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Is ex-Marine Lesbian waitress lying about no tip note?


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Ok, lets go a step further here. Lets say that what the waitress says was actually true. This is what she claimed was written on the receipt:


"I'm sorry but I cannot tip because I don't agree with your lifestyle and how you live your life


My question is...IF this really did happen...and I don't think it did...but IF it did...what's offensive about that note/language? It doesn't call her a bad name, it doesn't slander her, it doesn't make fun of her. It's just a simple statement. Not getting tipped for that size a bill after doing a good job? yes, be offended/mad about that. I just don't see where this language, had this been true, was offensive.


I'll use this analogy. I wait on a couple at Really Yummy restaurant...maybe they are a Muslim couple or a Jewish couple or an atheist couple. They leave me a note much in the same manner that reads..."We just can't leave you a tip because we don't agree with your Christian beliefs". To me, that's not offensive...it's not offensive at all. I'd be ticked I got stiffed and would probably wonder why in the world would they even take the time to write that...but it's not offensive. Anyone else in my camp?


For starters something is fishy (no pun intended) with the whole story. If the customers can prove through their visa bill that they paid a tip, then they are are off the hook (no pun intended). If the waitress is telling the truth from her standpoint, then something else is going on here behind the scenes that we have no real way of knowing about.


Referring to your "what if they did" hypothetical question, I don't think that I can be in your camp because for starters what quite possibly drives your defense of it not being offensive gives me the hunch, although I could be mistaken, that you possibly knee-jerkingly don't approve either of someone being gay. My hunch just makes me think that your conclusion that it's non-offensive indicates this. Again, I could be mistaken and you are simply just trying to draw what you consider to be a logical way to look at it. Perhaps my leanings are illogical, as I knee-jerkingly think, "What's her being a lesbian got to do with her being tipped for doing her job"? Certainly it would be the customer's prerogative, however shallow, to not approve, but to not tip would be doubly shallow and tacky, and as a result I have a hard time not finding it offensive.


Now you covered yourself here by saying you might be ticked to have been stiffed, but not offended, but then again your hypothetical scenario seems less likely, and again I could be mistaken. Certainly our culture is filled with religious prejudice just as it is of sexuality intolerance. I'll have just leave the offensive, non-offensive question to the individual because different people have different levels of insensitivity towards whatever.


All in all I will say that without a doubt anyone that would stiff anyone of their tip based merely on their sexuality or religious beliefs is downright stupid, shallow, classless, and tacky.


All said and done, I don't believe that I've concretely made my point here, but still my hunch is not buying yours either, because I have questions about where your point of view originates from.


There again, your point of view is also your prerogative, and who am I to tell you how to think. It just perplexes me a bit that an understanding person would draw the conclusion that you have without certain leanings to fuel it, just as perhaps I have.

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B-Ball-fan I think you are looking way too deeply into something very simple. I think my two examples correlate perfectly with one another. There is no offensive language in the supposed note...just like there is no offensive language in the Christian waiter example note I used. To me there is absolutely no reason to be offended in either case by the note. The offense, to me in either example are the non-tippers seemingly looking for an excuse not to tip...assuming of course the person waiting did their job adequately.


No, I don't agree with the gay "lifestyle", just as I don't agree with an atheist "lifestyle". And if asked my opinion on those two lifestyles by someone living them I would tell them what I think. However, neither would keep me from tipping someone, and it's hasn't.


I guess my whole point is...our society is so thin skinned these days and some people are constantly looking for something to be offended by. If one sets the bar low enough and looks hard enough, they can be offended by something several times a day. I just think a lot of people need thicker skin and a stiffer backbone.

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B-Ball-fan I think you are looking way too deeply into something very simple. I think my two examples correlate perfectly with one another. There is no offensive language in the supposed note...just like there is no offensive language in the Christian waiter example note I used. To me there is absolutely no reason to be offended in either case by the note. The offense, to me in either example are the non-tippers seemingly looking for an excuse not to tip...assuming of course the person waiting did their job adequately.


No, I don't agree with the gay "lifestyle", just as I don't agree with an atheist "lifestyle". And if asked my opinion on those two lifestyles by someone living them I would tell them what I think. However, neither would keep me from tipping someone, and it's hasn't.


I guess my whole point is...our society is so thin skinned these days and some people are constantly looking for something to be offended by. If one sets the bar low enough and looks hard enough, they can be offended by something several times a day. I just think a lot of people need thicker skin and a stiffer backbone.


As the years go by I would say that I'm not paralyzed by insensitivity, and have built a much thicker skin related to intolerance. I attribute much of that to my maturity, as well as a decent foundation of unconditional love by understanding parents, family, and friends.


It also pleases me that more and more of the general society has become more sophisticated as they gain more knowledge and understanding regarding the topic.


Of course that's not the entire general public, and I've decided long ago that holding my breath waiting for the remainder to finally catch up with their understanding would be stifling to my life, and a big waste of time. I've learned in that case to pretty much consider the source. I've felt that it's not my job to set everyone else's alarm clock when I've got my own to set. It's probably not necessary for me to explain that last statement, but if it is, I'm saying that It's not my job to help people wake up.


No doubt I think that someone is lying with regard to this waitress story, and I don't believe it's the customers. My hunch is that the waitress made the story up, and if so she ought to be ashamed of herself.


If she did I think that it's terribly tacky of her, but as a side product of this story, it has brought up an interesting topic to ponder.


Thank you for clearing up your position as it allows me to know that my hunch about what partially has prompted you to feel the way you do is fairly accurate. From where I stand, your take on society's insensitivity is somewhat valid, but many times it's not always easy for people to always understand other's insensitivity unless we are standing in their shoes.


I don't know what, if any, intolerance or prejudice you've experienced in your lifetime, and IF you're coming from a place of being a white, straight, christian fully accepted by the majority, consider yourself lucky because most of that was of no choice of your own, and have likely been able to live unchallenged accordingly. Some are a minority in various ways also of no choice of their own, and have had to walk many times against the tide of those "perfect" ones who've displayed a lack of understanding. Sometimes those with a lack of understanding towards a minority is not completely their own fault as they've rarely been challenged to think very far outside of the nice neat straight and narrow line on which they stand. I applaud those unchallenged ones who've had very little reason to find understanding, but still have anyhow. Those that I know that fall into that category have highly impressed me with how well adjusted they are.

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