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Hillary on guns?


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Fact: The purpose of guns is to kill That is debatable, not necessarily. It can be to disable which is not always fatal. Hoowever for the sake of argument I suppose I can agree. Let's compromise: The purpose of guns is to harm.



Fact: Many Americans own guns without ever having taken a safety course That is true and I do agree that people should need to know how to handle a firearm safely before owning one. Being lisenced to own one I might be okay with. Similar to lisencing for driving. However I think this should not include specific registering of a firearm. I could agree to licensing. My issue is not so much with the weapons themselves, as it is with those that own them.


Fact: People die from the misuse of guns either by themselves or at the hands of others True however people die from the misuse of medication, cars and a number of other items as well. True in your examples as well. But those don't present a compelling argument to not take steps to prevent the misuse of firearms. Dangerous medications require prescriptions, pharmacists require licensing. Driving a car requires licensing....steps to prevent misuse.


Fact: There are other semi-automatic weapons than those described, and there is no plausible reason for a regular citizen to own one. You can't say "plausible" reason as fact really. That is an opinion. The first part of your comment is a fact the second is conjecture and opinion. Do not mistake the two. Strong feelings to not necessitate fact. There are a number of reasons to own them from hunting, to sport, to personal defense. Some smal semi-automatic rifles are actually as useful if nor more so than handguns for home defense.Very true that I mixed an opinion with the fact. I should have separated the sentences into two, and clarified the last statement as my opinion.


Fact: Legislation could be narrowed to define the semi-automatic weapons banned. That is true, but is it necessary? I believe so.



Fact: Registration of guns infringes on no one's rights. One is still allowed to own a gun. There is just a record of such ownership I don't find it to be worth the risk. There have been a number of documented cases mentioned by Run To State as to where that led to the eventual confiscation of firearms by a government. I find it a tad idealistic to say that our governement would never do it because we are "different." We are still human and still have the same failings and fears. I don't like the idea of taking that risk. Do I think it WILL happen? Most likely not, but I prefer to be cautious. This is most likely another debate. I personally believe that the structure of American government prevents such an event. Maybe I just have more faith in our ability to maintain a government "by the people, for the people."



Fact: Gun ownership is a responsibility, as well as a right. No argument here. Many other rights are responsibilities too, guns just have a more"harsh" feel to them than other rights that are as dangerous if not more so. And many of our rights have restrictions. Freedom of speech is protected, yet regulated, for instance.


Fact: ALL rights carry responsibilities. I agree here too. How off-kilter you must be feeling! :lol: While you have "sort of" disagreed with me, you are still agreeing with me. :lol:



Fact: Proponents of gun owners' "rights" use self-defense as an excuse for such rights...no less "fear mongering" than those who are opponents. Possibly yes. Arguments on both sides can easily be described as fear mongering. I personally would rather fall on the side of being able to protect myself with a firearm if need be. Once more, a "possible" agreement! :lol: It is fair to say, however, that the charge of "fear mongering" should not be lobbed only toward those who oppose the NRA's contention that it is their "God given right" to own a gun. :lol:



You and I have discussed the before ad nauseum. It is clear that by and large you and I agree on many points. It is just specifics that we differ on. Those specifics being what types of firearms should be allowed and a registry.

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Wikipedia ? For those that know anything about firearms at all they can see whoever wrote that for them really struggled with it. I won't even try to clear it up but it is not even close. Just a couple of them : the replacements they mentioned for M1 Garrand , SVT, and ak47 are all available in the same caliber and action as those. If you notice "and political reasons" is mentioned. How many times have you ever seen a full automatic used in commission of a crime ? Registered ? New firearms have been registered for many years in the U.S., and any used ones sold to or by a dealer. Multiple handguns purchased are reported on a seperate form. Anyone having mental problems must report this as an answer to a question on form 4473 , if you lie you have committed a felony. I don't think it's the guns , I beleive it's crazy people.

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Just wondering here..did Timothy Mcvey and Terry Nicols have to sign a registry in order to buy the ammonium Nitrate and Diesel fuel that they used? I'm sure the dollar store doesn't sign out mothballs (naphthalene).

Anyone who comes into my store signs a registry to buy ANY Sudafed containg product that can be used to make meth,yet gorcery stores and auto parts stores have no registry to sign out sulfuric acid containing products which are used for the same purpose!

Where does it stop? You can kill anyone with anything!

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Just wondering here..did Timothy Mcvey and Terry Nicols have to sign a registry in order to buy the ammonium Nitrate and Diesel fuel that they used? I'm sure the dollar store doesn't sign out mothballs (naphthalene).

Anyone who comes into my store signs a registry to buy ANY Sudafed containg product that can be used to make meth,yet gorcery stores and auto parts stores have no registry to sign out sulfuric acid containing products which are used for the same purpose!

Where does it stop? You can kill anyone with anything!


Get out your ink pin.... OTC cough med. is next !:confused:

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I (for the 500 millionth time), do not have a problem with the citizenry having guns. I do, however, have a problem with any and all being allowed to have guns, and there be no accountability for carelessness. You want a gun? Go ahead. But I believe you better know how to use it, and be prepared for consequences if you are careless in either it's use or storage. I believe that assault weapons are wholly impractical for a "regular" citizen. I believe that (as HHSDad once proposed), a national ballistics registry is appropriate. I also believe that unlike Nazi Germany, our country's governmental checks and balance system makes it unlikely anything near what happened in Germany would happen again. I believe it's pushing the limits of credibility to say "Better safe than sorry", relative to such a fear in this day and age.


1. What do you consider an assault weapon? What makes it more dangerous than any other?

2. Doesn't Great Britain have checks and balances also? They had a national registry that turned into gun confiscation.



BTW, Normal American Citizens Do Not Need Assult Rifles... I agree and think that a tighter ban needs to be applied on them.... There are no Milita's Nowadays UNLESS it's Radical Group(s) Taliban, Domestic Terrorist....:scared::eek:


Why and with good reason(s) do Americans need Fully Automatic Weapons????


1. What do you consider an assault weapon? What makes it more dangerous than any other?

2. Are there a lot of these on the street now? Granted there may be a few but nowhere as many as Hollywood would have you believe, they are not for sale at every gun store as some on here believe.

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Just wondering here..did Timothy Mcvey and Terry Nicols have to sign a registry in order to buy the ammonium Nitrate and Diesel fuel that they used?



I'm pretty sure they did have to sign out the ammonium nitrate.


and the Ryder truck.

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2. Doesn't Great Britain have checks and balances also? They had a national registry that turned into gun confiscation.

And you can see how they've been taken over by a despotic dictator; and all of the dissenters have been sent off to labor camps. :lol:
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When guns are outlawed people with bows and arrows will be stalking about in the backyards of Highlands' residents. Vicious squirrels will lose their natural fear of man and begin to mass on our decks. Crabs will leave the sea, traveling inland on the feet of unsuspecting tourists.

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When guns are outlawed people with bows and arrows will be stalking about in the backyards of Highlands' residents. Vicious squirrels will lose their natural fear of man and begin to mass on our decks. Crabs will leave the sea, traveling inland on the feet of unsuspecting tourists.
Oh crap! I may have to rethink this thing...


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When guns are outlawed people with bows and arrows will be stalking about in the backyards of Highlands' residents. Vicious squirrels will lose their natural fear of man and begin to mass on our decks. Crabs will leave the sea, traveling inland on the feet of unsuspecting tourists.



And HHSDad will be wearing salmon colored shirts (actually, they'll be fuschia. But don't tell him! He's convinced he's right. :sssh:)

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