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Patriots Punishments

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The Pats have always been on the edge. Sometimes going over the line. Still think they cheated when they beat the Rams. But anyways this punishment is stupid. It's a way at the NFL to get back at the Patriots.


I hate the the Pats honestly and do think the 4 game suspension is kind of hilarious since it's about deflating footballs. Come on...


Part of the NFL's thinking on this, I'm guessing. Commish probably said several years ago, "I don't want to see you guys in my office again."

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So he'll sit 2 games after appeal. Fine by me. Jimmy G's got this.

Oh, and still totally worth it.

Exactly...you'd take a early season suspension every year in turn for making a Superbowl. Only way to have truly punished Brady would have been a Post Season Ban...but that was never going to happen.

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Part of the NFL's thinking on this, I'm guessing. Commish probably said several years ago, "I don't want to see you guys in my office again."


They said this on ESPN, that the penalty was for this not being a first offense for the organization.

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They said this on ESPN, that the penalty was for this not being a first offense for the organization.


I understand that part but 4 games is excessive for Brady. As far as I know this is his first offense, isn't it?

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What was worth it? Are you saying it was worth it to cheat?


If we're going this route I have to ask...if Eli was busted deflating balls(all QBs alter balls but whatever) and the Giants won the Super Bowl, Eli gets ring #3 and he was suspended 4 games the next season and they lose two draft picks....it wouldn't be worth it?

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The clubhouse guys were suspended indefinitely and the NFL has to approve whether they work again in the NFL. Talk about fall guys.


They got thrown under the bus. No way do they deflate the footballs without being specifically instructed. Someone higher up and with a much higher salary should be ashamed.

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I honestly agree with most on the point of the defated footballs wouldn't had made a difference in the outcome of the Super Bowl. Maybe the magin but probably no more than one td. Having said that ..... that's not the point, makes no difference. The Patriots Cheated, they have been proven Cheaters in the past and I am certain that Fact of the record of Cheating played a factor in the penalty put on the Patriots. I personally believe that more draft choices could have, should have been taken way. Maybe a couple of years losing the number of draft picks instead of one or more lost picks for the one year.

Now for Tom Brady ..... 4 Games imo is justified. I thought that it would be two for what he did (and please don't tell me he didn't know it). I believe he instructed the staff members to let air out and precisely how much to take out. What imo made this worse was the absolute / strong denials and flat out lies when originally ask about it. This reminded me of these guys in MLB denying using steroids, other illegal substances and then proven to be liars.

Brady was also making jokes about it, even on a couple of the late shows arrogantly acting like it was a joke, nothing to it.

Tom Brady is no doubt a Great QB, may go out known as the best ever or certainly one of them. Not "the" greatest imo but he is and will be known as one of the best ever. I am saying that about Brady bc He Doesn't Have to Cheat but yet he did.

Summary .... Brady, Pats Deserved what they got.

I guess now along with Bill Belicheat we now have Tom Shady to go along with it.

Edited by oldrambler
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