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Bullitt East 28 Male 27 (6A State Championship)


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No disrespect to Bullitt East at all. I’m just saying if Coach Kendrick intends on moving up the coaching carousel then now is his best chance. Bullitt East is a great high school job but he could get into the college ranks or an out of state program that is larger. This is probably the best Bullitt East team of all time and I would be surprised if they made it back to the state final in the next few years. This team was full of seniors who started playing varsity in their freshman and sophomore seasons. It’s gonna be hard to replicate a team like this with the experience.

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Like so many others, I’m so happy for this program and Coach Kendrick! What an unbelievable run and to cap it off, winning the thing how they did? Hats off to the team, Coach Kendrick and staff.  

Something else I’ve thought about, but this might be the only time I’ve ever heard of a school having three different state final appearances in moving up classes like they have.  The first one being in the 2A ‘94 final, then the second year into the new six class system they came up just yards short of winning the 4A ‘08 final and another 14 years later? Winning this ‘22 6A final.  

I know with the change of 6 classes that we now have other programs who have won it across 3 different classes (still an incredible feat in their own rights), but they have been “baby” jumps so to speak.  But to go from 2A, then 4A and then 6A speaks volumes to my next point with those saying that maybe he needs to make the jump if something “better” was to come about…

…the Mt. Washington community and Bullitt East just continues to grow.  You’re talking about (and, preaching to the choir here for many that know this) an area that is only going to continue to flourish, prosper and grow.  The high school is less than 5 miles from the Jefferson County border, it’s part of the Louisville Metro area, Bullitt East is a great school that has obviously hired some great people in their administrative leadership roles as well.   

It’s a great town, a growing town/area, not only is it keeping its own people there (take the Egan’s for example), but due to its location and endless amount of jobs in the area (Jefferson, into Bullitt, on into Bardstown/Nelson County), it’s only going to continue to do what it’s been doing and that’s GROW.  Now you throw in the fact that their football program has finally won it all (several other sports men’s and women’s are always in the mix) and that’s just another reason to make it more attractive for families to move, send their son’s there.  

Something else to think about when it comes to playing leap frog in the coaching game, but the good and I mean the GOOD jobs very seldom come open and if they do? They usually go internal (at least when things are going well).  

He has a chance there to keep building something.  It’s a lot easier to build when you’re at a school, community, etc that is flourishing in every way imaginable.  I can promise you that Coach Kendrick knows that.  Him being a former Boyle County Rebel has taught him so much about what it takes no only on your end as a coach to build/continue to build a program, but ALSO just as important is the community where your school is that allows you to be able to build (growing town/area, jobs for families, top notch school system that values the total education process= athletics being an equal part in the development of the total student, good to great facilities with the private-booster financial backing from that same community).


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8 hours ago, Hatz said:

First Game of the year. 


Let it sink in that B.E. BEAT Male Twice, and Manual, and Bryan Station who was on an incredible roll.  

Their accomplishments, not their one failure, is what this team will be remembered for.  


Again thanks for the information.
My point is what a job they done by end of the year.  

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Congratulations to Bullitt East, but let's be real for a second, the officiating during this game was awful. Male had 2 TDs called back (Pass to #6 Gates, and #5 Gainey Punt return), and Swinney's so-called fumble, last time I checked the ground can't cause a fumble. 


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2 hours ago, Bigg Ike said:

Congratulations to Bullitt East, but let's be real for a second, the officiating during this game was awful. Male had 2 TDs called back (Pass to #6 Gates, and #5 Gainey Punt return), and Swinney's so-called fumble, last time I checked the ground can't cause a fumble. 


Both TDs called back, were in fact, penalties so what's your point?  I know one was complained about, but it appears the person complaining the most didn't know the rule.  Are you denying that?  Swinney's fumble, I'll give you, but who is to say Male would have scored?  You're making a false assumption.  I hear a lot of people saying Male would have been up 21-0 if not for that and no way BE comes back.  Well, as long as we're talking about officiating, please see the picture below from Max Gainey's opening 74YD TD.  You see the white hi-lited around the chest of #2 for Bullitt East?  That is the arm of the Male receiver, HOLDING him, which opened up the sideline for Gainey to score.  By definition, that is a hold sir and should have wiped out the 74YD TD, but did you hear any Bullitt East fan complaining?  No, you did not and you wouldn't have.  Max Gainey's 2nd catch and big gain of the night was also in fact a block in the back that wasn't called.  It was blatant and very obvious.  The illegal shift on BE where the whole line shifted over a man was in fact, NOT illegal.  No player went down so the shift is legal, but was called a penalty anyway.  You could go on and on.  Officials are going to make mistakes and miss calls.  It's part of the game, just like players make mistakes and coaches make poor decisions.  Male had plenty of opportunities to put the game away....and didn't.


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Listen, it's a tough way to lose a game.  The fumble was a close call.  BE corners were turned all night and we only seemed to get one holding out there on the edge.  It's tough to lose a game like that when a play or two seemed to be really costly.  But......they had 3rd and 4 deep in BE territory to put the game away.  They had a BULLDOG of a rb who is a beast and so hard to bring down on first contact.  You call a timeout, tell Swinney and the oline we need two yards for two straight plays and they game is essentially over.  Swinney didn't touch the ball on 3rd down and then they kicked the fg.  They had a chance to take the game away from BE on those two plays and played it safe.  Then they play a very soft "prevent" and let BE go down the field in about a minute.  Only one of the five (?) passes on that drive was even tough to catch.  I actually don't have anything against Male.  BE has only been in their district now for 4 years and it's not really been a rivalry because Male has planted BE ever single game they've played until this year.  I think by an average of about 50-12 !!  I'm tired of the big 3 dominating but I always rooted for Male over the two big privates. Coach Wolfe seems like a good guy.  They had several chances to put it away and didn't.  It happens.  You know if that 2 point conversion doesn't work you would have had 10K at the game say Kendrick should have kicked the easy xp and gone to OT.  That's the life of a coach.  It's tough.  What a game and somebody had to lose.   

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4 hours ago, Bigg Ike said:

Officials shouldn't make game deciding calls when there isn't one to make,  the line shifting, the back were moving to, multiple players can't shift while a QB is in his cadence, that's illegal. I bet you took alot of time to look at this one up. Coach Wolfe made a point on #6 TD called back shouldn't have been a penalty because the OL has three yards from the LOS to go downfield, because the play was an RPO and let's be clear it was a 60 yard go route the OL has no effect on the play. 

This is from the NFHS rule book. The expanded neutral zone is 2 yards.  Capture.thumb.JPG.bde858ba2190b42bf4622dc462f72774.JPG

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I also had someone let me know it was a point of emphasis last year.  Again, it doesn't matter now.  Both teams made mistakes and both teams had a chance to take a chance.  One did and one didn't.  Doesn't mean that Male isn't a great football team and program.  They are the standard BE has been measuring itself by.  That should tell you in what respect they are held.  Again, make that 2 pt and your a balsy genius.  Don't convert and 9000 people are saying all you had to do is kick the xp and maybe the moment was too big for such a young coach.  That is the life of a coach and he knows that.  I thought he would go for the two because I know him pretty well.  Win or lose with the guys that got you there.  

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