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Why are there a million Trump threads in Controversial?

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^ As far as Conway, he didn't get out to campaign as much as he should have. Friends of mine in your county said that the only times they heard from him or the campaign was when they needed something. I think I was told that he did show up there about the end of September? But they said it wasn't like past candidates, they said that they got the feeling that they were not appreciated. I wasn't there so I don't know.

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The reason why there's 15,650,281 threads about Trump is because he's been a larger-than-life figure in the national consciousness — outside of politics — for more than 30 years. Because of that limelight he's enjoyed for all that time, the entry of a guy like that into a POTUS race is going to attract an outsized amount of interest from all sides.


By contrast, who other than Hillary among the current crop of D and R candidates did anybody really know anything about 10 years ago, let alone 30? I'd be hard-pressed to recognize a lot of their faces if I passed them on the street in Bardstown. No danger of that happening with Trump or Hillary (and probably not Rand Paul in Ky). I would recognize Kasich because of familiarity from my time living in NoKy, where the media comes out of Cincinnati, but that's really it.

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True, but each quote didn't need to be a new thread....there could just as easily be one thread on each candidate. At some point it begins to have the same impact all of the negative ads that Conway ran against Bevin. Conway spent too much money calling Bevin a Liar and not enough telling Kentuckians what he could/would do for the state...he really turned a lot of people off. Democrats (and some Republicans) are following the same game plan on BGP, spending all of their time and energy putting down the other candidates and almost no time saying what their candidate brings to the table and why they should be supported.


We all complain about how politics is handled at a state or national level then we do the exact same things on here...I'm probably as guilty as anyone but we should expect more out of ourselves on here than falling in that same ole trap.

One reason there are so many Trump threads is because often when someone offers up a comment that strays a little from the thread topic, out comes the refrain: "Start a new thread."


So one cannot have it both ways.

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Don't worry what threads I start and how many I start, I pay my fees here just as anyone else ;)


You have been here a while, since 2012, so I'm sure that you have seen the many, too many to count, threads on Obama, on Hillary, on Hillary/Benghazi, so now it's the lefts turn, we still have a long way to catch up to the number of threads by the right. As PP92 stated a few weeks, strap yourself in, we are just getting started. ;) LOL


Also, people like Kasich and Paul won't garner too much of our attention, in fact, I would find it interesting if that is the republicans ticket. Hopefully this next debate will have those two talking a lot more.


Doubt it...nothing to say

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I cant speak for why there are so many threads about Trump, but I can tell you why he is getting blasted. He is saying just whats on his mind. He is actually saying off the hip what he would do and being very plain about it. Now the Donald is a old school guy who dont give a rats you know what about the political corrects our country has become( and its ruining it) and he steps on peoples very soft toes in todays society. Did I say very soft? :lol2:

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I guess we are forgetting the multiple threads on Obama, on Hillary, and on Hillary/Benghazi that were at the top of forums for a good while ;)


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WOW! That's a lot of "Bama Bashing right there. And I don't mean Crimson Tide. Good thing I don't have Kenyan roots or I'd be tar and feathered. By most accounts on here, I'm already a two -time loser (Progressive and Agnostic). :lol2:

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Trump is a fascinating figure, no matter how you slice it. He's simultaneously entertaining and terrifying. His lead in the polls is vexing to party leaders, political experts, and casual observers alike. If his lead were to continue he could force a convention fight like we haven't seen since the '68 Democratic convention. If he somehow ended up in the presidency none of us have a clue as to what to expect. He doesn't speak in terms of policy or seem aware of the constitutional limits of the presidency, instead relying on personality and charisma to galvanize his followers. And in his followers he's unearthed a particularly virulent vain of American nationalism most were unaware existed. He's totally unlike anything we've seen before. It really is fascinating.

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