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Alcohol issues and the Chicago Bulls Challenge


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I've been having this internal debate on whether I am dependent on alcohol. I don't have a drink of alchohol more than one or two days out of the week, however, I have to fight off some serious urges during the week.


I created this challenge to see if I had control over alcohol, or it over me. I took the complete schedule of the '95-'96 Chicago Bulls. The team went (including playoffs) 87 and 13 for the season. As a challenge to myself, I tried to better that record. Every day without a drink was a win and if I had just one beer or glass of wine it was a loss. Needless to say, I've tried it twice, and the best I could do would probably be as a 6 seed in the Eastern Conference. I'm giving it a go again starting in September.


Anybody else ever think in this vein?

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You know, I think that is pretty interesting mexitucky. I might start on July 1st (since its a Sunday) and see what kind of win record I would post. My problem isn't so much the amount of days I drink an alcoholic beverage (usually 2 days a week tops). Mine is more the binge drinking come the weekend and I'd imagine the amount I drink on a Saturday would equal plenty more than most on here do in a week, probably several weeks for some. And I don't say that to try and sound "cool", more just how I get after it come the weekend lol.


I think in a year, I would have a win percetage of roughly .650 but I really have no idea.


I really do think I will keep track of that and just see what happens.

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I imagine my record would be well under .500 if I tried that. :lol: But, I think if you really want to challenge yourself then you can't give yourself an out (i.e. "I'll just take a loss today and get a few more wins later this week"), it's got to be an all or nothing kind of thing (i.e. go for a month without drinking and if you have a drink then you have to start from the beginning). With that said, no thanks. :lol:

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I am so consumed with my training schedules I have cut back tremendously on drinking. I still have my moments. During the summer I find myself drinking a few more beers and such poolside with some additional bottles of wine, but those are normally post-long workout day.


At one point I could have annihilated the Charlotte Bobcats and their winning percentage from this season. I sometimes wonder if my 19-24 year old days will come back to haunt me at some point. I put my body through some alcoholic abuse.

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I imagine my record would be well under .500 if I tried that. :lol: But, I think if you really want to challenge yourself then you can't give yourself an out (i.e. "I'll just take a loss today and get a few more wins later this week"), it's got to be an all or nothing kind of thing (i.e. go for a month without drinking and if you have a drink then you have to start from the beginning). With that said, no thanks. :lol:


I understand the all or nothing, but for me, that was too daunting. For a truly competitive person (which I no longer am), you would want to go undefeated and then the end record would be the same for both types of restriction.

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I understand the all or nothing, but for me, that was too daunting. For a truly competitive person (which I no longer am), you would want to go undefeated and then the end record would be the same for both types of restriction.
If you just have a desire to drink, that's one thing. If you don't want to drink, but you NEED to drink, then you have an issue. It's hard to break the habit of something we enjoy, but if it comes to the point where you're not doing it for enjoyment, you probably have more of an addiction than a simple habit.


The important thing to consider is whether or not your drinking is having any negative affect on you or your family. And in that consideration you have to factor in the risk of damaging your health (both current and future) by excessive use of alcohol.

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