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Confederate flag dress gets teen booted from prom

Jim Schue

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I genuinely don't understand the obsession people have with the Confederacy. Or the cognitive dissonance of trying to celebrate it while simultaneously trying to convince themselves it means something it did not.


That article could have been taken right out of the Onion. Kim Lee, Texanna, Confederate flag prom dress? The only way they could cram any more stereotypes in there is if a Nascar race was involved.

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I genuinely don't understand the obsession people have with the Confederacy. Or the cognitive dissonance of trying to celebrate it while simultaneously trying to convince themselves it means something it did not.


That article could have been taken right out of the Onion. Kim Lee, Texanna, Confederate flag prom dress? The only way they could cram any more stereotypes in there is if a Nascar race was involved.



Silliness to be sure, but no more so than the Jesse Jackson's and Al Sharpton going around inciting riots and stealing money.

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Warned ahead of time, yet still chose to carry on with her statement. :ohbrother:


I guarantee, this is exactly the publicity that she wanted. Gotta get that 15 min of fame somehow. She could have cared less that she missed out on her Prom.

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Silliness to be sure, but no more so than the Jesse Jackson's and Al Sharpton going around inciting riots and stealing money.


Really, how long you gonna' use this? When is the last time either one of them incited anybody to do anything.

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Okay, so she's a teenager trying to be cool. I guess the confederate flag to her stands for rebellion. And I would also guess that she was rebelling against her teacher or something, maybe?


The fact of the matter is that she was told not to wear it because it would cause problems. She did, and it did. Any American citizen who doesn't see it is a symbol of the Confederacy, and thus a symbol of slavery is just stupid. Sure, you can say that it represents states rights, or individual rights all you want. That's fine. But then ask yourself, what was the major states rights issue back in 1860? Individual rights? I can't really see how it represents individual rights one bit. If anything it represents human atrocities that went on for hundreds of years, culminating in a war that saw over a half of a million dead American citizens and nearly tore our Country apart. Calling the flag a symbol of southern heritage is stupid too for that matter. The flag didn't even exist before 1861.


In reality, if you flaunt around a symbol like that around enough people, you're going to tick someone off. It irritates me when people do things like this for attention.

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Silliness to be sure, but no more so than the Jesse Jackson's and Al Sharpton going around inciting riots and stealing money.


:lol: :lol:


One of the all time biggest reaches in the history of BGP.


And I'm not a fan of either fella but your post has me defending them. What money did they steal and when was the last riot they incited?

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Okay, so she's a teenager trying to be cool. I guess the confederate flag to her stands for rebellion. And I would also guess that she was rebelling against her teacher or something, maybe?


The fact of the matter is that she was told not to wear it because it would cause problems. She did, and it did. Any American citizen who doesn't see it is a symbol of the Confederacy, and thus a symbol of slavery is just stupid. Sure, you can say that it represents states rights, or individual rights all you want. That's fine. But then ask yourself, what was the major states rights issue back in 1860? Individual rights? I can't really see how it represents individual rights one bit. If anything it represents human atrocities that went on for hundreds of years, culminating in a war that saw over a half of a million dead American citizens and nearly tore our Country apart. Calling the flag a symbol of southern heritage is stupid too for that matter. The flag didn't even exist before 1861.


In reality, if you flaunt around a symbol like that around enough people, you're going to tick someone off. It irritates me when people do things like this for attention.


So you are saying (right or wrong) that someone cant express part of our history as a nation? She did nothing wrong, no where in the constitution does it say that you can not wear/display the confederate flag.

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In reality, if you flaunt around a symbol like that around enough people, you're going to tick someone off. It irritates me when people do things like this for attention.


Bet she made Ma and Pa proud! Hometown Heroes for sure.

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