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Obama's views on Presidential vacays before he was President

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I'm surprised, it took longer before the "the other side does it too card" although I was surprised at who the first one to illicit it was.


I didn't vote for Obama and I am not a Democrat, so spare me that line. I'm not trying to justify anything; just pointing out reality.

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Yes it is. First time ever. No other President or Presidential candidate has EVER changed his views/opinions on something, or done something different that what he said at an earlier point in time.


While I hate to defend the man but for that matter, doesn't everyone's views on certain things change over time?! I know mine have as I've gotten older and wiser.

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Technically, I guess it could be considered waffling. I just think there are other areas where that drum should be beaten (i.e. deficit spending is "unpatriotic").



I forgot about that one. Go back to post #3. As I said the vacation stuff if trivial, just another example.

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But this president also ran on a platform of positive change and transparency as well and "bridging" the aisle.
Right, because every other politician runs on negative outputs, opaqueness, and "widening" the divide on Capitol Hill.
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But this president also ran on a platform of positive change and transparency as well and "bridging" the aisle.


Its funny, but these are things our buddy Mitch has done for which he is crucified...by his own party for bridging the aisle and the other party for being honest. Promising new jobs is not his primary responsibility as he pointed out, there are other cabinets and people paid big bucks who HAVE that responsibility, and he is pointing that out. This is the key phrase and cornerstone of AL Grimes campaign. I am just not sure people even try to understand facts and details anymore.


Obama has not disappointed me because I have always maintained low expectations. He is the manchurian candidate propped up by effectively managed media and campaigning and enormous "mystery" funding, but with no substance behind him. I am pleased he isn't more effective because we would be in big trouble.

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Take 2. Everybody does it so it's not an issue now. Got it.


Sure it's an issue. The "everyone else has done it" argument keeps popping up because many are quick to point out one sides shortcomings and vilify them for it, while ignoring the transgressions of their side. Let's be honest...neither side is going to score very many points in a "truth" contest. Every politician says what they feel they need to say to get elected. And waffling and changing positions happens just as much on the right as it does the left. It'll be just as tiresome when the left is on the side of the ball pointing out every wart on a republican president.

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Well.....legally he could not do that....legally...Its a law he is obligated to enforce now - whether its his baby or not.


Wait a minute, hasn't he already made over 40 changes to the law? Couldn't that in itself be construed as waffling? He wanted the law passed but after seeing how badly it was going to affect his chances of keeping both houses he started gutting the most onerous parts of it.

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