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Have You Ever Had To Put A Pet To Sleep?


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I don't want to make the decision worse, but I'd take the leg off and try any other options available, aka wheelchair. Actually the leg may get stronger if he had to rely on it and it would be easier then to walk on 3. Putting him to sleep just means it is over and no other options and I just hate that. Not to mention your profile picture is making me feel worse knowing he may not be on this Earth on Saturday. I love dogs too much I know and I hate you or anyone has to make this decision.

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I had to have a leg taken off of one of my dogs. It took time, but he learned to walk and run. Eventually, he was able to easily outrun other dogs. It was his hind leg.


Then a dog came to our house with a missing front leg and it was just as successful.


I understand your pain. It would be easier if he acted sick, but knowing that he is still just the same ole dog you have had for years, it makes it seem like you're just putting him down for no reason.


Of course, it's your decision, but if it was up to me, I would have the leg removed. However, I would ask the vet first how he would be after that considering he does have a bad rear leg.


I have known about this since last Friday, and trust me at first I definitely was just wanting to do the surgery and take his leg off. I didn't even want to think of the thought of putting him down. However after talking to the Vet and having the Vet also see how he walks on his back leg, the Vet said if it was up to them they would choose to put him to sleep because he does struggle with it. Just right now it doesn't seem like any decision is the right decision. I just know I wouldn't want to put him through the pain of the surgery and then waiting for two weeks or so and see if he does adjust and can move around with it. Because if he doesn't take well to it, then would still have to put him to sleep and I just don't think that would be right to put him through all that either just to still end up putting him to sleep. I really wish I could just ask him what he would want. I am not looking forward to Friday at all.

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I had a friend who knew he had to put his old dog down. He went through the drive-through at McDonalds and bought him a cheeseburger on the way to the vet.


It is a very tough thing to do, but deep down you know what needs to be done. Doing the right thing is sometimes very, very hard.


Buried mine with a burrito from Taco Bell. He loved those things.


I know I had already planned on tomorrow night going and getting some Arby's for him. He loves the regular roast beef from there, and basically anytime I went there it was like he expect me to have him his own sandwhich. So I plan on doing that on Thursday night, and I also plan on buying him a new big bone. He loves chewing on new big bones, so I am going to get him another one. This way he can use that some, and also can have it to chew on and stuff on the way to the Vet Friday.

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I don't want to make the decision worse, but I'd take the leg off and try any other options available, aka wheelchair. Actually the leg may get stronger if he had to rely on it and it would be easier then to walk on 3. Putting him to sleep just means it is over and no other options and I just hate that. Not to mention your profile picture is making me feel worse knowing he may not be on this Earth on Saturday. I love dogs too much I know and I hate you or anyone has to make this decision.


I am honestly not sure if I will be able to keep this picture up on here much longer. Seeing it all the time now on here just makes me think about it and gets me sad. Just earlier today I ended up looking at it, and I did end up crying because I started thinking about Friday.

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I know I had already planned on tomorrow night going and getting some Arby's for him. He loves the regular roast beef from there, and basically anytime I went there it was like he expect me to have him his own sandwhich. So I plan on doing that on Thursday night, and I also plan on buying him a new big bone. He loves chewing on new big bones, so I am going to get him another one. This way he can use that some, and also can have it to chew on and stuff on the way to the Vet Friday.


Put some real thought into whether you would like to have the vet take care of the disposal which is cremation or if you would personally like to bury him. Sometimes you laying them to rest kind of helps with the closure. I could help ya dig up a plot on Friday if you're interested. Like I said before, I'm a text away buddy.:thumb:

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Put some real thought into whether you would like to have the vet take care of the disposal which is cremation or if you would personally like to bury him. Sometimes you laying them to rest kind of helps with the closure. I could help ya dig up a plot on Friday if you're interested. Like I said before, I'm a text away buddy.:thumb:


Thanks bud, but I think we have decided to have him cremated. His favorite place to go in the house was behind this chair in the living room in the corner. So I think we are going to put a little shelf up there in that corner and put him up there and his picture next to it. The Vet also said they will give us a concrete thing with his paw print in it, which would be done before they put him to sleep. So that would be up there on the shelf in the corner too.

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Thanks bud, but I think we have decided to have him cremated. His favorite place to go in the house was behind this chair in the living room in the corner. So I think we are going to put a little shelf up there in that corner and put him up there and his picture next to it. The Vet also said they will give us a concrete thing with his paw print in it, which would be done before they put him to sleep. So that would be up there on the shelf in the corner too.


No vet I've ever been too has done the paw thing. That's awesome! Hang in there, it's for the best I promise ya.

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I have known about this since last Friday, and trust me at first I definitely was just wanting to do the surgery and take his leg off. I didn't even want to think of the thought of putting him down. However after talking to the Vet and having the Vet also see how he walks on his back leg, the Vet said if it was up to them they would choose to put him to sleep because he does struggle with it. Just right now it doesn't seem like any decision is the right decision. I just know I wouldn't want to put him through the pain of the surgery and then waiting for two weeks or so and see if he does adjust and can move around with it. Because if he doesn't take well to it, then would still have to put him to sleep and I just don't think that would be right to put him through all that either just to still end up putting him to sleep. I really wish I could just ask him what he would want. I am not looking forward to Friday at all.



Most vets would jump at the chance to do surgery and see what happens. It is how they make their money. If your vet suggested putting her to sleep, then you probably are getting very good advice.



Though he looks healthy and well now, as fast as that tumor is growing, he wont be for long. Obviously you have taken very good care of you pet and this is also, though ironic, doing what is best for him.

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That makes me extremely sad to read. I have a dachshund he is part of my family. I love that dog so much that I'm not sure what I will do when he passes.


I still get a little teary when I mow by his grave. He was my buddy ole pal ! The good news is, my wife convinced me to get another one. His name is Rowdy and he's four months old. He's growing on me, but he has some big shoes to fill.

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We had no decision to make. Daisy, three years ago, had cancer so badly that it could not be treated...was brain cancer. I still cry about it till this day. She was our baby. Molly is our baby as well, but, I wish we could have had both of them at the same time....This is not going to be easy for you at all....whatever you decide, you are doing it for the love of your baby. Whatever you decide, don't ever second guess yourself because you did what you had to do for your pet.

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Once, two years ago and I still remember it. We knew it "was time", but it was still awful...last time I cried.


One of the hardest things I ever had to do in my life. The vets were so nice they came to my house making it a little easier. Good luck.

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Well I just wanted to say I am really sorry for everyone who has went through this before. We did end up putting him to sleep Friday morning at around 11. It was definitely the hardest and saddest things I have ever had to do. The Vet once again told us that she thought it was for the best that we did that too. It didn't help though when the Vet did say he sure does have a lot of spirit left in him though. Really just felt like we were just killing him, however the Vet saw too that he had a hard enough time with his back leg so it had to be done.


We had our whole family there with him till the end in the room, he was apart of the family so we made sure we were there. He was as sweet as always all the way till the end. He was even licking the Vets face giving her a kiss, right when she was giving him the first shot to knock him out. He was just the sweetest dog ever, I loved him and always will. I didn't realize that the first shot would kick in so quickly though, I thought it might have been a minute or two. It only took like 10 seconds and he was down, and that was so hard to see. We were all crying, because we definitely didn't think it would be that quick. We were not ready for that.


I just wanted to say Thanks to everyone for your support through this, I definitely have appreciated it a lot. We got a really good picture of me him and my two little brothers right before we went into the Vet. He was even looking at the camera and it was like he was smiling. I probably will be putting it on here soon. Thanks again though to everyone for everything.

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