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Smoking pot in elementry school bathroom


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What you don't realize is physiology has a lot to do with age. An adolescent child is not fully developed. In fact you are not fully developed until your mid to late 20's. Thus anything you do in early age (before fully developed) whether it be alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, etc. can have a significant effect on your development. In otherwords some of these things may be better for your health once you have fully developed, but can have some adverse health effects if you consume them before you are fully developed. Ultimately meaning it may end up being relatively safe for a 20 something to blaze a joint but a child could stunt their growth or effect their development by consuming too early.


So drinking age should be raised!:thumb: What would you suggest 25,27...maybe 30


Guys I'm not saying that kids should be allowed to smoke it, I don't think adults should either. All I'm saying is that it is disingenuous to think that it isn't more harmful than good for those using it at any age.

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I have never once stated that smoking pot is healthy. Again, I don't recall anyone alleging that pot is healthy in my 12+ years on BGP, but I could be mistaken.


Even the most fervent legalization supporters would agree that marijuana has some health risks associated with it. After all, you're inhaling smoke. Now, you'll hear people claim that it's not as dangerous as cigarettes, nor as addicting as other drugs, but I don't think anyone is naive enough to believe that there is no health risk associated with it.


I'm on your side on this argument but the bolded isn't always true. There are plenty on the pro pot side of the argument who want to make the case it has little if any side affects. I think that mind set has hurt their movement.

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I've heard Obama talk about when he smoked pot and he has never, in any way, glorified it or said anything that would make a 3rd or 4th grader think, wow, that's cool I'm no fan of Obama, but come on. These kids either have broken homes, bad influences or older siblings.

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I've heard Obama talk about when he smoked pot and he has never, in any way, glorified it or said anything that would make a 3rd or 4th grader think, wow, that's cool I'm no fan of Obama, but come on. These kids either have broken homes, bad influences or older siblings.


I don't think the bolded has anything to do with it. My opinion is that these kids hear that it IS LEGAL and causes them to THINK it's ok to smoke pot, and AGE has nothing to do with it.


The article said that "there may be some juvenile time" but at the moment, they were turned over to their parents.


A friend of my grandson was caught on school grounds with a cigarette that was not lit in the school parking lot and he is 17 years old. He was suspended for 3 days and had to clean local churches for 8 hours a day while on suspension. I guess it's what part of the country your brought up in. :idunno:

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What you don't realize is physiology has a lot to do with age. An adolescent child is not fully developed. In fact you are not fully developed until your mid to late 20's.


There have been proven physiological changes in the brains of male 20 year olds using marajuana . I am sure alcohol consumption leads to changes too. The reckless behaviors exhibited behind the wheel of a car are bad enough. We shouldn't offer them another tool for their immature behaviors. They are not mature, no matter what they think. So NO marajuana use for under 21 for me.

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So we know that only one class did it and not others around America?


Are we really gonna play this game again? You sited one group of students that read the book... Do we know that other groups around America did in fact read the book, or ones similar? A significant group of students, not just a handful?

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For everyone who has screamed marijuana isn't bad for you etc. then they should have no problem with a 1st grader smoking it.


Come on HB, so since beer is legal no one should care if a 1st grader is drinking it?


Why do people (not singling you out, but this thread is crazy) have to go to such silly extremes to try and prove a point. Whether or not you support Marijuana being legal, no one would support that for a minor. Let's not be ridiculous.


Mountain Ref, if you want to elect someone who has never done anything wrong and thus will be a great role model for kids, we are about 2,000 years to late to find him. I'm a republican who voted against Obama twice, but Lord, let it go.


This issue is 100% a parent issue, and as the parent of a 3rd grader, I can tell you, he has nary an idea what marijuana is.

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Come on HB, so since beer is legal no one should care if a 1st grader is drinking it?


The big difference here is that no one has ever said alcohol isn't harmful if taken in excess. A lot of people however have said there are no ill affects of smoking marijuana.


That is the point that was being made to show how ignorant it is to think there are no bad effects of smoking.

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The big difference here is that no one has ever said alcohol isn't harmful if taken in excess. A lot of people however have said there are no ill affects of smoking marijuana.


That is the point that was being made to show how ignorant it is to think there are no bad effects of smoking.


So in order to reinforce your argument against the legalization of marijuana, you chose to extrapolate that someone saying MJ doesn't have harmful side effects should mean it is okay for a 1st grader to smoke? You don't think you could / should have assumed they were speaking of an adult smoking it? Again, when you (plural) take such crazy extremes in a debate, you always lose credibility.


Whatever your stance on legal marijuana, let's all be big boys and girls and assume they mean for ADULTS, and that no one wants kids smoking it.

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So in order to reinforce your argument against the legalization of marijuana, you chose to extrapolate that someone saying MJ doesn't have harmful side effects should mean it is okay for a 1st grader to smoke? You don't think you could / should have assumed they were speaking of an adult smoking it? Again, when you (plural) take such crazy extremes in a debate, you always lose credibility.


Whatever your stance on legal marijuana, let's all be big boys and girls and assume they mean for ADULTS, and that no one wants kids smoking it.

My point is simple. I know for a fact that it can be very harmful. There are too many out there that believe it isn't harmful. If that is the case then I would think they wouldn't have any issue with a 3rd grader smoking it if it can't harm them. Doesn't matter if they are an adult or not, the affects of marijuana is not like alcohol where body weight etc. contribute to the affects of alcohol. Marijuana it doesn't matter body weight etc. That was my point.


I may be way off base here, but I believe many who claim they do not see the harm in marijuana usage etc. only say that without any hard facts but instead because they themselves use it and want to justify their own use of the drug.

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I may be way off base here, but I believe many who claim they do not see the harm in marijuana usage etc. only say that without any hard facts but instead because they themselves use it and want to justify their own use of the drug.


I think you're way off base. I smoked marijuana occasionally in college, but no longer indulge...although I feel like I should since I get stuck defending its legalization on BGP on a weekly basis. :lol:


The bottom line is that I feel marijuana has legitimate medicinal uses and benefits, especially to those who are sick and/or suffering.


I also support an individual's decision to smoke recreational marijuana, if he chooses to do so. Of course, that comes with some restrictions (which are very similar to alcohol): he must be an adult (either 18 or 21), he must not do so while operating a vehicle, he must not do so in a public place, etc.


I also support the legalization of marijuana due to the increased tax revenue that it would create. In January alone, Colorado sold approximately $14 MILLION worth of marijuana. From that $14,000,000, the state collected taxes totaling over $2 Million from recreational marijuana and over $1.5 million in medicinal marijuana. That's $3.5 MILLION in added tax revenue...in one month alone.


If your position is that marijuana should be illegal because it has negative health effects, then there's a long laundry list of items that should be outlawed. Quite frankly, I think a lot of anti-legalization folks get caught up in the "stigma" of pot and cannot get past what they foresee as the problems, rather than objectively looking at the facts.

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So in order to reinforce your argument against the legalization of marijuana, you chose to extrapolate that someone saying MJ doesn't have harmful side effects should mean it is okay for a 1st grader to smoke? You don't think you could / should have assumed they were speaking of an adult smoking it? Again, when you (plural) take such crazy extremes in a debate, you always lose credibility.


Whatever your stance on legal marijuana, let's all be big boys and girls and assume they mean for ADULTS, and that no one wants kids smoking it.


Sounds logical...to most.

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