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LA Clippers owner banned for life

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Sterling didn't want to pay so much money for J.J. Redick because he's a white player. This guy is messed up and needs to rest peacefully before he dies. His girlfriend is messed up too. They were made for each other.

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Sterling didn't want to pay so much money for J.J. Redick because he's a white player. This guy is messed up and needs to rest peacefully before he dies. His girlfriend is messed up too. They were made for each other.


On the scale of Sterling atrocities, that's the least of the public's concerns.


We're talking about a guy whose employees testified under oath, in a court of law:

"Sterling's preference for Asians extended to the people he wanted in his buildings. "I like Korean employees and I like Korean tenants," he told Dean Segal, chief engineer at a Sterling property called the Mark Wilshire Tower Apartments, according to testimony Segal gave in the Housing Rights Center case. And Davenport testified that Sterling told her, "I don't have to spend any more money on them, they will take whatever conditions I give them and still pay the rent … so I'm going to keep buying in Koreatown."



Not really a model citizen himself, so if Magic is hearing Sterling call him a bad role model, he should probably take it as a compliment.

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The latest Sterling interview was a disaster.


Definitely do himself any favors and I thought he definitely made himself look worse. His comments about Magic Johnson, wow. You'll never win any sympathy by saying that a successful black man isn't doing enough for the black community.

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Sterling keeps saying, "I made one mistake in 35 years", is that referring to him paying the largest ever Federal penalty for a violation of laws on housing or the comments on Magic?


Sterling is going to keep opening his mouth and making himself look worse and worse. He's only devaluing his team as he drags this out, both through his own actions and the NBA executives finding ways to screw him over. I think the NBA is the most rigged professional league and you saw the type of calls going against the Clippers late in Game 6 last night. Sterling is trying to play hardball with a guy in Adam Silver who went to the University of Chicago School of Law (think Ivy League good) and is no fool when it comes to what he can and can't legally do. What's worse, Silver is new to the job and this is his first big task, so you know he wants to set a precedent by looking tough.


Even if Sterling gets his wishes and keeps the team, the mass boycotts and exodus of players and coaches will essentially sink the franchise. No one is on Sterling's side in any of this, and it's him and his team of attorneys against the other owners, the league, and their teams of attorneys who want to sink him at all costs. He holds on while running the franchise into the ground and making the franchise sell cheaper to the group who eventually buys.


Sterling is so out of touch with reality that he doesn't understand what he's doing in all of this and that the longer he drags it out, the worse it gets for him. I think that eventually, the stress of the entire situation ends up killing him quicker.

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This sounds so reminiscent of Marge Schott. I do think their is a generational issue involved. Not condoning the guys comments, but also not sure you can teach an old dog new tricks. I bet he doesn't even have a Facebook page...

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