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Canadian Child Dies At School - School Policy Required Inhaler To Be Kept In Office


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Sad story. Can't imagine what the parents must be going through.


The kid's inhaler was in a Principal's Office which was locked. The school had previously confiscated inhalers that the child had carried on him. Looks like a whale of a lawsuit, but no amount of money is going to bring the life back.


Ontario mom urges schools to let asthmatic kids carry puffers - Ottawa - CBC News

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That's just horrible. Why the hell didn't someone kick the door open?


Signs it's bad: there were children on the playground who carried him to the office. I know teachers can't watch kids 100% of the time, but you would think someone would notice a group of children trying to carry another kid to get medical attention and probably be right in thinking things should have never escalated to that point.

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Someones pants will be sued off over this; and that won't even touch what the parents must be going thru.


I can't even imagine what the parents are thinking. Honestly would be hard to stick around there, I'm not a parent but have 3 nephews ages 3 &5. I know I wouldn't want to see me if you were responsible for one of their deaths, not saying I'd resort to violence but you just wouldn't want to see me. Perhaps there's more to the story or something is missing but it sounds awful.

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The idiots running that school need to suffer. If it were my child, my life's goal would be to make their lives as miserable as humanly possible.


There should be no lawsuit IMO. No amount of money can replace what they've lost. Throwing money at the "wound" won't make it go away any quicker.

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I can't even imagine what the parents are thinking. Honestly would be hard to stick around there, I'm not a parent but have 3 nephews ages 3 &5. I know I wouldn't want to see me if you were responsible for one of their deaths, not saying I'd resort to violence but you just wouldn't want to see me. Perhaps there's more to the story or something is missing but it sounds awful.


I think there's a very good chance that I would. I'm not a violent person in any way, but when it comes to my family and their well-being, all bets are off.

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The idiots running that school need to suffer. If it were my child, my life's goal would be to make their lives as miserable as humanly possible.


There should be no lawsuit IMO. No amount of money can replace what they've lost. Throwing money at the "wound" won't make it go away any quicker.


It'll make a lot of districts rethink their policies because they don't want to be next though.

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My daughter attended elementary and high school with a child who had asthma. Her parents had her well educated, even in kindergarten, on how to use her inhaler. She had a doctor's order to have her inhaler on her at all times and she kept it in her fanny pack. The parents were very clear with her teachers and the administration that this was the way it was going to be.


The school was smart enough to understand and make accommodations. The school never had a problem with this young lady


Inhalers carried on people are known as "rescue inhalers". How much rescuing can be done when they are locked in someone's office? Tragic!

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As someone who suffered from asthma when I was younger, I empathize not only for the parents, but really feel for the child in the way they died. It is undescribable how scary it is when you can't catch your breath. I can only describe it as feeling like your drowning, but on dry land. You take a breath, but it's not enough. And the next one is the same, only maybe more difficult. And the spiral only continues downward. This was not a painless death, without suffering.


I wouldn't care about a single dang dime from a lawsuit. As a parent, I'd be looking for negligent homicide charges to be filed. And, if that didn't happen, I firmly believe someone else would be suffering a similar fate at my hands. I know that's bad to say. But, when it comes to my kid, all bets are off.

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I have gotten into some spirited discussions regarding lawyers and lawsuits, quick synopsis I think there are way to many lawyers and lawsuits. That said there parents should sue and I hope they get a favorable judgement. It won't bring their son back but will send a message to boneheaded school officials. This is a great example of what the legal system is designed to address.


Now a question. In the US this lawsuit would likely be thrown out because public schools are a state entity and enjoy the protections of sovereign immunity. (See the lawsuit over the football players death at Henderson Co. a few years ago) Does Canada extend the same protections to government entities?

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