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Bob Schneider's Comments on the Compromise


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If it levels the playing field, why not?


Because a level playing field is not the over riding goal of KHSAA. Using the letter head of KHSAA Commissioner's Notes as a guide the objectives are 1) Participation, 2) Sportsmanship and 3) Integrity.


If those 3 items are to be sacrificed in order to attempt to reach what all know is a purely mythical goal then nothing is gained. In fact the proposed 'compromise' flies right in the face of the first stated goal of KHSAA - participation. If KHSAA's goal is to maximize PARTICIPATION in sports then a 2 year ban is directly counter to that mission goal. To avoid this ban Wilson Sears wants to 'force' parents to make a decision earlier.


Should this supposed 'compromise' go into effect the KHSAA should be disbanded for directly going counter to its own stated mission. Prop-20 would be better than this. Parents, coaches and adminstrators should feel a strong chill in their spine when children are targeted for exclusion from sports.

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I don't see how the Catholic school in Bellevue can be considered a feeder school for the High School when It is a consolidation of Catholic schools from Newport ,Bellevue and Dayton and the Middle school ,I believe it is called Holy Trinity is located in Newport at the old St. Stephens school. Only Holy Trinity elementary school kids attend school in Bellevue at the old Sacred heart complex. Besides all of the schools that make up Holy Trinity have been feeder schools at NC/NCC for well over 50 years


I know for a fact that the KHSAA ruled that an eighth grade student at a Catholic grade school in Bellevue was ruled eligible to play on a high school team at Bellevue because the state considered the school to be a feeder school. While the school may be a feeder school for NCC, these schools can apparently be a feeder school for more than one school.

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I know for a fact that the KHSAA ruled that an eighth grade student at a Catholic grade school in Bellevue was ruled eligible to play on a high school team at Bellevue because the state considered the school to be a feeder school. While the school may be a feeder school for NCC, these schools can apparently be a feeder school for more than one school.


In a way that makes some sense since many students from that school (or any Catholic grade school) will go on to attend the public high school. However, if the KHSAA is going to classify feeder schools I would think it would have to go both ways and that kind of defeats the whole concept of the compromise. The Prop 20 schools want designated feeder schools to stop the concept of recruiting and that is not limited to Private/Public. It also included Public/Public and Private/Private.

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In a way that makes some sense since many students from that school (or any Catholic grade school) will go on to attend the public high school. However, if the KHSAA is going to classify feeder schools I would think it would have to go both ways and that kind of defeats the whole concept of the compromise. The Prop 20 schools want designated feeder schools to stop the concept of recruiting and that is not limited to Private/Public. It also included Public/Public and Private/Private.


That is exactly what I pointed out in another post. If they leave the feeder schools as they are now, I doubt much will change. If they limit a school to very few feeder schools, parents are going to be upset. Others have said that one Catholic grade school in Louisville has had students finish and attend about 10 different schools. Are they going to cut that down to five? I would think that would make some people unhappy.

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The Prop 20 schools want designated feeder schools to stop the concept of recruiting and that is not limited to Private/Public. It also included Public/Public and Private/Private.


Here a secret...every student in a private school has been recruited. The schools must recruit to exist. Schools send material to potential students all the time. They have databases of potential students from their feeder schools.


The fix to the recuiting issue is to make public schools recuit. Let them create nice mailings that talk about their all around HS experience, including athletics. Let them talk about their nice new artificial turf. Let them hold open houses and talk about how they prepare kids for college. Let them even show the price difference with privates. Lets give parents more information, instead of less. Then let them chose at the right time. It beats 'forcing' (Wilson Sears desired approach) parents to one system or schooling approach or another at the end of the 5th grade.


The reaction of parents last night in Fayette county to the new overlapping, multiple schools serving the same area plan show that the issue and definition of 'feeder' schools is only going to get messier and messier and messier.


Open and honest recuiting is not the problem. And peer recuiting (student to student or parent to parent) is not ever going to stop. So lets just be honest about it.

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Here a secret...every student in a private school has been recruited. The schools must recruit to exist. Schools send material to potential students all the time. They have databases of potential students from their feeder schools.


The fix to the recuiting issue is to make public schools recuit. Let them create nice mailings that talk about their all around HS experience, including athletics. Let them talk about their nice new artificial turf. Let them hold open houses and talk about how they prepare kids for college. Let them even show the price difference with privates. Lets give parents more information, instead of less. Then let them chose at the right time. It beats 'forcing' (Wilson Sears desired approach) parents to one system or schooling approach or another at the end of the 5th grade.


The reaction of parents last night in Fayette county to the new overlapping, multiple schools serving the same area plan show that the issue and definition of 'feeder' schools is only going to get messier and messier and messier.


Open and honest recuiting is not the problem. And peer recuiting (student to student or parent to parent) is not ever going to stop. So lets just be honest about it.


I can't disagree with what you have said but all that is happening now and still there was a massive vote to support Prop 20. As much as you or I or anybody wants to disagree with Wilson Sears, he and the Prop 20 supporters managed to get the support of the vast majority of schools and every geographical area of the state except one.


And I totally agree on the messy part. Whatever the compromise is, it will only buy time until the wrangling over the next set of issues comes up.

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Its ridiculous because just because I send my kid to a public school in 6th grade does not mean that is where I want them to go for High School.


What if I can't afford a private middle school but through career advancements are finally able to afford to so after the 6th grade level. My child is to be punished because my income was not as high as it currently is?


Or what if I don't find an education at a private middle school to be as important as private High School or vice versa on that issue.


This is a poor compromise because it does not look out for the well being of the student or the families of students. All it looks out for it the win loss record of a bunch over indulged public schools.


As many ppl have said, Athletics is not a RIGHT, it is a PRIVLAGE, and if a parent wants it child to play athletics at a certain high school then it needs to make that decision at the 6th grade level. I have no problem with the compromise cause it isnt going to effect the schools that have been playing by the rules. All of your comments are why a compromise is need cause all these are good answer as to why a athlete that come up through a public school system suddenly at the high school level decides that he/she wants to switch to a private school.

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As many ppl have said, Athletics is not a RIGHT, it is a PRIVLAGE, and if a parent wants it child to play athletics at a certain high school then it needs to make that decision at the 6th grade level. I have no problem with the compromise cause it isnt going to effect the schools that have been playing by the rules. All of your comments are why a compromise is need cause all these are good answer as to why a athlete that come up through a public school system suddenly at the high school level decides that he/she wants to switch to a private school.


You, of course, realize that far more private grade school students end up at public high schools than public grade school students end up at private high schools.

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You, of course, realize that far more private grade school students end up at public high schools than public grade school students end up at private high schools.

The part that really kills people like Sexton and Sears, as well as many other supporters of Prop 20 is that a lot of people spend money for an alternative to their schools. For people like Sexton and Sears, Prop 20 isn't even about athletics. It is about anything they can do to weaken alternative education.

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As many ppl have said, Athletics is not a RIGHT, it is a PRIVLAGE, and if a parent wants it child to play athletics at a certain high school then it needs to make that decision at the 6th grade level.


The Right vs. Privlage argument rings hollow in this case. Most parents do not know the rule of KHSAA or many don't even know it exist until their son or daughter wants to play in a sport in HS. This messy, messy supposed compromise is just a way for coaches (both public and private) to lock in their pipeline of very quality players whose parents will be familair KHSAA and will take action early a their childs athletics 'career'.


Regardless of what 'system' a child 'comes up in that should not be a dictating factor in their ability to play HS level sports.


Also as many ppl have stated here it a common and normal practice for students to go through private grade and middle school and go to public high school. This is their plan all along. Now, because of a secret and select 'Star Chamber' that common practice could FORCE (Sears quote) new decisions on parents that at least want the option (and yes 'privlege') of their children to play HS sports.


This is insanity and meaness wrapped into one.

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