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I also have a question for those that may know, as I have no clue. How much have public transportation prices increased with gas being like it is?

Greater Cincinnati buses have not increased fares citing increased ridership.


Louisville buses are increasing their fares from $1 to $1.25.

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You all aren't going to believe this, but there is a gas station in rural Montgomery Co. that is selling gas for $2.77!!!! I'm not sure how or why they are doing this, but they are! It might be worth the trip to Jeffersonville to get some.

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3.40 in NKY. I saw a few bills were passed. 1 that sues OPEC if they don't meet demands. And another to do with gouging. Neither seems to help immediately but at least they are trying.


WASHINGTON - House Democrats passed an energy package today that would withdraw billions of dollars of tax breaks to the oil industry, compel oil and gas producers into renegotiating flawed drilling leases and shift as much as $15 billion into a fund for renewable energy sources


What's ole Bush up to again? Gonna veto another bill that is targeted at OPEC/Oil companies





The administration urged “diplomatic efforts ... rather than lawsuits in U.S. courts” to address global oil production. The White House said President Bush would be advised to veto the measure if Congress passed it.


Rep. Steve Chabot, R-Ohio, said he was “very disappointed” by the president's opposition. “If gasoline prices remain this high it is going to have a significant impact on the economy.”


Diplomatic efforts Bush? What let you and your buddies get richer? What have you done diplomatically?


Remember all this come voting time people.

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3.40 in NKY. I saw a few bills were passed. 1 that sues OPEC if they don't meet demands. And another to do with gouging. Neither seems to help immediately but at least they are trying.


WASHINGTON - House Democrats passed an energy package today that would withdraw billions of dollars of tax breaks to the oil industry, compel oil and gas producers into renegotiating flawed drilling leases and shift as much as $15 billion into a fund for renewable energy sources


What's ole Bush up to again? Gonna veto another bill that is targeted at OPEC/Oil companies





The administration urged “diplomatic efforts ... rather than lawsuits in U.S. courts” to address global oil production. The White House said President Bush would be advised to veto the measure if Congress passed it.


Rep. Steve Chabot, R-Ohio, said he was “very disappointed” by the president's opposition. “If gasoline prices remain this high it is going to have a significant impact on the economy.”


Diplomatic efforts Bush? What let you and your buddies get richer? What have you done diplomatically?


Remember all this come voting time people.


Now I wonder what all the oil company business men are doing with our money?

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Now I wonder what all the oil company business men are doing with our money?


Well you have some people on this website with oil stock and they are all doing the same thing racking up $$$$$$$$$$$$


Let me ask you this. Why do you do routine maintenance on refineries a few days before memorial day? Why no do it in the middle of November or January?


Just another reason for oil companies to drive the price up up and away. The white house shoots down every bill the democrats make to fight back at the oil companies.


Dimplomatically Bush says... yeah he's done a great job with Iran/N Korea/Iraq/Venz/ diplomatically.

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Well you have some people on this website with oil stock and they are all doing the same thing racking up $$$$$$$$$$$$


Let me ask you this. Why do you do routine maintenance on refineries a few days before memorial day? Why no do it in the middle of November or January?


Just another reason for oil companies to drive the price up up and away. The white house shoots down every bill the democrats make to fight back at the oil companies.


Dimplomatically Bush says... yeah he's done a great job with Iran/N Korea/Iraq/Venz/ diplomatically.

Now I may be way off base here, but I'll give it a shot. When I think US oil, I think Alaska. So if I were scheduling time to do maintenance I'd probably try to steer clear of the fall/winter months. And isn't it 24 hour darkness/daylight up there for a period of time as well?


I know that you have your stance, that "big brother" is out to get us and Bush is dead set on lining his own pocket. While there may be some truth to what you say, most of the answers are simple functions of economics. Prices go up before Memorial Day because demand dictates that it happen. If we didn't drive/jet ski/pontoon boat/fly so much on Memorial day, prices wouldn't go up. Now combine that with the shortage and you have the ridiculous prices we are seeing now.

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It's amusing to compare the posts in the "Gas Up 30 cents Overnight" thread and this one. For example, there was a post on April 11th (that's about 6 weeks ago) to the effect that gas was $2.89 in Ashland and that we were getting fleeced. Another post dated April 13 from one of the stalwart defenders of the price hikes stated that gas was only up 9 cents from the previous year, translating to inflation of less than 4 percent. Anyone care to grab paper and pencil and do the math on that one today - a month and a half later?


Let's face it. The big oil apologists are going to continue to come up with reasons for the price hikes. Some make some sense; some don't (I really thought that "tensions in the Mideast" was humorous. And to blame China and India was a bit of a stretch also. Gas was $1.97 in October here in Maysville. Did China and India start hogging all the oil after that?). And I still can't get over the fact that transport costs has been trotted out as one of the culprits.


On the flip side, to place the blame solely at the feet of the President isn't totally accurate, either. I don't really think that the ulterior motive of the POTUS is to line his OWN pockets. Now, is he interested in helping big business in general and big oil specifically? Of course he is.


On this thread, I see posts like:


"gas prices are still a bargain" (not compared to the run-up to last year's election, they're not)


"glad they are making money"


"simple economics" (I can't claim to be an economist, but is going from $1.97 in October to $3.29 in a span of seven months really that simple?)


"no such thing as excess profits" (okay, how about obscene profits? Ridiculous profits?)


"back to Soviet Russia with all your talk about the common good" (Love it or leave it, but don't even think of trying to change it for the better)


"couldn't tell you how much I paid for gas ever" (I can - it was $3.29.9 today)


I guess I'm in the camp of those who say that we need to put our money where our mouths are and actually do something - and that group seems to be a mixed bag of folks. In my case, it's a combination of driving vehicles that are easy on gas and purchasing only enough fuel to get me from point A to point B. If it's $6.00, I buy less than 2 gallons. If it takes $30.00 to get there and back, I buy $30.00 worth. Not exactly a "sea change" in personal habits, and I can't say that I've taken a politically activist role either, but it's a start.

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