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LA Clippers owner banned for life

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You make it sound like Sterling made one off-color comment and got banned from the NBA for it, which isn't the case at all.


I believe that his past behavior did factor into the decison but that is not what Adam Silver said.


Q. Was the punishment designed in effect to get the message across to Mr. Sterling that there's no point in him there's no advantage, nothing to be gained from him continuing his ownership? And also in determining what the punishment would be, including the suggestion to the Board of Governors, did you take into account Mr. Sterling's past behavior, or was it just based on this one particular incident?


ADAM SILVER: In meting out this punishment we did not take into account his past behavior. When the board ultimately considers his overall fitness to be an owner in the NBA, they will take into account a lifetime of behavior.

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Jay Z is a part owner of the Brooklyn Nets.

Jay Z Sparks Controversy With Five Percent Nation Bling | The Chicago Defender

Check out the meaning of his necklace and yes he admits he knows what it stands for?

Is this racist?

He is an owner isn't he.


Isn't Jay-Z getting out of his stake?


Besides, it would be a bigger deal if Prokhorov went on record with unflattering remarks about Jews, which, given the general Russian prejudice that exists toward Jews, wouldn't be all that shocking.

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I think Silver made a great decision with a lifetime ban and highest fine allowed. I'm cool with a forced sell. Actually, I'd be cool if it was a forced sell to the league at a FMV to expedite the process (no idea if that's an option). An outright taking of the Clippers gives me a lot of pause, as it should most.


From what I've read it would be a forced sell which is much different than taking his business. A distinction that seems to be lost on some.


I don't see how it wouldn't be sold at Fair Market Value. There is a limited supply of NBA franchises and I would have to believe that there will be multiple buyers interested. It wouldn't surprise me to see the team go for much more than is currently projected.

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I think that one can have concerns with what was done without being supportive of Sterling.


It does bother me that that a conversation that a man had privately has lead to this, especially if the recording was made illegally.


My biggest concern is that it appears to set a precident that if an owner says something that is unpopular the NBA has the ability to strip them of their team. I'm not sure what other topic could be as polarizing as racism but who knows what will happen in the future.


As I have stated before I don't think he was long for owning the team anyway, given the public outrage, so to me him losing the team is not really relavent to my concerns as to the fact the league is now allowed to punish owners for unpopular speech or opinions.


You know how you keep your private conversations, well, private? You don't cheat on your wife. You especially don't cheat on your wife with a woman that is half black and then spew racism her way and expect nothing to come of it.


You want your private conversations to have no larger impact? How about not being a gigantic racist jackhole that owns a franchise in a league that is 80% black. Just a thought...

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Right, for now. I would be shocked if he doesn't take legal action of some kind.


I think Sterling is starting to realize the kind of hole he's dug himself into. It isn't just this, it's that this comes after his whole history.


He's an older guy and really might not be able to take the kind of heat that's being brought on him from a health standpoint. He's basically being "ghosted" and treated like he has the plague. No one is going to be rushing to his cause or wanting to have the appearance of being overly sympathetic to him. Any break he gets is something that would probably be given to anyone.


There are only so many times you can file a suit before you get labeled with something similar to "crying wolf".


He may file something and he may even win, but I wouldn't be shocked if he just tries to cut his loses and fade from the public spotlight. I'm going to guess he's wanting to avoid making any headlines for awhile.

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I'm glad they are booting him.


But no one has a problem with Magic being a piece in this puzzle, then offers to buy the team?


If Magic ends up with any part of the ownership of the Clippers, this smells of the biggest setup in the history of the NBA.

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So what if he doesn't pay the fine. What more could they do to him.


Probably some serious consequences if he doesn't pay the fine (which probably isn't even that much to him in the grand scheme of things anyway). I might even go as far as to say that he's probably even better off just paying the fine than what he'd have to pay someone to fight it court.


I'd imagine that refusal to pay a fine would pretty much give the NBA enough ammo to really destroy him. He couldn't try to take the organization to court for violation of their bylaws, CBA, etc. if he didn't abide by them himself.


I'd liken it to this (exaggerated example, but I think you'll get the point): in some states, even if you have a landlord whose letting raw sewage leak into the property you rent from them, you still have a duty to pay the rent and then sue for damages later. If you withhold the rent, even if you have a great case otherwise, then you are just doing yourself harm. Again, that's overly dramatic, and if you have a landlord whose letting raw sewage leak into your rental property, then you probably need to talk to a lawyer who deals with that area of litigation.

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You know how you keep your private conversations, well, private? You don't cheat on your wife. You especially don't cheat on your wife with a woman that is half black and then spew racism her way and expect nothing to come of it.


You want your private conversations to have no larger impact? How about not being a gigantic racist jackhole that owns a franchise in a league that is 80% black. Just a thought...


I agree that he is an idiot. As someone involved with the NBA you really cannot do any worse than be seen as a racist. I cannot condone his adulterous or racist behavior. But I'm not going to change my mind that it is a slippery slope when you allow people to be punished for their opinions. Maybe the league will get 100% support of the other owners but you have to think that there our others with some skeletons in their closets as well. Might think twice before voting.

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Probably some serious consequences if he doesn't pay the fine (which probably isn't even that much to him in the grand scheme of things anyway). I might even go as far as to say that he's probably even better off just paying the fine than what he'd have to pay someone to fight it court.


I'd imagine that refusal to pay a fine would pretty much give the NBA enough ammo to really destroy him. He couldn't try to take the organization to court for violation of their bylaws, CBA, etc. if he didn't abide by them himself.


I'd liken it to this (exaggerated example, but I think you'll get the point): in some states, even if you have a landlord whose letting raw sewage leak into the property you rent from them, you still have a duty to pay the rent and then sue for damages later. If you withhold the rent, even if you have a great case otherwise, then you are just doing yourself harm. Again, that's overly dramatic, and if you have a landlord whose letting raw sewage leak into your rental property, then you probably need to talk to a lawyer who deals with that area of litigation.


They have already banned him for life, and declared that they will attempt to forciblly make him sell the team, short of stealing the team from him, what more could they do. Why pay the fine if you are him. Are they going to be like the US criminal courts and ban him for two lives.

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They have already banned him for life, and declared that they will attempt to forciblly make him sell the team, short of stealing the team from him, what more could they do. Why pay the fine if you are him. Are they going to be like the US criminal courts and ban him for two lives.


Please. He just crapped 2.5 million an hour ago. That's pennies to a billionaire.

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