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I wasn't sure where to put this, so, I'm putting it here in Controversial Issues.


Ya'll know where I fall on the poltical spectrum. Well, probably surprising to you is that I keep my mouth shut about politics at work. But, I'm about to lose it. The mailboxes are located just outside my office. Every afternoon, a group of individuals congregate for anywhere from a half an hour to an hour, and inevitably the conversation turns to politics. It's like having a "real life" P&R discussion, and (as usual) I am the opposite opinion. Now, unlike the P&R forum, I listen to what's being said, but don't participate in the discussion. BUT IT'S DRIVING ME CRAZY! Should I say something to them? Should I put in my 2 cents?


My last resort option that I'm considering is to always keep my office door shut. But that seems so unfriendly, and I hate to seem unfriendly.


What would you do?

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I think it would probably be viewed as just as unfriendly if you said something to the group. Maybe you could shut your door but leave it cracked open so people know they can disturb you if need be.


I feel your pain, btw. I am all too close to a group that not only talks loud, but in Chinese, all day long; and I don't have a door to close.


Good luck.

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Why not pick their weakest point and blow them up on it with a smile. Then when they question you about it tell them you couldn't resist because you always hear them pontificating on the topic while you are trying to WORK.

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Let it go, you won't convince anyone and if they're co-workers, it may cause unwanted problems. Crank up the radio when it happens if that's a possibility.


I agree.


If a political conversation has potential to turn out bad then let it go. Not being able to get along with co-workers for any reason is never acceptable, IMO.

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Happens to me every now and then. I usually keep my views to myself unless asked. Politics is weird and people get bent out of shape really quick. :lol: Maybe leave the door open and plug in some earbuds.

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Why not pick their weakest point and blow them up on it with a smile. Then when they question you about it tell them you couldn't resist because you always hear them pontificating on the topic while you are trying to WORK.


Had to do this to a nun when I was on the school board of my kids grade school a few years back on the topic of "social justice", you could hear a pin drop after I had finished my "eloquent tirade" on my opposition to the subject. Obviously in the end we agreed to disagree, but I got it of my chest.

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You can't let it go !!!!!!


You have two moral responsibilities in this life......Educating stupid people and forcing Michigan drivers that drive slow, out of the left hand passing lane on the expressway.


Just start your point with the classic Dan Akroyd "Jane you ignorant s#$%" .....then it becomes a "bit."

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I wasn't sure where to put this, so, I'm putting it here in Controversial Issues.


Ya'll know where I fall on the poltical spectrum. Well, probably surprising to you is that I keep my mouth shut about politics at work. But, I'm about to lose it. The mailboxes are located just outside my office. Every afternoon, a group of individuals congregate for anywhere from a half an hour to an hour, and inevitably the conversation turns to politics. It's like having a "real life" P&R discussion, and (as usual) I am the opposite opinion. Now, unlike the P&R forum, I listen to what's being said, but don't participate in the discussion. BUT IT'S DRIVING ME CRAZY! Should I say something to them? Should I put in my 2 cents?


My last resort option that I'm considering is to always keep my office door shut. But that seems so unfriendly, and I hate to seem unfriendly.


What would you do?


I'd let the boss know that workers are spending 30 plus minutes a day standing around the mailbox not getting work accomplished. If the boss is in the group, I'd close the door and explain that you were having a hard time concentrating with the talk going on. I keep my door closed all the time for that reason and for the reason that I don't want my telephone conversations with my clients to be overheard by someone out in the hallway.

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I'd let the boss know that workers are spending 30 plus minutes a day standing around the mailbox not getting work accomplished. If the boss is in the group, I'd close the door and explain that you were having a hard time concentrating with the talk going on. I keep my door closed all the time for that reason and for the reason that I don't want my telephone conversations with my clients to be overheard by someone out in the hallway.


Are we certain they're "on the clock" for this time?

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