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Birdsfan Fighting For His Life Tonight

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BF...I'm having Patrick say extra prayers for you! The good Lord listens to him waaaaaa-y before me. But I'm still going to say some, too...not only for you, but the rest of the family plus the caregivers. Stay tough, fight hard, give it your best, In His name we pray!

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I posted this in the other thread as well and I hope BF's family is okay with me posting it here, but since so much has been posted over from FB, I imagine it's alright.


The latest post from BF's brother:


Again thank all of you ever soooooo much for everything. I wanted everyone to know as of 8:15PM Dave's eyes began opening and stayed open for around 10 minutes. I wiped a couple of tears from his eyes as well. Not wanting to read much into this but I am. I have to.


I also wanted to correct something posted yesterday. The heart specialist that saw David this morning stated Dave did not suffer a heart attach per se. Rather the heart specialist felt the pneumonia in the lung caused the heart to fail. He says there is a difference. Makes you wonder why in the world Christ Hospital discharge him the day before despite Dave complaining of pain in his side and shortness of breath. You now see why prayer is the answer. Again thank you all.

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From late last night:


Hello everyone. 11:15PM Thursday. David is still resting. His core temperature has returned to 98.6. He opened his eyes again for a short period around 10:00ish. They have begun reducing the levels of his medications. It's going to be a long night and one I will pray all along leads us to positive results.


Our Father who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come....

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil

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From about an hour and a half ago:


Good morning all. Unfortunately nothing really to report. Blood pressure up and down through out the very early morning. We just need him to wake up now.


Fervent prayers are still needed. Every minute is a miracle right now it seems.

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Taken from David's brother's FB page:


3:OOpm Friday:


Dave's numbers have been so so most of the morning and into the early afternoon. A EEG was performed earlier although we have not received any word on the results.


However, here is what is very interesting. At around 2:05, his attending physician came in and while Mom, Susanne, and I were with Dave. We were basically talking to Dave who was motionless and appeared to be sleeping. We knew the medications were beginning to wean. So we were encouraging him to squeeze our hands, or anything, if he could hear us. The physician began telling us how Dave's prognosis was not looking good. He further advised us we should not get our hopes up and expect much as the breathing machine is mainly providing function to his lungs. The following then happened. Dave squeezed my mom's hand with his left hand while squeezing my hand with his right. My mom said "he's squeezing my hand" before I could shout out the same. At the exact time, Susanne says "his eyes are open". All this while the physician was doing and saying what I realize he must. But I looked at the doctor and asked him "this has to be good right"? He said yes. "Very good" and then remained quiet while we talked with Dave. His eyes remained open for over 5 minutes including blinking. While his eyes didn't change gaze, his pupils were dilating. They also blinked in unison. But we felt it was almost like Dave was hearing what the doctor was saying, squeezed our hands and opened his eyes with a look like "the damn you say." I'm still here and I'm still fighting. I swear this is the truth and gives us the hope that was fading quickly.


It just kills us to think that Dave would be penalized with damage to his brain while we understand the odds are greatly in favor of this. He has already given up so much in his life. Never walking and always fighting illnesses. And now he must face this? This is gut wrenching. As long as Dave is willing to fight we are going to fight right alongside. And when he closes his eyes and rests, we fight harder through prayer.


It has been a world wind like day and a true emotional roller coaster. I apologize for poor grammar and/or punctuation.


Please everyone keep praying for David. God is listening and is shortly going to have to make a difficult decision. Please continue to pray hard for David and my parents. David really needs divine intervention at this time. I truly believe all of your prayers are being heard or we would have lost him Wednesday. Please dear Jesus. There is still work to be done.

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Taken from David's brother's FB page:


3:OOpm Friday:


Dave's numbers have been so so most of the morning and into the early afternoon. A EEG was performed earlier although we have not received any word on the results.


However, here is what is very interesting. At around 2:05, his attending physician came in and while Mom, Susanne, and I were with Dave. We were basically talking to Dave who was motionless and appeared to be sleeping. We knew the medications were beginning to wean. So we were encouraging him to squeeze our hands, or anything, if he could hear us. The physician began telling us how Dave's prognosis was not looking good. He further advised us we should not get our hopes up and expect much as the breathing machine is mainly providing function to his lungs. The following then happened. Dave squeezed my mom's hand with his left hand while squeezing my hand with his right. My mom said "he's squeezing my hand" before I could shout out the same. At the exact time, Susanne says "his eyes are open". All this while the physician was doing and saying what I realize he must. But I looked at the doctor and asked him "this has to be good right"? He said yes. "Very good" and then remained quiet while we talked with Dave. His eyes remained open for over 5 minutes including blinking. While his eyes didn't change gaze, his pupils were dilating. They also blinked in unison. But we felt it was almost like Dave was hearing what the doctor was saying, squeezed our hands and opened his eyes with a look like "the damn you say." I'm still here and I'm still fighting. I swear this is the truth and gives us the hope that was fading quickly.


It just kills us to think that Dave would be penalized with damage to his brain while we understand the odds are greatly in favor of this. He has already given up so much in his life. Never walking and always fighting illnesses. And now he must face this? This is gut wrenching. As long as Dave is willing to fight we are going to fight right alongside. And when he closes his eyes and rests, we fight harder through prayer.


It has been a world wind like day and a true emotional roller coaster. I apologize for poor grammar and/or punctuation.


Please everyone keep praying for David. God is listening and is shortly going to have to make a difficult decision. Please continue to pray hard for David and my parents. David really needs divine intervention at this time. I truly believe all of your prayers are being heard or we would have lost him Wednesday. Please dear Jesus. There is still work to be done.


Well that got me going here at my desk....


My prayers will continue, without a doubt.

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