Take some pride and respect not only the game but also your fellow players as well as opponents. Also when Pura said there is no need to ride this kid...well I disagree, maybe riding hiim is the only way to let him know that what he did and how he behaved is unacceptable behavior, appreantly some on here unfortunately think that type of behavior is just fine and that is sad.

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I wasn't there and people can always say kids will be kids or they are only 17 year olds etc.

Sorry that doesn't fly with me and to try and brush it off by saying no one is perfect is only allowing the same type of behavior from the kid to continue.


I don't care what happened to make the goalie respond the way he did and I don't care if he is only 14 years old, if I were his coach and saw him flip off the crazies or the crowd the first time I'd sub him out really fast and have a nice strong conversation with him and if he understood he would go back in, if he did it a second time, there wouldn't be any going back into the game with me and there wouldn't be any going down state with me either.


Too bad the ref didn't see it because he should have gotten a card for such behavior. Never, ever condone such actions and to do so is ridiculous!


I have no dog in the fight with either school, I am just a soccer fan and I don't care how much pressure is on these kids, the soccer pitch is no place for that kind of behavior. Take some pride and respect not only the game but also your fellow players as well as opponents. Also when Pura said there is no need to ride this kid...well I disagree, maybe riding hiim is the only way to let him know that what he did and how he behaved is unacceptable behavior, appreantly some on here unfortunately think that type of behavior is just fine and that is sad.


I agree with you that this behavior is unacceptable, but do you also find fans riding a player and his performance acceptable? I want to make sure that I understand where the line is drawn. In my opinion, you are there to cheer for your team and not to harass players on the other team. The players are not being paid for this. The price of admission does not entitle you to verbally abuse the players. If you want to discuss sportsmanship and criticize a player for reacting to harassment from people on the sidelines, then shouldn't you also criticize those who are there only as observers and taunting the players as well? Where is the moral stand on this?


By no means am I excusing the behavior if it did happen, but where is the outrage against the instigator? Go to the games and cheer for your team. Don't harass the opponent's players...show some class and sportsmanship. You demand it of the player, how about demanding it of the fans as well.

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Lets see if I follow correctly... a 17yo in an emotional game with a few hundred "crazies" screaming and taunting him - he reacts. Not in the appropriate manner, but he reacts. Condone it, no, understand the reality of what occurred - yes. Step forward to an adult maybe 64yo that says "maybe riding him is the only way to let him know what he did...is unacceptable". I would say that "riding him" isn't necessarily the right response as well. In my opinion, both are wrong - but lets check again... a 17yo reacting and a 64yo saying we need to ride a 17yo.... Get a grip my friend.


Almost reminds me of a Dixie soccer game I was at just 2 weeks ago when an opposing player was down and injured (same person sat out much of sophmore with an injury).... Dixie parent keeps yelling flop... flop... guess that was good old parenting where the injured was going to be ridden to the point of jumping up and apologizing for wasting their time...


Flipping someone off as child or adult, wrong. We, as adults know that. Dealing with it by bashing and calling for grown adults to ride him, to me, is even more sad.


Then again, I'm just one opinion. Carry on with the online parenting.....

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I wasn't there and people can always say kids will be kids or they are only 17 year olds etc.

Sorry that doesn't fly with me and to try and brush it off by saying no one is perfect is only allowing the same type of behavior from the kid to continue.


I don't care what happened to make the goalie respond the way he did and I don't care if he is only 14 years old, if I were his coach and saw him flip off the crazies or the crowd the first time I'd sub him out really fast and have a nice strong conversation with him and if he understood he would go back in, if he did it a second time, there wouldn't be any going back into the game with me and there wouldn't be any going down state with me either.


Too bad the ref didn't see it because he should have gotten a card for such behavior. Never, ever condone such actions and to do so is ridiculous!


I have no dog in the fight with either school, I am just a soccer fan and I don't care how much pressure is on these kids, the soccer pitch is no place for that kind of behavior. Take some pride and respect not only the game but also your fellow players as well as opponents. Also when Pura said there is no need to ride this kid...well I disagree, maybe riding hiim is the only way to let him know that what he did and how he behaved is unacceptable behavior, appreantly some on here unfortunately think that type of behavior is just fine and that is sad.



I agree with you 100% with what your saying. However I don't know what if any conversation the coach has had or not had with this kid. But at this point everyone needs to let this game go and move on. I like you have no dog in this hunt but It does seem that everyone just needs to move on.


Good luck to the CRU stay strong and keep fighting...

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I wasn't there and people can always say kids will be kids or they are only 17 year olds etc.

Sorry that doesn't fly with me and to try and brush it off by saying no one is perfect is only allowing the same type of behavior from the kid to continue.


I don't care what happened to make the goalie respond the way he did and I don't care if he is only 14 years old, if I were his coach and saw him flip off the crazies or the crowd the first time I'd sub him out really fast and have a nice strong conversation with him and if he understood he would go back in, if he did it a second time, there wouldn't be any going back into the game with me and there wouldn't be any going down state with me either.


Too bad the ref didn't see it because he should have gotten a card for such behavior. Never, ever condone such actions and to do so is ridiculous!


I have no dog in the fight with either school, I am just a soccer fan and I don't care how much pressure is on these kids, the soccer pitch is no place for that kind of behavior. Take some pride and respect not only the game but also your fellow players as well as opponents. Also when Pura said there is no need to ride this kid...well I disagree, maybe riding hiim is the only way to let him know that what he did and how he behaved is unacceptable behavior, appreantly some on here unfortunately think that type of behavior is just fine and that is sad.

You weren't there. You have no dog in the fight. Stop believing everything you hear. There are two sides to every story. You seem to be condoning the obnoxious behavior from some of the colonels, while at the same time you are outraged at the supposed gesture from the St. Henry goalie.

Too bad the AR didn't notify the ref about the obscenities coming from the Cov Cath section of the stands, and issue a card to the coach to calm them down, which is, I'm sure you know, perfectly within the refs remit. Let's hope someone in authority speaks to the "crazies" before their next big outing.

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I agree with you that this behavior is unacceptable, but do you also find fans riding a player and his performance acceptable? I want to make sure that I understand where the line is drawn. In my opinion, you are there to cheer for your team and not to harass players on the other team. The players are not being paid for this. The price of admission does not entitle you to verbally abuse the players. If you want to discuss sportsmanship and criticize a player for reacting to harassment from people on the sidelines, then shouldn't you also criticize those who are there only as observers and taunting the players as well? Where is the moral stand on this?


By no means am I excusing the behavior if it did happen, but where is the outrage against the instigator? Go to the games and cheer for your team. Don't harass the opponent's players...show some class and sportsmanship. You demand it of the player, how about demanding it of the fans as well.


If you were at the match, I think you would have also seen some players from SH taunting the fans and some players were actually trying to get their fan base to be more vocal. This is not uncommon in sports, I think that it can also make for a great atmosphere, I think the only issue here was how one player reacted to being heckled and the gestures that were made.


I guess you can argue that fans should not taunt the players... but then you must also say that the players cannot taunt the fans.

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I was at the game. I saw players from SH trying to get the SH fans to be more vocal...CHEERING for them. In no way did they try to get them to taunt or do anything of that sort. Everyone sitting down in the lower bleachers was not from Cov Cath. You may not know it, but there is a PRIEST sitting with the SH student section and cheering along. At no point did I see a SH player taunting the Cov Cath fans.


There is no argument that heckling a high school student/athlete is anything but unacceptable. I am not sure how you can be offended by the actions of one and not the other. While something may not be uncommon, it also does not make it correct. Just as I said that his reaction to their taunts was not correct, I don't excuse the taunting either whether it be from students or parents.

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