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Canadian Child Dies At School - School Policy Required Inhaler To Be Kept In Office


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Why is the only inhaler in the principles office? Why doesn't the teacher have one too?


How about the anguish for his classmates? They had to stand by helplessly and witness what no kid should have to see; their classmates agonizing death.

That's going to scar them for life.

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Why is the only inhaler in the principles office? Why doesn't the teacher have one too?


How about the anguish for his classmates? They had to stand by helplessly and witness what no kid should have to see; their classmates agonizing death.

That's going to scar them for life.



Yeah that is what stings about all of this, just a horrible policy. Knowing all the stresses and how hectic it is for administration that is probably the last place in the school you would have wanted the inhaler. I'm sure if someone ran in asking for it the principle would probably hit them with the biggest I don't know what you're talking about look because I'm sure he either A.) forgot about even having it, or B.) likely didn't care enough to know why it was there and which child it was for. Only thing I can think of is that they confiscated an inhaler and it ended up in the principles office somehow (much like a cell phone or any other confiscated item). Just horrible planning and sadly it cost someone their life. Like you said, should have been with a teacher or an aid that had easy access to it in case of emergency.

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Whatever you are thinking add a couple of more zeros.


Just horrible.


Possibly not. I don't believe lawsuits in Canada have anywhere near the punative damages that American lawsuits do. Atleast what I am told by Canadians who cite that as the reason why malpractice insurance is so much cheaper in Canada. Maybe that only applies to medical lawsuits?

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Having a kids inhaler locked in an office is about as useful as having all the schools fire extinguishers locked in a room.


It's not a big deal until you need it.


Like I said I have the feeling it was locked up in there not for safe keeping in time of need, but was likely there because it was removed from the students possession (as if contraband or an illegal school item). Don't see any other reason why the principle would have it in his office. Makes no sense.

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