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LHL: Cordia Appeals KHSAA Penalties

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I know...splitting hairs here but we all know all of those guys were looking to get out of WV and into new situations.


Either way it only compares to Cordia in that local schools received good talent based on them transferring to other schools. There's a huge thread on here about the kids going to NCC but no one seemed to care about Canada or NJ kids going to Cordia...my guess is because we didn't care because no one was harmed athletically.

I think you are wrong. A lot of people cared about kids from Canada and NJ etc. going to Cordia, that is what basically led to them getting busted for recruiting etc.


Again not even close tot he same thing you tried to make Cooper out to be.

Again, Zach's family moved to Cooper school district.

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I think you are wrong. A lot of people cared about kids from Canada and NJ etc. going to Cordia, that is what basically led to them getting busted for recruiting etc.


Again not even close tot he same thing you tried to make Cooper out to be.

Again, Zach's family moved to Cooper school district.


If 9 kids had switched to Cordia from KCC then people would have been irate. Same if they'd been from JBS or PCC. That would have been huge because of the proximity of the schools. Getting a kids from out of state isn't that big of a deal to me....especially if the team that was assembled wasn't very good.

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If 9 kids had switched to Cordia from KCC then people would have been irate. Same if they'd been from JBS or PCC. That would have been huge because of the proximity of the schools. Getting a kids from out of state isn't that big of a deal to me....especially if the team that was assembled wasn't very good.

Getting kids anywhere FOR BASKETBALL ONLY is wrong period.


I just don't understand how you think it's ok.

Also, we aren't talking about 1 player, we are talking about 9 or 11. Why do they even call it Cordia Basketball team because there is nothing about that team that is Cordia except for the gym they use during the season.


Basically they are paying kids to be there so they should be a NBA team. Paid athletes = professionals.


Also what does it matter if they were good or not? They still acquired players illegally. If you want to allow recruiting to go on then open it up state wide and have all districts open enrollment and then we'd have a filed day.

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Getting kids anywhere FOR BASKETBALL ONLY is wrong period.


I just don't understand how you think it's ok.

Also, we aren't talking about 1 player, we are talking about 9 or 11. Why do they even call it Cordia Basketball team because there is nothing about that team that is Cordia except for the gym they use during the season.


Basically they are paying kids to be there so they should be a NBA team. Paid athletes = professionals.


Also what does it matter if they were good or not? They still acquired players illegally. If you want to allow recruiting to go on then open it up state wide and have all districts open enrollment and then we'd have a filed day.


Did I miss that? if so, I need to apologize and back away slowly. Kids chose to go to Cordia to play basketball. They most likely didn't like the situation they were in at their old school and chose to play at another school. In many of the cases, parents uprooted and moved to Knott County. No different than a family selling a house in Walton and moving to Union or Fort Thomas.

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Did I miss that? if so, I need to apologize and back away slowly. Kids chose to go to Cordia to play basketball. They most likely didn't like the situation they were in at their old school and chose to play at another school. In many of the cases, parents uprooted and moved to Knott County. No different than a family selling a house in Walton and moving to Union or Fort Thomas.

If you missed it then you didn't read the allegations KHSAA put out. Paying for plane tickets, buying clothes, paying families to relocate etc.

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Did I miss that? if so, I need to apologize and back away slowly. Kids chose to go to Cordia to play basketball. They most likely didn't like the situation they were in at their old school and chose to play at another school. In many of the cases, parents uprooted and moved to Knott County. No different than a family selling a house in Walton and moving to Union or Fort Thomas.

So I guess you have a problem with SK's football transfer this year then huh?

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My original point was that it would have been a bigger deal if the kids had come from local schools and transferred into Cordia. I was trying to say that it's not as big of a deal because the kids are from all over the country.


Lots of talk about paying for this and the other. We should sit down and talk about the free things OJ Mayo got while going to HS in KY and OH. Plane tickets, apartments, clothing, jewelry, etc. He's just one example.


You think Quick ended up at Trinity because he wanted a good catholic education?

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I mean building up a school that's never won anything to the point that the rest of the teams in the region, including the one that has transfers from New York, Philadelphia, Sheldon Clark, Buckhorn, and Breathitt County over the past few years will let an assistant build a case against them, then yes.


Don't understand the knock on east KY. What other school have former NBA players and college assistants coaching?

I dont either, on the bolded.


Eastern Kentucky seems to be getting a lot of attention on the transfer issue, but what goes on in the mountains as far as transfers pales in comparsion with a county such as Jefferson with a 700,000 plus population and an open enrollment policy. Players hop around from one school to another quite frequently. I talked to a coach at the boys high school state tournament a few years ago who was at a school that loses players to the better known schools fairly often. He said that it was common to see coaches and "scouts" with clipboards in the bleachers at middle school games getting a look at the upcoming talent. He said it was not uncommon for coaches or boosters to encourage students to enroll in schools out of their district, and that is why some of the same schools are always powerful in basketball, baseball, and football, as well as other sports. I'm sure it is illegal to do that but also very difficult to nail someone for it.

Cordia did indeed go to the extreme in what they did, but some on here seem to be saying that it's basicly okay if they had only brought in 1 or 2 kids from out of state, or country, but anything more than that is wrong. I know some other schools close to Cordia that have at least one player from out of state (and a few transfers from in state), but not much has been said about those cases.

And is it okay if some of the metropolitan schools create All Star AAU type teams through the open enrollment policies? Due to a huge population they have a large pool of talent right in their back yards for transferring. The only difference in Cordia is they made their geographical circle a little bigger with the kids they got. But a transfer is a transfer, regardless of whether they are from a neighboring county, another school in the county, or from another state or country.

Some of the dialogue on here has been slightly hypocritical in some cases, imo.

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If you missed it then you didn't read the allegations KHSAA put out. Paying for plane tickets, buying clothes, paying families to relocate etc.


It's been said on here a few times, the kid who got clothing paid for was a kid who grew up in the Cordia community and who was given the clothes through the Lotts Creek Community school. Trust me, this kid wasn't some star athlete that was moving in from somewhere else, he was a kid in the community that people were helping out.


I wouldn't be surprised in the least if the plane ticket for a kid to go home and back weren't for something serious like a death in the family to attend a funeral and the kid didn't have the money to get there and back on hand. It's not like they flew him out to Vegas to watch a prizefight and back or flew him down to Miami for a weekend at the beach.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thank God, this issue needs to be put to rest already!!!! :ohbrother:

Won't happen.

After the Board of Control makes it's ruling there will be another thread about the BOC ruling, probably 4 pages long. Lol.


And to think that before Rhodes arrived to Lotts Creek no one outside of the 14th region even knew Cordia existed.

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