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Patriots Punishments

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NFL wad very clear in their release why they gave a stiff punishment.


They took into account past Patriot fractions. They also said the Patriots and Brady weren't forthcoming with all the information and requests for interviews that were requested.


Love it or Hate it the NFL sent a message you cooperate during investigations or get punished. Also after reading the report it's obvious it happened. Robert Kraft and the rest of Patriots called the NFL out a few months ago. Call out your boss and see what happens to you at work.


I don't disagree with anything you are saying about why the NFL did what they did. The punishment is a total joke though. I wouldn't give the keystone cops running the NFL my cell phone either. Everything on that phone would be on TMZ in about a day or two. I haven't gotten into the investigation either. Three of the four tested Colts balls were under inflated - why aren't they being questioned?


Think about this for a minute. If the NFL thought this was such a big deal, why would they "let" the Patriots play with doctored footballs for a half before taking them out (in the AFC Championship game!)...especially when they were tipped off to look for problems before the game. If ANY other team in the NFL did this, they would get a $25k fan, which is the prescribed punishment. Goodell is a total joke IMO. I would love to hear the correspondence between Goodell and Kraft recently. Kraft really stood by Goodell when he screwed up last year. I bet Kraft wishes he did not back him so much now.

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Yep. If that's the penalty and it's a super bowl ring, well worth it.


C'mon man, those footballs had NO bearing on whether the Pats won the Super Bowl last year. Don't even credence to that possibility...

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I really think the NFL is going to regret dragging the NFLPA into this. Not something you want to do because it is a no-win for the NFL. If the 4 games (and other sanctions) stick thru various legal battles then the bad pub and distractions from the real football topics make the NFL the loser. If the 4 games do not stick then the NFL has opened the door for various appeals for any suspensions. This is going to get very ugly.


The NFLPA is involved in every suspension ?

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C'mon man, those footballs had NO bearing on whether the Pats won the Super Bowl last year. Don't even credence to that possibility...


Oh I know. I'm just saying I'll take the "cheating" if I know they win the Super Bowl. I think the whole thing is beyond silly, but it is what it is. They got caught.

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I don't disagree with anything you are saying about why the NFL did what they did. The punishment is a total joke though. I wouldn't give the keystone cops running the NFL my cell phone either. Everything on that phone would be on TMZ in about a day or two. I haven't gotten into the investigation either. Three of the four tested Colts balls were under inflated - why aren't they being questioned?


Think about this for a minute. If the NFL thought this was such a big deal, why would they "let" the Patriots play with doctored footballs for a half before taking them out (in the AFC Championship game!)...especially when they were tipped off to look for problems before the game. If ANY other team in the NFL did this, they would get a $25k fan, which is the prescribed punishment. Goodell is a total joke IMO. I would love to hear the correspondence between Goodell and Kraft recently. Kraft really stood by Goodell when he screwed up last year. I bet Kraft wishes he did not back him so much now.


That's how stings work ? That Has been the funniest point of disagreement. People upset they held a sting. Well duh that's how you catch people in the act.

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The NFLPA is involved in every suspension ?


This is different. This is not a direct action by a player......Brady did not assault anyone off the field or stomp on anyone on the field. He MAY (operative word) have directed someone to remove air from a ball and it was plausible that he knew it was being done. He did not directly do anything to the balls as far as the NFL can determine. So now it is a whole new can of worms...... the NFLPA can jump on this one.

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That's how stings work ? That Has been the funniest point of disagreement. People upset they held a sting. Well duh that's how you catch people in the act.


So the NFL is going to give the Patriots a huge competitive advantage in the AFC Championship game so they can execute a sting against the Patriots? That makes sense??

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The Pats have always been on the edge. Sometimes going over the line. Still think they cheated when they beat the Rams. But anyways this punishment is stupid. It's a way at the NFL to get back at the Patriots.


I hate the the Pats honestly and do think the 4 game suspension is kind of hilarious since it's about deflating footballs. Come on...

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