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Pres. Obama using killing of OBL as politcal gain.


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What do you think, he has come under fire for this by the GOP, Navy Seals and some media.

Bill Clintonon the TV ad defending Pres. Obama, when really BC had the chance himself a few times to kill OBL.


But the actual problem I see is if they didnt want to show the pictures for fear of reprisals and outrage, then Pres. Obama using it as a celebratory thing would make it as bad IMO.


Obama facing broad criticism for 'politicizing' bin Laden raid | Fox News

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Why should he not take credit for it? He was the POTUS who gave the order and "got" him. He should get credit, and if he's able to use that for political gain, I see zero issue.


As far as the pictures go, I thought the courts won't allow them to be released....How is that President Obama's fault?

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Why should he not take credit for it? He was the POTUS who gave the order and "got" him. He should get credit, and if he's able to use that for political gain, I see zero issue.


As far as the pictures go, I thought the courts won't allow them to be released....How is that President Obama's fault?


The WH wouldnt let the picts be released then the court backed it up. It was due to fueling the fire, which is what POTHUS is doing right now. Will he take credit for other things too, like our huge debt, Fast and Furious (WH staff knew about it).

Can you just take credit for good stuff?

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What POTUS said concerning the photos and glorifying of them.


In an interview with Steve Kroft for this Sunday's "60 Minutes" conducted today, President Obama said he won't release post-mortem images of Osama bin Laden taken to prove his death.


"It is important to make sure that very graphic photos of somebody who was shot in the head are not floating around as an incitement to additional violence or as a propaganda tool," said the president.


"We don't trot out this stuff as trophies," Mr. Obama added. "The fact of the matter is, this is somebody who was deserving of the justice that he received."


The president said he had discussed the issue with his intelligence team, including Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and that they agree with the decision. White House press secretary Jay Carney said Wednesday that Mr. Obama made the decision today.

President Obama interviewed on "60 Minutes," May 4, 2011.

(Credit: CBS) In explaining his choice not to release the photo, Mr. Obama said that "we don't need to spike the football."


Seems the football is being spiked on the campaign ad. Typical of him to say one thing and do the other for gain.

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Why should he not take credit for it? He was the POTUS who gave the order and "got" him. He should get credit, and if he's able to use that for political gain, I see zero issue.


As far as the pictures go, I thought the courts won't allow them to be released....How is that President Obama's fault?


Unless Obama is the courts, he is the one who made the decison.

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^I don't necessarily agree with it or think it's right, but I'm also not stupid enough to believe that had McCain or (insert any other politician here) been in office that they wouldn't be doing the same thing. Non-issue to me.


I hear you. I'd run it into the ground.:lol: Especially right now at the 1 year anniversary. I can see it now....




Vote for Obama. He killed Osama bin Laden.


This ad was paid for by the guy who killed Osama bin Laden.

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I hear you. I'd run it into the ground.:lol: Especially right now at the 1 year anniversary. I can see it now....




Vote for Obama. He killed Osama bin Laden.


This ad was paid for by the guy who killed Osama bin Laden.


It would be catchier to say...Vote for Obama...they guy who got Osama...


This ad was paid for by a Christian guy with a Muslim name, often compared to the guy he got.

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Eh, I could see where some find it gauche. But the faux outrage is mostly driven because Republicans can't criticize Obama for actually doing it, so this is the next best option.

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I have no problem with the President using this. Osama bin Laden deserved to be brought to justice & Obama was the one who green-lighted the attack that led to bin Laden's demise. I personally give him credit for that. In fact, I think he would be foolish not to use it.


What I did hear that I didn't like was that Obama allegedly has a campaign ad essentially saying that Mitt Romney would not have done the same thing. I haven't seen the ad, but just heard some rumblings about it. If it's true, I think that is in very poor taste & the President should be criticized. Has anyone else seen this, or can anyone verify/refute this?

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