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Anyone think they've already had coronavirus?


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The consensus now seems to be coronavirus has been in America since mid-January or so. In late January/early February I got sick. Missed a couple days of work. No noticeable fever, some coughing and congestion but crazy levels of fatigue. Slept 12-14 hours a day for about a week straight, very low energy and took a long time to get over. Went to doctor and tested negative for flu, strep, and mono. Doctor said I had a cold (never had a cold knock me out for a week straight). Looking back I think there's a chance this was corona but never even heard about it at the time. Anyone else think they might have had it before it was in the news?

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This was posted in another thread:


Honestly, I think this is what western Kentucky had from Thanksgiving to Christmas. People flooded the doctor's office and took flu tests only for them to come back negative. People hacked and coughed a felt bad for a month and a little into January when some schools closed due to low attendance. Maybe that's why there are fewer cases in WKY than the rest of the state. It's run its course through the house and left. From what I've read, most of the cases in WKY involve people who traveled and returned or older people with underlying conditions.


Cases are up because testing has increased and people now know what the fever and cough are. They didn't know in December because there was no testing.


I'm just shocked that we didn't have a vaccine for this. It makes me question the millions of dollars used on studies to measure the amount of methane gas produced with farts or whether you can catch the flu by licking doorknobs.


This whole pandemic proves we as Americans aren't remotely close to being prepared for the insurgence of a contagious virus.



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This was posted in another thread:


Honestly, I think this is what western Kentucky had from Thanksgiving to Christmas. People flooded the doctor's office and took flu tests only for them to come back negative. People hacked and coughed a felt bad for a month and a little into January when some schools closed due to low attendance. Maybe that's why there are fewer cases in WKY than the rest of the state. It's run its course through the house and left. From what I've read, most of the cases in WKY involve people who traveled and returned or older people with underlying conditions.


Cases are up because testing has increased and people now know what the fever and cough are. They didn't know in December because there was no testing.


I'm just shocked that we didn't have a vaccine for this. It makes me question the millions of dollars used on studies to measure the amount of methane gas produced with farts or whether you can catch the flu by licking doorknobs.


This whole pandemic proves we as Americans aren't remotely close to being prepared for the insurgence of a contagious virus.




That’d make a lot of sense.

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With a disease or virus like this, it is very likely that it spread weeks or months before anyone really noticed it. It isn't even traceable until 100s or 1000s have not only contracted it but also had complicating symptoms. During the early spread, it can move fairly quickly due to the ease of worldwide travel. Even then until there are several deaths no red flags are going up.


I don't know when it got here, but it is very plausible that it got out of China and was circling the globe way before even China was aware of it.

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I have a friend in the ER now. Northern Kentucky had been pretty free from the Coronavirus but the hospital he's at is less than a mile from my place.


His Facebook post says "Welp 101.7 temp, fluid in my lungs, legs feel like they are falling off and blurred vision. I could use a few prayers."


Hoping he's ok.


This whole thing has been freaking me out because I have basically no immune system, my lungs were destroyed in the wreck, and I have respiratory problems.


I haven't left my place (I don't think) since March 8th, and no one around here had it, so hopefully I can stay free from it.

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I have a friend in the ER now. Northern Kentucky had been pretty free from the Coronavirus but the hospital he's at is less than a mile from my place.


His Facebook post says "Welp 101.7 temp, fluid in my lungs, legs feel like they are falling off and blurred vision. I could use a few prayers."


Hoping he's ok.


This whole thing has been freaking me out because I have basically no immune system, my lungs were destroyed in the wreck, and I have respiratory problems.


I haven't left my place (I don't think) since March 8th, and no one around here had it, so hopefully I can stay free from it.


You stay right where you are and you will be fine!

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You stay right where you are and you will be fine!

I'm trying to stay calm but I have allergies and a history of pneumonia, all of which is creeping up right now at the wrong time, so it's freaking me out.

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I'm trying to stay calm but I have allergies and a history of pneumonia, all of which is creeping up right now at the wrong time, so it's freaking me out.


Be strong, have a positive attitude and best of luck. This too shall pass.

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Every description of the Coronavirus is exactly the same as my co-worker had in the late fall. She missed two weeks of work, ended up in the ER, they basically said she had some type of flu although she never tested positive for flu. She said she never thought much about it until they started talking about the symptoms on TV, etc. I'm not saying she had it, but it does make you wonder if there were earlier, perhaps different, types of strains that have been floating around for some time.

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So last night after supper I started to get the shivering fits. Temp of 103.1. Uncontrollable vomiting. So weak I couldn’t sit up, much less stand. Quick trip by ambulance to the hospital here in Maysville.


Because of my advancing age and multiple medical conditions, I was given, among other things, the COVID test. Sixteen hours later it came back negative. No longer in total isolation. Maybe home tomorrow, but maybe not.


I did test positive for strep. They’re trying to reconcile strep with no sore throat. I’ve had multiple x-rays and a CAT scan. Evidently I’m a medical mystery.


I do do feel fortunate to have gotten the test and to have had the quick turnaround on the results.

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So last night after supper I started to get the shivering fits. Temp of 103.1. Uncontrollable vomiting. So weak I couldn’t sit up, much less stand. Quick trip by ambulance to the hospital here in Maysville.


Because of my advancing age and multiple medical conditions, I was given, among other things, the COVID test. Sixteen hours later it came back negative. No longer in total isolation. Maybe home tomorrow, but maybe not.


I did test positive for strep. They’re trying to reconcile strep with no sore throat. I’ve had multiple x-rays and a CAT scan. Evidently I’m a medical mystery.


I do do feel fortunate to have gotten the test and to have had the quick turnaround on the results.


Praying for you. Hard to say having strep is good news, but in this situation it probably is.

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So last night after supper I started to get the shivering fits. Temp of 103.1. Uncontrollable vomiting. So weak I couldn’t sit up, much less stand. Quick trip by ambulance to the hospital here in Maysville.


Because of my advancing age and multiple medical conditions, I was given, among other things, the COVID test. Sixteen hours later it came back negative. No longer in total isolation. Maybe home tomorrow, but maybe not.


I did test positive for strep. They’re trying to reconcile strep with no sore throat. I’ve had multiple x-rays and a CAT scan. Evidently I’m a medical mystery.


I do do feel fortunate to have gotten the test and to have had the quick turnaround on the results.


I was already worried about you because you were MIA.


I am so glad to hear the test was negative and I am going to send you some positive energy Pops.

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