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Ok, I will admit that my analogy was a bit off base. But I still can't fathom how anyone can try to lump so many people into one " not worthy" group, without knowing all of the details. With your line of "logic", there would be almost no one who would be found "capable" of owning a firearm. Any former military veteran is capable of suffering from PTSD, so that would mean that all Vets would not be allowed to own firearms. And, since a very large number of Law Enforcement Officers are Vets, then they would all be disqualified from their jobs. Let's not forget current Military personel. With the stress that they endure every single day, it's a wonder that any of them don't suffer from a mental defect from time to time. In your eyes, I guess we should take their weapons, and give them all pool noodles to engage the terrorists with. And all new mothers are subject to Post Partum Depression, so we may as well call them all crazy and take away their rights, as well. Any one person can have a mental breakdown at any given time. There is no way to predict who it will be. It can be caused by genetics, environment, chemical induction, or any other myriad of things. By your standards, we might as well get rid of ALL firearms, and become a nation of Pacifists who sit by and watch the terrorists and the criminals take over.

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Ok, I will admit that my analogy was a bit off base. But I still can't fathom how anyone can try to lump so many people into one " not worthy" group, without knowing all of the details. With your line of "logic", there would be almost no one who would be found "capable" of owning a firearm. Any former military veteran is capable of suffering from PTSD, so that would mean that all Vets would not be allowed to own firearms. And, since a very large number of Law Enforcement Officers are Vets, then they would all be disqualified from their jobs. Let's not forget current Military personel. With the stress that they endure every single day, it's a wonder that any of them don't suffer from a mental defect from time to time. In your eyes, I guess we should take their weapons, and give them all pool noodles to engage the terrorists with. And all new mothers are subject to Post Partum Depression, so we may as well call them all crazy and take away their rights, as well. Any one person can have a mental breakdown at any given time. There is no way to predict who it will be. It can be caused by genetics, environment, chemical induction, or any other myriad of things. By your standards, we might as well get rid of ALL firearms, and become a nation of Pacifists who sit by and watch the terrorists and the criminals take over.


You had initially asked a question that very much seemed to be an honest, fair and thought provoking one that obviously had potential to be answered in a various number of ways.


At first no one replied prompting you to point that out. You might've looked a little anxious to hear someone, anyone's thoughts with regard to your question.


Then some replies eventually came and with them the sense that you had previously set parameters within your own mind what would be acceptable or non acceptable answers to your question. Almost as if you expected and hoped that some answers would not be acceptable to give you an open door to object and direct some conflictual language back at whoever you objected to.


As a result in hindsight if feels like a set up to be walked into and a chance for you to express your distaste for some answers that you expected to get from the very beginning of your questioning and perhaps even the primary reason in order for you to express objection and make your points.


Your points, no matter how valid and worthy, could have been made without inviting the question that you expected to get objectionable answers to in order so that you could experience the conflict of discussion that you perhaps seemed to desire. You obviously wanted to make these points to begin with so you most certainly could have minus any conflictual dialogue.


Am I personally comfortable with those who seek to ultimately engage others into conflictual dialogue owning guns? Not really. Something about it metaphorically says entice your subject with conflict in order to have a reason to shoot back.


Just a thought.

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I understand what you are saying, B-BALL. As I said previously, I did mess up on the analogy, and I admit I was getting a little antsy at not receiving a reply to my question.

My anxiousness, however, was not based on wanting to become involved in a conflict laden discussion. I did honestly want to hear what others thought on the subject, and still do. I know that not everyone has the same opinion as I do. That is one of the things that makes life so fun and unique.

I do hope, however, that those who wish to state their opinions can give thoughts, facts, or solutions to back them up. As I stated in my first post on this subject, I have a deep interest in some of the things that have been said on this thread, due to my mental health status and being a law abiding, responsible gun owner. I hope no one ever takes anything that I say on here as a personal attack, because that is not who I am or ever hope to be. I do enjoy lively, intelligent banter, which this sit is very full of.

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Still would like for someone to comment I my point #4 .


I can't help you with #4 as I am not anti gun, as I too have many myself.


Your point #3 is right on. Plus, many many many people who commit crimes such as burglary are high on something, so when they break into a home, the "where does murder happen - surrounding drugs?" could be in anyone's home.

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I have avoided this thread because I sincerely don't believe anything I say will be taken seriously. But, all good things must end. :D


I don't, nor will I own a gun. And it's not because I am anti gun. I am not. But I do think (for the eleventh billionth time), that there needs to be some sort of priviso by which safety courses must be required and recertification required and some reasonable intervals. Before anyone jumps on the registration issue, one does not have to own a gun to get a hunting license, so I don't see why this idea couldn't follow that line.


And the second issue for me is strengthening the legal ramifications for irresponsible storage or usage of a gun, when an accident involves a child. It is unconscionable the number of children whose lives are taken or are injured because of the carelessness of adults.

For the eleventh billionth time in response, if you get what you ask for and it does nothing to stop criminals, then what? When the gun violence continues after you get exactly what you're asking for, then what? More new and even stiffer laws that will affect the law abiding? The people that are really causing the issue are criminals, they don't care about laws.
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Am I personally comfortable with those who seek to ultimately engage others into conflictual dialogue owning guns? Not really. Something about it metaphorically says entice your subject with conflict in order to have a reason to shoot back.


I saw that.

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I don't care who owns guns as long as they do it lawfully , and safely but I think there has to be more screening or background checks on people buying guns . It seems that every time you hear about a mass shooting there is the added statement that the shooter bought the guns lawfully . How do you propose to remedy this?

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Yes and yes.


A whole lot more than saying "it's just the way do it here."


What do you want me and anyone else on here to say that hasn't already been said?


Nothing will totally eradicate gun violence. I realize that, but I still believe we try to put a finger in the dam.


Better question, as staunch pro-gun, what do we do?


We enforce laws already in place. We find ways to end drug addiction and dealers. We find reasonable ways to deal with the mental health issues.

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