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i played in the swol for 7 years, playing the best teams in indiana, ohio, and kentucky. Im a pretty good player but my freshman year it was still much different playing varsity teams compared to the great eight grade teams i was playing the summer before.


Playing National League SWOL is great. But there is a huge and I mean huge difference in playing in the Elite 32, East Cobb, Travel Ball National Championship etc.. These kids have already played on a much bigger stage than 99% of the 18yr old kids in NKy..

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Hellbird, not to be dissenting, but I think you missed the redirection of Midland baseball 3 years ago. Joe Haden decided they needed ti get back into the youth developement business. You are correct in that prior to that it was very watered down, any one that wanted could get $500 and a box of tshirts and call themselves Midland. Not that way anymore. Down to one team in each age group, with the oldest local team being at the 16u level. Only long distance team left is Redskins, and I think they are staying that way. Will these two kidplay for the Redskins this summer? Heavens no. That team is the best of the best of college bound players. Their program is nationwide, they bring kids in from all over the country that are seniors and on their way to sec, acc, and pac12 schools. I can tell you they have been invited to travel with them in september to Jupiter for that huge showcase tourney, but due to football neither will make it. What I do know is the team they play for is regarded as the top 15u team in Ohio. They dont play SWOL, no benefit for them there. They travel and play the East Cobbs and DBats of he world. As for the two young men beigdiscussed, lets let them mature and see how it plays out. I live in Ohio, not as familiar with Ky baseball asIam over here, but these kids are just 15. That said, there are not many 15 year olds that are being inquired on by the likes of Oregon, Georgia, Clemson, etc, but these two are. As was mentioned, they were guests of Louisville couple weeks ago to watch practice and attend the hoops game vs Marquette. Ethan was on the travel ball select top 50 players to watch in country in 2012 published by Travel Ball select. Take that for what its worth, but its fact. We try to prep kids at Midland for college, and hope we have done that with these two. We will see, but many factors yet to play out.

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Hellbird, not to be dissenting, but I think you missed the redirection of Midland baseball 3 years ago. Joe Haden decided they needed ti get back into the youth developement business. You are correct in that prior to that it was very watered down, any one that wanted could get $500 and a box of tshirts and call themselves Midland. Not that way anymore. Down to one team in each age group, with the oldest local team being at the 16u level. Only long distance team left is Redskins, and I think they are staying that way. Will these two kidplay for the Redskins this summer? Heavens no. That team is the best of the best of college bound players. Their program is nationwide, they bring kids in from all over the country that are seniors and on their way to sec, acc, and pac12 schools. I can tell you they have been invited to travel with them in september to Jupiter for that huge showcase tourney, but due to football neither will make it. What I do know is the team they play for is regarded as the top 15u team in Ohio. They dont play SWOL, no benefit for them there. They travel and play the East Cobbs and DBats of he world. As for the two young men beigdiscussed, lets let them mature and see how it plays out. I live in Ohio, not as familiar with Ky baseball asIam over here, but these kids are just 15. That said, there are not many 15 year olds that are being inquired on by the likes of Oregon, Georgia, Clemson, etc, but these two are. As was mentioned, they were guests of Louisville couple weeks ago to watch practice and attend the hoops game vs Marquette. Ethan was on the travel ball select top 50 players to watch in country in 2012 published by Travel Ball select. Take that for what its worth, but its fact. We try to prep kids at Midland for college, and hope we have done that with these two. We will see, but many factors yet to play out.


I understand what Hellbird was saying in his post. I'm sure he isn't taking anything away from the kids about their upside and future potential. With all the hype and talking about how good the kids are, why don't you go ahead and rank BW #1 was his point with a little sarcasm. Which were my thoughts also. I've watched alot of baseball over the years and you have kids who are early bloomers and others who bloom late. I do think it's a little early to predict an 8th grader will be drafted to the MLB. Another thing, just becasue a kid throws 85 as a freshman doesn't mean his velocity will increase with age. It may or may not, we will have to wait and see.

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So, with what your saying this kid should be playing for the BIG Midland team this summer, the Redskins. If he's averaging 84-85 as an 8th grader they will have him up with them. Not going to take anything away from the kid, but that's a bold statement to say he'll bi-pass college and go straight into the draft, not that that couldn't happen. As mentioned by someone else on this thread, not all the Midland teams are what they used to be. All there monies and efforts are put into there Redskin's team and maybe a little goes to their Braves team.


And you're right...a lot could change between now and their senior year. Injury, passion disappearing, etc. Heck, Ethan may end up choosing football. But the Midland team he (and Combs) play on are NOT just another SWOL team. To give more perspective about where my opinion comes from, I was a fairly highly recruited baseball player and played D1 baseball and was a grad assistant coach at the D1 level, and recruited in the mid atlantic states for several years. He grades higher than than any other kid I've seen at his age. Does that mean he'll get drafted...no...again a lot can change. But if he continues on this trajectory, he has a very good chance to be special. Not saying he'll be all state or even all region this year. There will be an adjustment, but if any kid can do it, he can.

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Playing National League SWOL is great. But there is a huge and I mean huge difference in playing in the Elite 32, East Cobb, Travel Ball National Championship etc.. These kids have already played on a much bigger stage than 99% of the 18yr old kids in NKy..


I agree with you on this point. Although they have played in these showcases doesn't necessarily mean they are better players than those who don't get those opportunity's. It does allow those players to gain more exposure. It pretty much comes down to money and how much your family can travel.

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Hellbird, not to be dissenting, but I think you missed the redirection of Midland baseball 3 years ago. Joe Haden decided they needed ti get back into the youth developement business. You are correct in that prior to that it was very watered down, any one that wanted could get $500 and a box of tshirts and call themselves Midland. Not that way anymore. Down to one team in each age group, with the oldest local team being at the 16u level. Only long distance team left is Redskins, and I think they are staying that way. Will these two kidplay for the Redskins this summer? Heavens no. That team is the best of the best of college bound players. Their program is nationwide, they bring kids in from all over the country that are seniors and on their way to sec, acc, and pac12 schools. I can tell you they have been invited to travel with them in september to Jupiter for that huge showcase tourney, but due to football neither will make it. What I do know is the team they play for is regarded as the top 15u team in Ohio. They dont play SWOL, no benefit for them there. They travel and play the East Cobbs and DBats of he world. As for the two young men beigdiscussed, lets let them mature and see how it plays out. I live in Ohio, not as familiar with Ky baseball asIam over here, but these kids are just 15. That said, there are not many 15 year olds that are being inquired on by the likes of Oregon, Georgia, Clemson, etc, but these two are. As was mentioned, they were guests of Louisville couple weeks ago to watch practice and attend the hoops game vs Marquette. Ethan was on the travel ball select top 50 players to watch in country in 2012 published by Travel Ball select. Take that for what its worth, but its fact. We try to prep kids at Midland for college, and hope we have done that with these two. We will see, but many factors yet to play out.


As I have already said I think it's awesome that these young kids are being looked at etc. and I hope beyond everything else they fulfill the expectations people on here are holding them too. I really would love for them to be the best this area has ever produced (I'm a Beechwood Alum and love nothing more than to see kids from my high school become successful)


All I've been saying is just because they play for Midland on the 15U team does not equate to them being "can't miss" etc. I think the expectations that some have already put on them just on BGP is quite staggering. They are 15 year old kids and are being made out to be the best players in the region etc. and if that was the case then why isn't BW even ranked in the top 10?

Personally I couldn't care if they played for Midland or if they played for Florence Freedom Elite, doesn't matter to me. What does matter to me is what is in the best interest of the kids themselves and putting the kind of pressure on these kids that I have read on here already about them is scary.


I'm happy for Midland and their redirection the last few years, to me I really don't care. Midland plays in showcases and national tournaments just like many other summer ball teams in the area. The exposure you talk about isn't anything different than many other teams. that is all I'm talking about.


I just don't want to see kids of that age being put up on such a high pedestal that they can do nothing but disappoint those who put them up there in the first place.


Let them be kids and let their talent speak for itself. That's my point.

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As I have already said I think it's awesome that these young kids are being looked at etc. and I hope beyond everything else they fulfill the expectations people on here are holding them too. I really would love for them to be the best this area has ever produced (I'm a Beechwood Alum and love nothing more than to see kids from my high school become successful)


All I've been saying is just because they play for Midland on the 15U team does not equate to them being "can't miss" etc. I think the expectations that some have already put on them just on BGP is quite staggering. They are 15 year old kids and are being made out to be the best players in the region etc. and if that was the case then why isn't BW even ranked in the top 10?

Personally I couldn't care if they played for Midland or if they played for Florence Freedom Elite, doesn't matter to me. What does matter to me is what is in the best interest of the kids themselves and putting the kind of pressure on these kids that I have read on here already about them is scary.


I'm happy for Midland and their redirection the last few years, to me I really don't care. Midland plays in showcases and national tournaments just like many other summer ball teams in the area. The exposure you talk about isn't anything different than many other teams. that is all I'm talking about.


I just don't want to see kids of that age being put up on such a high pedestal that they can do nothing but disappoint those who put them up there in the first place.


Let them be kids and let their talent speak for itself. That's my point.


Many cases in point for which you mentioned-old guys like Jason Basil played for Midland....Corey Farris did too at the highest of levels...did get drafted relatively low and went to a lower level baseball playing college in Kentucky like Campbellsville-now as I understand it is out of competitive baseball. What a shame. It is tough to make it to d1 baseball or to the pros. You have to have awesome talent and then generally someone inside the organization that is looking after your best interests.


Midland is a top notch organization for certain, but playing for them as a 12 year old, 14 year old or 17 year old guarantees nothing....

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Playing National League SWOL is great. But there is a huge and I mean huge difference in playing in the Elite 32, East Cobb, Travel Ball National Championship etc.. These kids have already played on a much bigger stage than 99% of the 18yr old kids in NKy..


I hope you understand that just because a team is in the SWOL doesn't really mean that is the teams they play all season. For instance, my boys Summer Ball team is in the SWOL for name purposes only. They could care less how they do in the very few games they play in that league because what they are is a showcase travel team and that is what they do each and every week. They travel to showcase tournaments and finish the season playing in the national tournament. That is the sole reason they formed the team in the first place. Their sole reason of existence is to get the kids ready for the next level and to be seen by college coaches and recruiters which is why they play in the first place.


For someone to say the kids on Midland have seen better competition than 99% of the kids in the area is a joke. They haven't. There are plenty of teams that do the exact same thing Midland does in the summer, maybe it's the elitist attitude that some have when it comes to Midland drives me a little nuts at times due to 1 simple fact, they don't know what they are talking about.

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I hope you understand that just because a team is in the SWOL doesn't really mean that is the teams they play all season. For instance, my boys Summer Ball team is in the SWOL for name purposes only. They could care less how they do in the very few games they play in that league because what they are is a showcase travel team and that is what they do each and every week. They travel to showcase tournaments and finish the season playing in the national tournament. That is the sole reason they formed the team in the first place. Their sole reason of existence is to get the kids ready for the next level and to be seen by college coaches and recruiters which is why they play in the first place.


For someone to say the kids on Midland have seen better competition than 99% of the kids in the area is a joke. They haven't. There are plenty of teams that do the exact same thing Midland does in the summer, maybe it's the elitist attitude that some have when it comes to Midland drives me a little nuts at times due to 1 simple fact, they don't know what they are talking about.


Certainly didn't want my post to be construed as "elitist", sorry if it came off that way. I am here more as a Midland guy than kid guy, just wanted to throw in my two cents. I certainly understand there are some great programs in NKY, nothing but huge props to Walt and the job he does down there with the Colonels. I will disagree with you on the competition piece though. I've been to Super NITs, East Cobb, Elite 32, etc and have not seen any teams from NKy, or for that matter many from Ohio. This particular Midland team played in two 15u tourneys last year, both top notch tournaments. They were sitting in the championship in one when rain hit at Wright State and washed it out, and lost to the Flames at Thomas More in what was I think the semis in another. Their players range from Detroit to Louisville, but of the 14 on the roster 12 are from the local area. Of the 14, there are two sophs, both played varsity as frosh, one at Lakota East and the other at Ballard. Of the current freshman, only the 3 kids at Moeller are not on a varsity roster(don't do that at Moe), and that is at schools like Lebanon, Lakota East, Milford, Hamilton Badin, Anderson, etc. They are VERY good. The two Beechwood kids hit 4-5 on that team, and are good as the rest. The catcher/3 hole hitter was on the USA 14U baseball team. The two NKy kids may struggle on the hill, they are works in progress with control, but when on are dominant. I cannot envision any scenario in which either will struggle at the plate. Not sure how good or competitive the fall league is in NKy, but they only lost once in it, in the championship game, to one of the ATY teams, I think the upcoming 17u team? Could be wrong, but it was the high school fall league. That was against varsity players, and there were no struggles. Could not agree more with you about let's lt them grow up and stop with the "can't miss" monikers. Lots can happen in four years. Just enjoy them, if they progress they will bring some big time attention to NKy baseball, which is good for everybody.

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Many cases in point for which you mentioned-old guys like Jason Basil played for Midland....Corey Farris did too at the highest of levels...did get drafted relatively low and went to a lower level baseball playing college in Kentucky like Campbellsville-now as I understand it is out of competitive baseball. What a shame. It is tough to make it to d1 baseball or to the pros. You have to have awesome talent and then generally someone inside the organization that is looking after your best interests.


Midland is a top notch organization for certain, but playing for them as a 12 year old, 14 year old or 17 year old guarantees nothing....


Farris played two years at UK and then played his last two years at NAIA power Cumberland TN in Lebanon, TN. Played a year or two of minor-league ball.

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Certainly didn't want my post to be construed as "elitist", sorry if it came off that way. I am here more as a Midland guy than kid guy, just wanted to throw in my two cents. I certainly understand there are some great programs in NKY, nothing but huge props to Walt and the job he does down there with the Colonels. I will disagree with you on the competition piece though. I've been to Super NITs, East Cobb, Elite 32, etc and have not seen any teams from NKy, or for that matter many from Ohio. This particular Midland team played in two 15u tourneys last year, both top notch tournaments. They were sitting in the championship in one when rain hit at Wright State and washed it out, and lost to the Flames at Thomas More in what was I think the semis in another. Their players range from Detroit to Louisville, but of the 14 on the roster 12 are from the local area. Of the 14, there are two sophs, both played varsity as frosh, one at Lakota East and the other at Ballard. Of the current freshman, only the 3 kids at Moeller are not on a varsity roster(don't do that at Moe), and that is at schools like Lebanon, Lakota East, Milford, Hamilton Badin, Anderson, etc. They are VERY good. The two Beechwood kids hit 4-5 on that team, and are good as the rest. The catcher/3 hole hitter was on the USA 14U baseball team. The two NKy kids may struggle on the hill, they are works in progress with control, but when on are dominant. I cannot envision any scenario in which either will struggle at the plate. Not sure how good or competitive the fall league is in NKy, but they only lost once in it, in the championship game, to one of the ATY teams, I think the upcoming 17u team? Could be wrong, but it was the high school fall league. That was against varsity players, and there were no struggles. Could not agree more with you about let's lt them grow up and stop with the "can't miss" monikers. Lots can happen in four years. Just enjoy them, if they progress they will bring some big time attention to NKy baseball, which is good for everybody.

I think we are both on the same page.


When I am talking about Summer Ball teams I am talking more of the 16U, 17U and 18U teams. Certainly Midland for the middle schoolers play more competitive schedules than most middle school age teams around here. I was referring more to the High School aged teams.


I learned right away that it is a totally different animal once a boy hits high school and plays Summer Ball than before he got in high school. As I stated, my boys team the last 2 years have played soley in showcase tourneys etc the entire summer league season and the prupose is to get them ready and spotted by college recruiters and coaches etc. They play strictly in the tournaments that take place at colleges etc. as well as the National Tournaments. Things that were never done with his summer ball teams in grade school. The sole purpose of the teams in high schools are usually to get the kids noticed etc. and is why his team is only a traveling tournament team etc.


So I will agree with you that the midland teams for the kids in middle school etc. ahve seen better competition compared to boys of the same age around the area, but it isn't true once these kids get in High School because the majority of the competitive summer ball teams in the area play in those tournaments or ones like them all the time.


I made a thread about a month ago in this forum asking others if they knew what tournaments their kids teams will be playing in this summer. Listed the ones we will be going to and if you look at the thread you will see every week is traveling to different tournaments ending with the National 17u tournament. A lot different from what the middle school teams do. High School ball is a totally different animal when you talk about summer teams....Midland is the same the only difference is they start at a younger age doing what the high school boys do now.


Here's the link to that thread



3 of the tournaments chosen was not so much for the competition but because some of the college coaches that will be attending have already shown interest in some of the players and vice versa, some of the other kids have shown interest in certain colleges and those colleges will have representation at these tournaments such as the Bowling Green tournament, and Evansville Tournament etc.


The team is all about getting the kids an opportunity to play at the next level.

Edited by Hellbird
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I scouted Stringer and Combs last year and they are both for real. There's no crystal ball to predict the future but barring any injuries they will both either play D1 or be drafted out of H.S. and go pro. These guys are two of the best 15 year olds that I've seen over the years and I have a few years under my belt.

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