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How do such large companies miss so badly? ESPN?? Come on.


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I couldn't really care less about Jenner or the Espys. However, I get sick of the political correctness crowd that says if I don't celebrate Jenner in his coming out that I am somehow a bigot. I simply don't care whether Jenner sees himself as a man or woman. I don't think he deserves any awards for making this choice though. I could say I will boycott the Espys because of this decision by ESPN but I was not going to watch it anyway.


This will probably help ratings for the Espys though. A lot of people will tune in to see Jenner.


It is definitely going to be hyped up enough to bring the casual viewer in to watch. People will want to see Caitlyn for the first time.

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It is definitely going to be hyped up enough to bring the casual viewer in to watch. People will want to see Caitlyn for the first time.


And thus most likely the REAL reason for the decision by ESPN to give Jenner the Arthur Ashe award. A way for ESPN to cash in on Jenner...

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My biggest problem with this while issue and something that hasn't been discussed, is the fact Cateilyn is profiting of her decision.


So not only did she wait until now but she is making money for her own personal gain and now receiving award for courage.


Just doesn't sit right.


I'm a capitalist and I have no problem with people making money. I'm also not saying that is the reason she made the decision. What I'm saying is , it's hard to call this courageous when you are a privileged individual already who is profiting off the decision .

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Couldn't agree more. And you won't find many people who despises Tebow more than myself.


And because I can't resist......Tebow should get the award for having the courage to even try to play in the NFL again.


Just curious PP92, why would you despise Tebow? I agree he is not an NFL quality QB but he seems like a genuine person to me so I certainly don't despise a good guy who is chasing his dream.

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Just curious PP92, why would you despise Tebow? I agree he is not an NFL quality QB but he seems like a genuine person to me so I certainly don't despise a good guy who is chasing his dream.


I'm an FSU fan. I don't like a large percentage of Gators or Canes.


I don't despise Tebow the person. I despise Tebow the football player. Tebow the person seems to be a great person and IMO somewhat inspirational. I think it is easy to separate the two things.

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And her not winning this bogus award won't do anything to diminish her life, her accomplishments and her inspirational moment in our lives.


No, it won't. My problem is that ESPN was all about it when it could run documentary pieces on her. It seems that she passed and ESPN passed by. I understand that time does not stand still for any man, but the REASON that they chose Jenner upsets me. Jenner is being selected because ratings will follow and bolster the # of people watching a middle of the road show. They then give Jenner an award named after the great Arthur Ashe. Jenner's move was difficult, yes. However, what is Jenner doing that is more courageous than the transgender athletes who face REAL backlash? Jenner is going to find people much more accepting of this decision in Los Angeles than other athletes will. Those athletes show courage. Jenner found a way to turn this into a money making scheme. Again, Jenner was not the person to give this award to if the point was to raise awareness and understanding for transgenders.

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I think far too many people are confusing inspiration with courage. I mean, if I knew I was going to die from cancer, I'd do the same things I always do. I wouldn't say that is courageous. That's what most people would do, I think.


I wouldn't give the award to Hill any more than I would to Jenner. Neither inspired me to greater things. But Jenner is a face for a group that is struggling for recognition, whereas Hill was the poster child for an already strong movement. Is her story unbelievably sad? Without a doubt.


Someone will always disagree with who is getting an award. But Jenner being the first transgender athlete creates a much bigger impact on both sides of the discussion than Hill did.


Sorry but you are missing the point on this one. Way off.

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For those of you who think Jenner is doing this strictly for the money......how much would it take for you to do what she has done, and to do it very publicly?? Personally, there is no $ amount that would convince me to put myself through that process. Not even a billion $'s. So while She may be cashing a few extra checks, I'm betting it isn't nearly as much as many may think, and certainly not nearly enough for most people to decide going through a transformation would be "worth it"

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