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KHSAA Where are you?!!!!


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ALL highlands players have a Ft. Thomas area code? Would love to see this clarified. Understand they have a $5000 fee for out of district students but how many do they have? If they have many this would discredit the"we just work harder than you or it starts with our youth program" theories. SP) Does all the football players for Trinity pay the same for schooling as a normal student and if not where is the money coming from? I mentioned this before about Trinity in a different thread and thought you Rock people where going to have a heart attack! I'm with larry, If Trinity was a prep school, I would love to see them do well nationally.


Found your questions:


Yes, they pay the same for "schooling" as a normal student. In fact, football players at Trinity are considered normal students.

Monies for financial aid are garnered through fund raisers, including CelebraTion, the main fundraiser each year. The info is available on the Trinity website about financial aid. But, in short, as you obviously have not read the previous bazillion posts about the subject: The amount of need-based financial aid awarded to any student is determined by an out of state service, approved by the KHSAA. The application process for such aid contains no identifying information for the application. These are facts. The facts that are readily available via the Trinity website, and I'm sure that the KHSAA would verify the process for you.


A couple of links for you: Tuition payment plans and additonal fee information, Financial Aid Information Sheet, Financial aid page on the website, and lastly, a brief overview of facts about Trinity.


Please note this paragraph included on the first document linked above:


There are financial aid and tuition rules that apply to students

participating in sports sanctioned by the Kentucky High School

Athletic Association (KHSAA ). To be eligible for KHSAA sports,

no student may receive tuition aid from the school in excess of

the demonstrated need that is determined by Private School Aid

Service. Additionally, no student may participate in KHSAA

sports if all or part of his tuition is paid by someone other than an

immediate family member (defined as the student’s father, mother,

brother, sister, step-father, step-mother, step-brother, step-sister,

aunt, uncle or grandparents).

Edited by rockmom
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I am amazed that the jealousy of Highlands and Trinity is still so prevalent in a thread that started out with nothing to do with Trinity or Highlands. Am I the only person not affiliated with Trinity or Highlands who thinks they run clean and successful programs with kids in this state and that their success is a result of a combination of many things that every school is capable of duplicating? I've said it before and I'll say it again. If I lived in Louisville my boys would go to Trinity or St. X. If I lived in NKY my kids would go to Highlands. All three schools are great learning institutions and they all happen to have tremendous football programs. They recruit themselves. At some point people have to let the jealousy and hate go and recognize greatness when we see it. Period. And fwiw, neither of my boys play football but those would be the schools they go to. Fact......


I am with you entirely, PP.

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That's just great PP but I would love to see some factual answers to these questions without the little cute puns.


Why don't you research the answers to your questions, rather than make thinly veiled accusations? RM found the answers pretty easily. How much time did you spend looking before you asked those questions?

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Oak Hills is not what we choose to be. It is our choice. If you want to change the mission of Trinity High School so that your kid won't lose a fooball game I suggest you attempt to get a seat on the Trinity Board of Directors and go for it. The playing field is level. All schools operate under the same KHSAA rules. We are successful because we provide the finest high school educational experience available. We work very hard to do that and are very protective of what we have built. Yes, people ask questions. Those questions have been answered. People just don't like the answers. I think it is very simple. If we have built what we have within the rules, that means other people could do the same. If they haven't, it is on them. People don't want to hear that, but it is true.


This comment made me laugh!


So let me ask this, if Trinity's coach was asked if he wanted to go to a PUBLIC school say in NKY (6A) and coach the football team and have the same resources and freedom as what he has at Trinity, do you think he would? I say he would say NO.


Don't tell me he would never leave Trinity, not the answer I am looking for. I am looking for an honest answer.


To get back on subject here, I am not a fan of the new "everyone gets in" system but it is always fun when a 4 seed beats the higher seeds like what Boone has done.

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Not everyone can attend every single practice for their kid, well I can. The times when these folks use the "work harder comments" is an insult to the kids/coaches /parents and they just want to use this when they are not at practices. Even my son who all he does is kick, this kid never left practice or missed one. He was there for everything and believe me our kids worked hard. But Birdie, I cannot change their minds and they cannot change mine on this issue.


AL, as you know, the football program that I support is a public institution. Birdsfan is correct in his overall assessment. A program is much more than what happens on a practice field or during games.


My team went 2-8 this season (which was an improvement from last season) and here is my analysis:

1) We have excellent coaches, who are committed and have a thorough knowledge of the game. The problem is that we only have three coaches total.

2) Many of our players are committed, but not all. That is changing with our new coach.

3) We have a great fan following and SOME individuals committed to working behind the scenes to raise money and do the variety of things necessary to run a program. However, most want to show up on Friday night in their school colors and give their opinions on how things should be done, but DO NOT WANT TO LIFT A FINGER THEMSELVES TO DO IT. It's much easier to just tell someone else what to do.

4) Our BOE in the past has not been willing to invest money in athletic facilities. That, too, is changing. We are supposed to have major renovations in the next few years.


Bottom line - all of those things have to be in place in order to be at the level of Trinity and Highlands. Not just for a year, either. It has to be a prolonged effort, where alumni that don't even have kids in school feel the need to continue the institution and its success.

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So is it the KHSAA's job to ensure that every football team is competitive? I dont think so. That's up to each school.


We can argue advantages all day long. Urban vs. Rural. Public vs. Private. 4 teams vs. 2 teams. The bottom line is, the majority of school people (coaches, ADs, etc.) prefer 4 teams in the playoffs. Almost every year, a #4 seed advances far in the playoffs and even make it to the finals. Boone County is a #4 in the semifinals this year.


We gripe about the travel in the first round of the playoffs yet I dont read too many griping threads when baseball teams go to Florida or basketball teams criss-cross the state at Christmas. True, those teams choose those trips, but there is still very little griping.


When I was in school, I always enjoyed the long road trips. It meant getting out of school early. It meant either quality time with friends on the bus ride or quality alone time with my Walkman and a continuous loop of "In the Air Tonight". And sometimes, we knew the outcome before we ever stepped on the bus. I dont remember one KID asking to stay behind because the trip was too long.


Sometimes its good for a Fulton City program to travel four hours to Louisville to play Holy Cross. You get to see how successful programs do things, how their fans support them, etc.


We don't live in Colorado where every travel distance is the same because of the state's shape. There will be some travel time.


The first time I ever visited Bardstown, I was on a school bus. Because of that trip, I make it my "Beaver Dam" and stop when I travel the Bluegrass Parkway.


So what if there is some extra travel. It may be the only time the kids from Fulton ever leave there and see a building taller than four stories.


I think there are other issues to worry about more important and time sensitive than 4 teams vs. 2 teams

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So is it the KHSAA's job to ensure that every football team is competitive? I dont think so. That's up to each school.


We can argue advantages all day long. Urban vs. Rural. Public vs. Private. 4 teams vs. 2 teams. The bottom line is, the majority of school people (coaches, ADs, etc.) prefer 4 teams in the playoffs. Almost every year, a #4 seed advances far in the playoffs and even make it to the finals. Boone County is a #4 in the semifinals this year.


We gripe about the travel in the first round of the playoffs yet I dont read too many griping threads when baseball teams go to Florida or basketball teams criss-cross the state at Christmas. True, those teams choose those trips, but there is still very little griping.


When I was in school, I always enjoyed the long road trips. It meant getting out of school early. It meant either quality time with friends on the bus ride or quality alone time with my Walkman and a continuous loop of "In the Air Tonight". And sometimes, we knew the outcome before we ever stepped on the bus. I dont remember one KID asking to stay behind because the trip was too long.


Sometimes its good for a Fulton City program to travel four hours to Louisville to play Holy Cross. You get to see how successful programs do things, how their fans support them, etc.


We don't live in Colorado where every travel distance is the same because of the state's shape. There will be some travel time.


The first time I ever visited Bardstown, I was on a school bus. Because of that trip, I make it my "Beaver Dam" and stop when I travel the Bluegrass Parkway.


So what if there is some extra travel. It may be the only time the kids from Fulton ever leave there and see a building taller than four stories.


I think there are other issues to worry about more important and time sensitive than 4 teams vs. 2 teams



So if travel is not a problem, why not change what district you play in the 1st round of the playoffs ever year? Is it fair that the 4A schools from eastern Kentucky have to play the northern Kentucky schools ever year in the 1st round?

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After looking at some data(see earlier posts) thought I'd throw this out.

1)As long as there are Public/Private enrollment differences and 'advantages',at least perceived, to be taken at places like Highlands and Beechwood, parity is impossible in KY.

2)The current 6 class system, while letting very weak teams into the playoffs, has also seemingly isolated Trinity & Highlands so that their impact is felt by less teams and opens the door for more teams to enjoy 'success' than ever before.

3)Instead of changing the class system, let's change the playoff system. We've opened the playoffs up, much like basketball, letting near everyone in the year end tourney. After the state CLASS championships, open up a 6 team Championship bracket with the two "super-powers", usually Trinity/StX & Highlands lately, getting the byes on the upper and lower ends. We will get an eventual single state champion just like basketball.

4)Teams can claim their 'class size' championship and each year, one of the lower bracket schools gets a shot at the big dogs much like the basketball teams that revel in their Sweet Sixteen appearances without ever winning a state championship.


4)Rip me if you want but the title of this thread is to the KHSAA. I hate to admit it but after looking at data all yesterday morning, I think they're doing everything they can to get it right.

-They've changed classes from 3A to 4A to 6A.

-They've experimented on the championship game times.

-They've changed the location of the championships.

-They monitor how they assign each school to each class.

-They've let teams play up and try not to let teams play down(the Mercer championship should have an asterisk).

-They poll principals, superintendents, ADs, coaches, designated reps and fans for big decisions.

-They take travel into account before making decisions.

-They change their minds when they find that they were wrong.

-Personally, they've always returned my calls, my emails and addressed EVERY concern I've brought before them ESPECIALLY PERTAINING TO KIDS & A KID.


So to answer the topic of this forum; "KHSAA Where are you? The KHSAA is watching, is listening and they see & hear us.


What advantages are there at Highlands that can't be developed, over time, that aren't at other public schools?

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So if travel is not a problem, why not change what district you play in the 1st round of the playoffs ever year? Is it fair that the 4A schools from eastern Kentucky have to play the northern Kentucky schools ever year in the 1st round?

Fair has become the new 'F' word in my house in regards to my kids. I try teaching them early that things aren't fair. I can't help that other kids get to text until midnight while I make mine turn their phone off at 10. My seven year old thinks it's unfair that her older brothers get to stay up later. Etc.


I'm not saying open up the state to borderless travel. I'm just saying that travel within the current framework is being blown out of proportion.


As far as who they play....is it "fair" that Fort Campbell is in a basketball district with UHA, Hopkinsville, and Christian County? Is it fair that small soccer schools in western Kentucky are matched against large school Marshall County then large school Bowling Green just to make the state tournament?


I understand your point because it's the same point I make when I argue that all sports should be classed.


It's the KHSAA's job to give every team the same chance to compete. At what level they compete at, is up to the individual school and school district. Or you could just be like Trinity and St. X and work harder :cool:

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Population pool to draw athletes from


According to KHSAA Highlands has 419 boys to choose from. They are, in fact, the smallest 4A school.


So, how can the population they draw from be an advantage? Looking at the numbers, they are at a disadvantage, numbers-wise to all other 4A schools.

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I think the KHSAA has bent over backwards to make things as equitable as possible. In my opinion too far, but c'mon do we need a system where everybody gets a state championship? Geez we have 6 now which basically allowed the same old familiar teams to win theirs and a few new ones to enter the fray.


I like Scratch 43's proposal in Post 74 especially point #3. May make the season too long, but it would be worth it to me.

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