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ESPN 30 for 30: Jordan Rides the Bus

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Good show so far but something just isn't right about what happened and we will probably never know the truth.


I'm in the Bill Simmons camp that Jordan's baseball dalliance was just something for him to do while Stern suspended him for gambling.

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I'm in the Bill Simmons camp that Jordan's baseball dalliance was just something for him to do while Stern suspended him for gambling.


I agree I don't buy the whole me and my dad has this plan thing. Imagine if something ever came out proving it? Would he be treated like Pete is treated?


Anyway, it was a pretty good show.

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I agree I don't buy the whole me and my dad has this plan thing. Imagine if something ever came out proving it? Would he be treated like Pete is treated?


MJ gambled at the casinos, Pete gambled on the sport that he was playing...totally different.


And for those of who you believe the conspiracy theory, how come no one has ever come out and outed MJ? You don't think news outlets, authors, anyone would pay millions for that type of information? No way was he suspended from basketball. He brough in so much money for David Stern.

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MJ gambled at the casinos, Pete gambled on the sport that he was playing...totally different.


And for those of who you believe the conspiracy theory, how come no one has ever come out and outed MJ? You don't think news outlets, authors, anyone would pay millions for that type of information? No way was he suspended from basketball. He brough in so much money for David Stern.


I meant if it come out he gambled on basketball.

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I thought about the whole gambling thing yesterday during 1st and 10 when they discussed the Jordan baseball era. Skip Bayless is a huge Michael Jordan fan and was in Chicago at the last of their run. Jay Crawford asked him why he thought he went to play baseball, Skip responded with, "No Comment." I have no idea what he was getting at, but it was the first thing that popped in to my mind.

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I don't buy it. I don't have the faith in human nature that some of you guys have...a story this big could not be buried for 20 years.


Also, I don't see why it's so hard to believe he would do this. Again, I look at human nature. Jordan had driven himself to the highest degree, he had proven himself the greatest player who ever lived, and lead Chicago to three straight titles. There's absolutely no question that Chicago would have won the '93-94 title had he returned. There was no longer anything to push or challenge him in basketball. I think a guy like Jordan needed that. Now, that in itself may not have been enough, but you factor in the murder of his father...he didn't just pass away expectedly of old age or some illness, he died an untimely and shocking death. In my experience, there's a big difference in the emotional impact between those two. And, finally, if his dad truly did tell him to try baseball...



It's not the least bit hard for me to accept this story at face value. It's far, far easier to believe than the suspension theory. I'll file that next to the moon landing hoax. And, I recently heard a guy say that he thought all the wars fought were just staged for financial reasons. But, I digress...

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I don't buy it. I don't have the faith in human nature that some of you guys have...a story this big could not be buried for 20 years.


Also, I don't see why it's so hard to believe he would do this. Again, I look at human nature. Jordan had driven himself to the highest degree, he had proven himself the greatest player who ever lived, and lead Chicago to three straight titles. There's absolutely no question that Chicago would have won the '93-94 title had he returned. There was no longer anything to push or challenge him in basketball. I think a guy like Jordan needed that. Now, that in itself may not have been enough, but you factor in the murder of his father...he didn't just pass away expectedly of old age or some illness, he died an untimely and shocking death. In my experience, there's a big difference in the emotional impact between those two. And, finally, if his dad truly did tell him to try baseball...



It's not the least bit hard for me to accept this story at face value. It's far, far easier to believe than the suspension theory. I'll file that next to the moon landing hoax. And, I recently heard a guy say that he thought all the wars fought were just staged for financial reasons. But, I digress...


I couldn't agree more.

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