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What is your personal favorite album?


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I'm going to put you on the spot..you can only choose one!!! I don't want what you perceive to be the best album of all time. I want to know what album you find yourself listening to the most,means the most to you and is your favorite music.

For the record,mine is (and don't pass out Prof..it's not a Zep album):

Blind Faith (Clapton,Winwood,Baker,Gresch).

Dig Deep..:D

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Interesting. Tough for me since I'm younger and was introduced to different bands through individual songs and mix CDs. I bought a lot of "greatest hits" albums in my younger years. But the album I absolutely wear out, in fact it is in the car now, is Californication by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I remember when I first bought it all I did for about 6 months was play it from track 1 to track 15.

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VERY tough question.


My initial choice without giving far too much thought is probably the album, Fizzy Fuzzy Big and Buzzy by The Refreshments.


But all of the following are in the same league of awesome:


Siamese Dreams - Smashing Pumpkins

Throwing Copper - Live

Sixteen Stone - Bush

The Bottle and the Fresh Horses - The Refreshments

Smash - Offspring

Nevermind - Nirvana

Sublime - Sublime

Foo Fighters - Foo Fighters

Californication - Red Hot Chili Peppers

Mellon Collie and The Infinite Sadness - Smashing Pumpkins

Stadium Arcadium - Red Hot Chili Peppers

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