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Would you take your child to a Bengals game?

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You are talking about yourself though. The issue is, do you feel comfortable enough with the behavior of adults at Bengals games to take you child? If you don't have a child, would you want your niece, nephew, or cousins subjected to the crowd?


Just depends on how old they are. NFL games aren't for all ages no matter what city you are in.

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I know for a fact that people in Tennessee and Atlanta do not treat opposing fans the way they do in Cincy.


While my experience during the game at Cincy was fine...before and after was terrible. When they were drunk after the game was the worst.


I remember you saying you had bad experiences with Cincy fans. I heard simular things from some Packer fans I know about Cincy fans...

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I've been 3 times and every time I've been I've sat in the upper level. The amount of cursing and harassing opposing fans is pitiful. I've seen 2 fights during the games out of the 3 I've been to. I have been harassed every time and had to walk away from verbal assault each time to avoid getting in a fight with someone apparently drunk. I am much to cheap/tight to purchase any alcohol or even drink before a game where I have to pay over $80 a seat so the experiences I have is I won't even go back. Of course I have only been with my brother and each time we go I wear my Broncos jersey and he wears his Cowboys jersey.

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^I've never seen anything bad happen before or after the games. I've seen one altercation in the past 3 years during a game, and that's it. I'm sorry, maybe it's just me, but if you're going to go to a game and wear the oppositions jersey you should be able to take it.


We always have a good time with fans from the opposing teams. We goofed off with Steeler fans this past week, Browns fans a couple weeks ago, and Titans fans the first week. It's all a matter of trying to have a good time. Most fans that just sit there all serious and don't try to interact with other fans are the ones that seem to have the worst time.


I agree. My dad and I always mess with opposing fans, but in good harmless fashion. Some fans take it way too extreme and thats where we have problems. I mean I have been to plenty of games when I was cheering for the oposing team and the fans were fine, they messed with me but it was all in fun. Now if some jerk was cussing at me the whole game and trying to fight or throwing beer on me or something....I am pretty sure that I would have to step up to the plate. I can't stand that kind of behavior, but poking fun at the opposition is all in good fun and is what makes sports how they are.

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I agree. My dad and I always mess with opposing fans, but in good harmless fashion. Some fans take it way too extreme and thats where we have problems. I mean I have been to plenty of games when I was cheering for the oposing team and the fans were fine, they messed with me but it was all in fun. Now if some jerk was cussing at me the whole game and trying to fight or throwing beer on me or something....I am pretty sure that I would have to step up to the plate. I can't stand that kind of behavior, but poking fun at the opposition is all in good fun and is what makes sports how they are.


I agree, I expect to get haggled and poked fun of when I go to a Bengals game because I never go there to root for them. However, when the cussing turns into beer being tossed and people threatening you, it is too extreme and everytime I've been to a Bengals game, it has been to the extreme, which is ridiculus.

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It's only Bengals fans too. That wouldn't happen anywhere else :rolleyes:


So that gives Bengal fans an excuse to be idiots? They don't get a free pass in my book. Not all Bengal fans are jerks, but a lot of them at the game I went to were. It's no coincidence that my friends and acquaintances that have been there have had terrible experiences either.


And I realize this stuff probably happens at many other stadiums across the U.S. But it sure didn't the two different times I've been to Atlanta, or Tennessee. Those were some very nice fans.

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No, I don't see it because it isn't there any more than anywhere else....I'm sure if I went to a Giants game in NY looking for incidents I could find them too....


I didn't go "looking for incidents" I went to have a good time. I went to watch a game in week 17 between two teams who had no chance of making the playoffs. You can go anywhere "looking for trouble" and find it, but you don't have to look very hard in Cincinnati.

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