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Bill puts foot firmly in mouth?

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Bill Clinton was a likeable guy. Obabma seems like a likeable guy. George W Bush and George H W Bush seem like likeable guys. They might not really be, but they give off this impression...


Hillary doesn't seem that likeable. John Kerry didn't either. Bob Dole came across badly, too. They might not really be, but they give this impression...


As qualified as they may be and as much as they spend to tone their image for the public if they don't come across as likeable they are normally going to lose. Hillary has her fans and they can't understand why her negatives are so high and why the Democrats are flocking to Obama, but they are going to have to realize that a great deal of people just don't like her. She might really be warm, caring, and compassionate, but she comes across as very cold and calculating.

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Hillary's own mouth has hurt her. Not what she says but the voice she says it with. Her indignant screech is like fingernails on a chalkboard. She needs to watch other female leaders like Thatcher to see how its done.

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I think a key moment in this election might be yesterday when Hillary teared up talking about her passion for this election and this race. How she wants so much to do great things for this country and it is a passion of hers.


I thought it might be a key moment in which she let down her steely resolved and showed a human side.


It might be just the thing she needs to jumpstart her campaign.


Contrary to some beliefs on here about me and as I have said in the past, I hold great respect for Ms. Clinton and how she stayed committed to her marriage and making it work despite the failings of her husband. She impresses me that she took her marriage vows seriously in the death do us part bit. That is a missing trait in this nation and, to me, especially to my gender.


If she was pro-life, I would give serious consideration to supporting her. She ain't, so I cain't. (I know I misspelled it but wanted to rhyme things.)

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Hillary's own mouth has hurt her. Not what she says but the voice she says it with. Her indignant screech is like fingernails on a chalkboard. She needs to watch other female leaders like Thatcher to see how its done.



Or Golda Meir..

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Hillary's own mouth has hurt her. Not what she says but the voice she says it with. Her indignant screech is like fingernails on a chalkboard. She needs to watch other female leaders like Thatcher to see how its done.


Does she really respond differently than how GWB does? Or is it that we have different expectations for females?

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Does she really respond differently than how GWB does? Or is it that we have different expectations for females?

I've never heard GWB scream. Hillary is making the same mistake that Howard Dean made in 2004. It's not a male/female thing. Its about sounding presidential.

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Newscast tonight had Bill calling Obama's support of the war, a fairy tale.


Seems Clintons are switching up their staffs according to the NH coverage tonight. They are not pleased with the media handlers and that the media is not more critical of Obama. They are getting new media handlers. In addition, they are hiring people to find critical stories on Obama because they believe the media are not working hard enough to be critical of Obama.


In Hillary's defense, I think she has to get a bump from the impressive showing she is having at NH when the polls indicated that Obama was going to thump her. she might win it.

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I have a question....What is the context in which Bill made that statement? I'd be interested to know what he was asked, or what comment was made that he replied to. I hate these kinds of threads, where we get a statement to make fun of, but nothing is supplied that gives the whole story.

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