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Are the players taking the concussions too far?

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There are 1000s of players looking to sue the NFL for the lack of attention given to concussions and/or preventive measures that could have taken place to thwart what appears to be an epidemic.


My question, is it fair all players are looking for once source of blame in this? Is the NFL the full source of the blame? Do the players not assume any responsibility? I am not a neurologist but anyone could tell you that repeated collisions are not good for your long term mental or physical health, regardless of the protective gear you are wearing. Football by nature is a violent sport, and the NFL is as violent as it gets. I have always thought that was a known fact when you chose that profession. Incredibly high risk, high reward.

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What disgust me is the former players are not allowing their kids to play and condeming football. Well if it so dangererous they better not let their kids play at recess, may fall and get hurt or ride in a car and get killed. If it is meant to be then it is meant to be. Blame everything on concussions, easy way out.

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There are 1000s of players looking to sue the NFL for the lack of attention given to concussions and/or preventive measures that could have taken place to thwart what appears to be an epidemic.


My question, is it fair all players are looking for once source of blame in this? Is the NFL the full source of the blame? Do the players not assume any responsibility? I am not a neurologist but anyone could tell you that repeated collisions are not good for your long term mental or physical health, regardless of the protective gear you are wearing. Football by nature is a violent sport, and the NFL is as violent as it gets. I have always thought that was a known fact when you chose that profession. Incredibly high risk, high reward.


I'm with you on this. Anybody who doesn't realize how bad this is for your body is fooling themselves. Yet they continue to choose to do it. Then after making millions, want to blame someone else.

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Football is not and has never been an appropriate name for the sport. It was borrowed from a sport that already existed (and actually primarily features the feet) and was adopted when Harvard and Yale sat down to create the rules for a new game so that the Association Football (soccer) schools, like Yale, could play rugby schools, like Harvard. What if we changed the name to something that more accurately reflected the game that Harvard and Yale invented? How about "Run Into Each Other At Full Speed"? Would we still be surprised that the game has serious long-term effects that weren't fully understood for a long time and willfully ignored for a long time after that?


Whatever. In the end, the question I find myself asking isn't whether these players understood that there were risks to repeatedly running into another grown man with your head. I can't help but wonder just how many times trainers sent guys back into games that should never have been playing.

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Football is not and has never been an appropriate name for the sport. It was borrowed from a sport that already existed (and actually primarily features the feet) and was adopted when Harvard and Yale sat down to create the rules for a new game so that the Association Football (soccer) schools, like Yale, could play rugby schools, like Harvard. What if we changed the name to something that more accurately reflected the game that Harvard and Yale invented? How about "Run Into Each Other At Full Speed"? Would we still be surprised that the game has serious long-term effects that weren't fully understood for a long time and willfully ignored for a long time after that?


Whatever. In the end, the question I find myself asking isn't whether these players understood that there were risks to repeatedly running into another grown man with your head. I can't help but wonder just how many times trainers sent guys back into games that should never have been playing.


Any Given Sunday

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What disgust me is the former players are not allowing their kids to play and condeming football. Well if it so dangererous they better not let their kids play at recess, may fall and get hurt or ride in a car and get killed. If it is meant to be then it is meant to be. Blame everything on concussions, easy way out.


That's not really a fair comparison. What is the difference in a former player not allowing their child to play and a parent who never played not allowing their child? Isn't that similar to a smoker telling their kid "Don't smoke" and a non-smoker telling the same?


Certainly the things you mentioned (recess, driving, etc.) can be dangerous. But a participant can also be taught how to do it in the safest way possible. That doesn't mean you won't get hurt, but you lessen your chances. I have no problem with anyone denying their child the right to play. What I'd really love to see a strong push toward doing everything in football the safest way possible. Again, that doesn't mean you won't get hurt, but you lessen your chances.

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To answer the question, yes I think the players are taking this a little far but I think it is in part a response to the NFL doing a poor job of taking care of retired players.


Turnabout is fair play...

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To answer the question, yes I think the players are taking this a little far but I think it is in part a response to the NFL doing a poor job of taking care of retired players.


Turnabout is fair play...

The retired guys I am all for helping. Some of these "I am having minor memory loss at the age of 45 people" are the one I think looking to piggy-pack off the deal.
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The retired guys I am all for helping. Some of these "I am having minor memory loss at the age of 45 people" are the one I think looking to piggy-pack off the deal.



In all fairness the NFL just began to properly treat concussions about 2-3 years ago so I don't think the players are taking it too far. It is a brutal sport and the risks are known but the league just began to take preventative measures in the last 2-3 years. Like Getslow said how many guys were sent back in the game when they shouldn't have been. We watched Colt McCoy get a concussion and then put back in the game last season.

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In all fairness the NFL just began to properly treat concussions about 2-3 years ago so I don't think the players are taking it too far. It is a brutal sport and the risks are known but the league just began to take preventative measures in the last 2-3 years. Like Getslow said how many guys were sent back in the game when they shouldn't have been. We watched Colt McCoy get a concussion and then put back in the game last season.
Not denying any of that. More so the lack of acknowledging that they are taking an inherent risk by even playing in the NFL. Do not play fully dumb on the subject. That is all I am saying.
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Not denying any of that. More so the lack of acknowledging that they are taking an inherent risk by even playing in the NFL. Do not play fully dumb on the subject. That is all I am saying.


I hear you there. I do think both sides should share the blame.

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