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Colts 35 Patriots 34

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I think it was the right call. Your best player is Brady. You give him a chance to complete a pass for two yards to win the game rather than giving Manning the ball back. By the way they got the two yards. They were robbed by the spot. He would do the same thing right now if given the chance. It wasn't arrogance. It was trying to win the game w/ your best player.


Dungy playing the percentages has gotten him one ring and a bunch of dissapointing losses in the playoffs. He can second guess all day long, but Bellicheck is far better than he was.


He did not have control. At first, I thought it was a bad spot. Then I saw the replay and he did not have control until after he was driven back from where he initially made contact. Good spot.


I understand the call, but disagreed with it. I do understand that part of being a head coach is making those types of tough calls. You look like a genius if it works and a dope if it doesn't. More often than not, Belichek looks like a genius on those tough calls. This time, he did not.

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Which is true, but I would prefer Manning drive 60 yards in 2 minutes than 29 yards.


You know Manning is going to score from the 29 yard line.


Who knows what may happen if he has to drive 60.


No logic can defend that horrible decision, IMO.

I couldn't agree more. Terrible decision.



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In defense of the official its very hard to see when he has full control and where the ball was (not his feet) when he did have control.


With that said, I think the ball was not spotted correctly. I say that ONLY after seeing this video clip. He clearly bobbles the ball when it first hits his hand. However, you will see its clearly in control when the ball appears to be slightly past the 30.




I still disagree. No way it was past the 30. He didn't have control until he was almost to the ground. It doesn't matter where his feet were. He was falling away from the 30 bobbling it and caught it under control, high on his chest. The mark was good.

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This sounds like baseball guy talking me in trying to justify why someone like Derek Bell would be a first ballot hall of famer in baseball. When you have to bring out goofy stats and percentages to help make a point, I do not think you have a strong case. In Russian Roulette, one has good odds, but I'm not taking that risk either.

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Ok let's break it down.


Odds that Manning scores from the Pats 30? Extremely high

Odds that Manning scores from the Colts 30? Pretty high


Odds that the Pats convert on that down? Pretty high

Odds they convert if they punt? None


There it is. That had to be Bill's logic.




I had no problem with the decision. I liked the decision. The defense was tired and Manning had just driven 79 yards in 6 plays in about 1:30...I thought Faulk got a bad spot. Had they given him forward progress at the point that he secured the ball, it would have been very close.


Here are my complaints from NE's perspective...


1. The wasted TO before they even ran a play on their next to last possession.


2. If they knew they were going for it on 4th down, I'd have preferred a different play call on third down...perhaps a run to take a shot on getting the first and forcing Indy to burn its last TO.


But, the wasted TO was the biggest mistake, IMO. Had they saved it, they'd have been able to challenge the spot on Faulk's reception. When he caught the ball he was right at the line, so the measurement would have been close.


Exciting game. Obviously people will question Belichick and the decision to go on 4th down because nobody does it. But, if I have Brady and his weapons, I'd like my chances to get two yards to win a game against anyone...and considering who they'd have been kicking the ball back to in this situation, I think he made the right call. It just didn't work out this time.


The Patriots have the look of one of those teams that play pretty good early, continue to improve all season and hit their stride when it matters most. I really think they'll be the best team in the AFC come playoff time.

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That stat is flawed in the sense that it doesn't take into account that it was a 100% chance of Manning and the Colts scoring from the NE 30 yd line.


What was the percentage of them scoring from their own 30...97.5%?


Belichick tried to win the game by gaining two yards with his best players and unit...I'm well aware he'll be criticized and second-guessed for it because most NFL coaches are so conservative they squeak when they walk. However, the reality is that Manning and company were moving the ball at will at the end of the game and it would have taken a mistake on their part for the Pats to stop them from anywhere on the field at that point in the game. Rather than leave the outcome to lady luck, Belichick decided to let his best player(s) get it done.


If New England deserves any criticism, IMO, its for burning a timeout before the drive and not having the ability to challenge on the 4th down spot. I also didn't particularly like the first down play on that drive.

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