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Hillary on guns?


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Baloney! You're just too tied to your propaganda. Instead of offering solutions, you just keep asking for pointless details. Throwing out pointless questions is a great strategy when you have no answers of your own.


Hmmmm.... I've given facts, you've given fear. I gave definitions, you gave typical anti-gun alarmist views. Seems to me I'm not the one with pointless propaganda. Nothing personal, BF, but you haven't given me fact 1. You couldn't even define an assault weapon for me. I have answers, I've given answers, which is a lot more than I can say for those in opposition.
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Hmmmm.... I've given facts, you've given fear. I gave definitions, you gave typical anti-gun alarmist views. Seems to me I'm not the one with pointless propaganda. Nothing personal, BF, but you haven't given me fact 1. You couldn't even define an assault weapon for me. I have answers, I've given answers, which is a lot more than I can say for those in opposition.
I've given you nothing BUT facts. You simply choose to ignore those which do not fit into the radical NRA playbook.


I think it's funny that you can't make up a definition of an assault weapon and have to keep begging people to provide you one. :lol:

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You mean, Billary. :cool:


I do know that you can't change most peoples minds on this topic. But if you were able to get and keep the firearms away from the nut cases , how many kids do you think could be killed or injured by one of these bone heads driving a truck at 30 or 40 MPH across a sidewalk at class change time . And you may be correct , I don't have the answer, But I can assure you they don't either.

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I've given you nothing BUT facts. You simply choose to ignore those which do not fit into the radical NRA playbook.


I think it's funny that you can't make up a definition of an assault weapon and keep begging people to provide you one. :lol:

I made nothing up, it's true. If you think you can prove me wrong, please do so.

You haven't given me any facts; all you have given is the Dems diatribe about guns, nothing more than unqualified nonsense. Call me radical if you wish, I will fight for my rights and do my part to not allow you or any of those that want to take my rights from me or put me out of work.

I’m finished with this subject for today; I don’t want to loose my BGP membership, so I’m out.

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I made nothing up, it's true. If you think you can prove me wrong, please do so.
I already have. And no manner of right-wing nonsense is going to change that. :thumb:


Now I'm out of here, so RTS doesn't loosen his membership. :lol:



(What's really funny is that I was agreeing with you. But you just want to argue for the sake of argument.)

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I already have. And no manner of right-wing nonsense is going to change that. :thumb:


Now I'm out of here, so RTS doesn't loosen his membership. :lol:



(What's really funny is that I was agreeing with you. But you just want to argue for the sake of argument.)



Okay, do me a favr Birdsfan and summarize all the points that you claim you have made. When they are spread out it makes it difficult to discuss and understand. I will be more than happy to take up the slack on this whenever I get a chance.

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Fact: Guns kill

Fact: The purpose of guns is to kill

Fact: Many Americans own guns without ever having taken a safety course

Fact: People die from the misuse of guns either by themselves or at the hands of others

Fact: There are other semi-automatic weapons than those described, and there is no plausible reason for a regular citizen to own one.

Fact: Legislation could be narrowed to define the semi-automatic weapons banned.

Fact: Registration of guns infringes on no one's rights. One is still allowed to own a gun. There is just a record of such ownership

Fact: Gun ownership is a responsibility, as well as a right.

Fact: ALL rights carry responsibilities.

Fact: Proponents of gun owners' "rights" use self-defense as an excuse for such rights...no less "fear mongering" than those who are opponents.

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Okay, do me a favr Birdsfan and summarize all the points that you claim you have made. When they are spread out it makes it difficult to discuss and understand. I will be more than happy to take up the slack on this whenever I get a chance.
I'll just repeat the points I made in the very beginning. I'm against the following types of weapons being in the hands of the general public:


Any weapoon that shoots more than one bullet with a trigger pull.


Any weapon that can shoot through steel.


Any weapon that can render a cop's vest totally useless.


There is no justifiable purpose for anyone to own such guns.

I don't mind types of guns and ammo necessary for hunting or target shooting. But these other guns belong in the hands of the military only. Now if people want to call that "Democratic diatribe" and "unqualified nonsense," then so be it.

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I do know that you can't change most peoples minds on this topic. But if you were able to get and keep the firearms away from the nut cases , how many kids do you think could be killed or injured by one of these bone heads driving a truck at 30 or 40 MPH across a sidewalk at class change time . And you may be correct , I don't have the answer, But I can assure you they don't either.



I am more concrened about the people who store or use their weapons carelessly. Maybe only 20 kids die from gun shots issued by guns improperly stored, but many more are injured. And it's the possibility that concerns me the most. Then there are the people who are killed by those who do not practice safe gun-handling procedures.


I've been trained to use a rifle and a shotgun. I grew up with guns, but never was one within my reach, nor the ammo stored where I could get to it. My family all own guns, but we all had safety-training as well.


I have no problem with gun ownership, or any interest in usurping a gun owner's rights.

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I'll have to admit the whole issue of gun control has me confused, and has for years.

I believe in the 2nd Amendment. I believe that it is the constitutional right of every American citizen to own and operate a gun. But I, too, have a problem with what type of guns should be allowed. When the 2nd Amendment was written we didn't have the type of weapons we have today. Single shot long rifles were the weapon of choice. Kill one man, reload, and kill another. It took a while. So, I'm not so sure assault weapons suited more for war are needed by the average John Doe in the U.S. in our day and time. However....

they're already here, and they're going to stay. Our country has a hunting, and military, way of thinking that goes back to the American Revolution, and it will never change. Guns are part of our society. It's ingrained. Throw all the statistics you want about countries like Japan and Canada that have strict gun control laws having low gun related crimes, and it will fall on deft ears with most Americans.... 'don't confuse me with facts, I've already made up my mind.'

But the ownership of guns is so out of control in the U.S. that it would be futile to try to bring it under control. There's so many guns out there, any laws passed by Congress wouldn't put a dent in the problem anyway. Criminals will always be able to get a gun, in our country anyway. They'll either steal one, or buy a stolen one. Regulations wouldn't mean a thing. The old saying, "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns" is as about as true as it gets.

Therefore, I say own all the guns you want. Any type, too. It's the American way.

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HHSDAD If they have volunteered for the Armed Services in the last 5-6 Years.. They know they will be going to the Middle East.....


It's not a matter of WHAT THEY WANT TO DO.... They signed up to defend there country and thats what there being called to do....

The Army National Guard (ARNG) is one component of The Army (which consists of the Active Army, the Army National Guard and the Army Reserve.) The Army National Guard is composed primarily of traditional Guardsmen -- civilians who serve their country, state and community on a part-time basis (usually one weekend each month and two weeks during the summer.) Each state, territory and the District of Columbia has its own National Guard, as provided for by the Constitution of the United States.

The National Guard has a unique dual mission that consists of both Federal and State roles. For state missions, the governor, through the state Adjutant General, commands Guard forces. The governor can call the National Guard into action during local or statewide emergencies, such as storms, fires, earthquakes or civil disturbances.

In addition, the President of the United States can activate the National Guard for participation in federal missions. Examples of federal activations include Guard units deployed to Kosovo and the Sinai for stabilization operations, and units deployed to the Middle East and other locations in the war on terrorism. When federalized, Guard units are commanded by the Combatant Commander of the theatre in which they are operating.


Bush's federalization of the National Guard was a blatant misuse and violation of trust in the Guard. The Guard's primary function is to serve as military respondents in times of emergency IN THE UNITED STATES. They may be federalized in time of emergency. As far as I know, there has been NO emergency, unless you want to include Katrina, the Southern California wildfires and other places HERE, where they would have better served. Iraq couldn't be an emergency, because Bush told us it was well planned out and the war was over. A national emergency is not going to war in another country where you don't belong.

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