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Signs of getting older....


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I doubled up yesterday. I wear glasses and they're always in the same place. Got up, showered, got dressed, couldn't find my glasses. No one was home. I looked in places that were impossible for them to be . Still couldn't find them. Called my wife (felt like a 85-yr-old by doing so) but she had no clue. As soon as I hung up, I found them.


While looking I found a brand new tags-still-on Cincinnati Reds shirt behind my nightstand. "Huh, I guess this was a Christmas present I got and it fell behind there. Cool. Like the shirt."


Told my wife about it and my theory. She said "You just bought it a month ago."




Hard to find the phone without having the glasses on, too, ain't it? :sssh:


You don't know how many times I've been pitchin' a fit trying to find my glasses with Mrs. S trying to interrupt my tirade…


Me "Where are the %&$%@@ things?" (massive quantities of foul language follows)

Mrs. S "Honey?" "Honey?" "Honey?"

Me "WHAT!!!"

Mrs. S "Look at me. Can you see me?"

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I doubled up yesterday. I wear glasses and they're always in the same place. Got up, showered, got dressed, couldn't find my glasses. No one was home. I looked in places that were impossible for them to be . Still couldn't find them. Called my wife (felt like a 85-yr-old by doing so) but she had no clue. As soon as I hung up, I found them.


While looking I found a brand new tags-still-on Cincinnati Reds shirt behind my nightstand. "Huh, I guess this was a Christmas present I got and it fell behind there. Cool. Like the shirt."


Told my wife about it and my theory. She said "You just bought it a month ago."





The WORST is not being able to find your glasses, and needing your glasses in order to find them. My empathy is with you.

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The WORST is not being able to find your glasses, and needing your glasses in order to find them. My empathy is with you.


Close. The worst is tying a string around your finger as a mnemonic device, then wondering a couple hours later what in the hell you're doing walking around with a piece of string hanging off your finger.

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As we are all getting older, I would like to inform my friends on new acronyms for texting so we can understand each other.


ATD- at the doctor

BFF- best friend fell

BTW- bring the wheelchair

BYOT-bring your own teeth

FWIW- forgot where i was

LMDO- laughing my dentures out

ROFLACGU- rolling on the floor laughing and cant get up

TTML- talk to me louder

T4M- time 4 meds

PMA- ****ed myself again

SHTTF- shouldn't have trusted that fart.

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Let's see I've noticed: need glasses to read the paper & cell phone(texts).


Walgreens has a BOGO on those three packs! Computer, nightstand, kitchen, pocket, family room, car (so you can text--but don't forget to remove so you can drive!)

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How many of you have walked around in a panic unable to find your glasses, only to realize a significant time later that you're wearing them?


I find I have to think about a post 2 or 3 times after reading it, now. Post 31? :D



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At 46, I finally (after over 5 years of being told to do so by my doctor) broke down and got bifocals. It just became too difficult to keep taking my glasses off and putting them back on in meetings.


I often walk into a room full of purpose, only to find myself minutes later standing there with no idea why I came in there.


I often will completely lose my train of thought and totally forget what I was talking about, mid conversation.


Or...the WORST...pulling up google, and forgetting what I wanted to search.


All these things are funny right now...but truth be told, I'm a little worried I have inherited my grandmother's Alzheimers.


I'm the same age and have been told the same thing by my doctor, however I just can't seem to "pull the trigger" to get them. I have to drop them down on my nose and look over the top of them to read and when I'm at church I simply take them off when following the readings. I feel your pain.

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As we are all getting older, I would like to inform my friends on new acronyms for texting so we can understand each other.


ATD- at the doctor

BFF- best friend fell

BTW- bring the wheelchair

BYOT-bring your own teeth

FWIW- forgot where i was

LMDO- laughing my dentures out

ROFLACGU- rolling on the floor laughing and cant get up

TTML- talk to me louder

T4M- time 4 meds

PMA- ****ed myself again

SHTTF- shouldn't have trusted that fart.


:laugh: Too funny.

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