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Trump "ban all Muslims from entering the U.S."

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Obviously they existed before. But the reason they existed before were the same reason they still exist. Yes they exist because they hate everything about the western world. But they can't recruit by saying to " join ISIS if you hate capitalism" they say "join ISIS because the western world has declared war on Islam" they invoke the thing that they care most about and the thing that defines them. By Trump saying to keep Muslims out of this country he is giving ISIS the ability to twist what he said and make it actually read "keep Muslims out because we hate their religion." It's crazy thought. But that's how they recruit. ISIS knows that they lose if Muslims around the world start siding with America. That's why they are persecuting their own people.


They were recruiting before Trump and they will recruit after Trump.


They are persecuting their own people because they don't take the radical view of Islam that they do. They make friends with the "infidel", being anyone that doesn't share their view.


I'll say again, a few words from anyone, Trump, Obama, Hillary, Cruz, etc. will not exponentially increase their recruitment.

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Here's the thing we just let one in who killed 14 Americans. Maybe at 1,400 or 14,000 we will tighten up the rules for entry.


And I agree with you, and Obama wants to look at the visa program that she came in on. That's a start, now if both sides can stop with pointing fingers and expand on what Obama wants, review all ways that people come in to the US, but without looking to keep innocent people out just because of race, religion ect.. Work only on the no fly lost to where it's easy to get your name off if it's a mistake (it's not too difficult now) and then no guns or gun sales to anyone on that list.


As I have said for a long while, a good part of our problem started in the 80's at the big push of the computer age, we stopped using the people on the ground as much as we did in the past and as much as we should. Electronic Intel only works so much.

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They were recruiting before Trump and they will recruit after Trump.


They are persecuting their own people because they don't take the radical view of Islam that they do. They make friends with the "infidel", being anyone that doesn't share their view.


I'll say again, a few words from anyone, Trump, Obama, Hillary, Cruz, etc. will not exponentially increase their recruitment.

I'm not saying Trump is the problem here. I'm saying that in order to stop terror groups like this from forming, we must make the people they are recruiting like us more than them. Comments like this aren't the whole problem, but they don't help either. Once we have cut off their recruiting lines, and we know they have a finite number of people. Then we take them out. We must continue our efforts now as well, but we need to be doing more as a nation to show these people that we don't actually hate them and that we are actively trying to help them instead, because if we don't all of the work we are doing now to take out ISIS will be for nothing because they will keep growing and if they stop growing, then another group will take over just like ISIS did after we took out Bin Laden. That's been my biggest problem with this current administration, after we took out Bin Laden, we did nothing to subdue the eventual uprising of another group that would eventually take their place. These people don't like us because they feel that everyone here is a racist and hates Muslims, which is obviously not the case. I don't think Donald Trump dislikes Muslims, but he has to be smarter than to say keep all Muslims out of America. Like I said earlier this isn't about political correctness, I hate political correctness, but insulting an entire religion because of the work of some completely insane people is just stupid and is only throwing gasoline on the fire. It's not starting the fire because the fire was already there, but he's throwing gasoline, not water.

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Trump may be loud and outspoken, and no doubt has a huge ego, but he should also be credited for singlehandedly tearing down the wall of political correctness which has prevented any real progress on sensitive issues in America. He has forced politicians and everyday citizens to begin seriously discussing issues that are extremely important to the American way of life, not the least of which is immigration! Again I might not agree with him 100% on his ideas, but I've had all I can stand with the PC, otherwise known as BS! I have sensed a growing indifference in the American people for the last 20 years, I believe this is about to change.


You are giving him too much credit.

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Saw this on Facebook today.




I hesitate to respond because that would invoke Godwin's Law of the internet and comparisons to Hitler are the laziest, dumbest comparison in politics. Yet, I think what Trump is saying and the support he's getting deserves some historical treatment. I'm not going to compare him to Hitler or Mussolini, because that isn't accurate, but there are some interesting parallels between Trump and the rise of fascism in Europe. There are also some incongruencies which makes me reluctant to make that particular connection too, but I think we ought to analyze it some.


Trump has done a few things that are noteworthy in terms of parallels. He has no discernible political ideology (and he's been opportunistic with which policies he endorses, preferring vaguery). He has made nationalism a rallying cry largely through the demonization of the "other," which in our case are immigrants and Muslims (but this can be broadened to basically anyone outside of the white working class). And lastly he's channeled this nationalism into a belief that he alone is capable of "making America great again."


But, the reason I bring this up is because when I hear his rhetoric and the responses its gotten I think about our reaction to the Holocaust. We universally consider it the ultimate crime and clearest expression of human wickedness, but we don't often consider how it came to be.


Nazi's didn't just choose Jews out of a hat, but demonized them as corrupt, insufficiently German, dangerous, and part of an ethnic cabal to seize control of the world. You wonder how a society could become so deranged that they'd go through with such a thing, but I think for many in 1930s Germany they believed they were expelling the threat. It had a logical basis to them (and many felt they, as Germans, had been given a voice by someone who would speak out in favor of them). And when I hear the things Trump says and how his supporters rally behind his personality I wonder if we haven't learned anything.


It's not just that Trump has said something that is xenophobic or bigoted, it's that his entire status as a politician is predicated on expelling what's unAmerican and thus turning it back into the powerful, respected country it used to be and that has galvanized a good number of people. This isn't one rash politician, but something closer to a movement, and I think we ought to look ourselves in the mirror over why and whether we should be so condoning of it. If we say this is "OK" now, when do we say "this is a bridge too far?"

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In an interview with CNN’s New Day, Lindsey Graham told host Alisyn Camerota that if voters want to “make America great again,” they should “tell Donald Trump to go to hell."


When is the last time anyone quoted or listened to Lindsey Graham?

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1. Our representatives may never figure anything out. Talk about inaction: why didn't we declare war on ISIS today?

2. Doesn't this resemble some of the fascist European leaders of the 20th century's?


Plain and simple. Obama asked them to. That's how sad all of this is in this country.

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