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Obama's "press" conference


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So if he was justified and all cops are in agreement then why were no charges filed? Cops do this alot IMO, make an arrest because someone isn't the most friendly or a smart mouth which the last time I checked weren't crimes. A crime should be commited to warrant an arrest which obviously wasn't by the lack of charges.

I don't think he was profiling nor a racist but abusing his power to arrest I'm thinking probably so.


Maybe it was because Mr. Gates has been an outstanding citizen his whole life. Small charges are dropped every day for upstanding citizens. I bet some think the charges were dropped before they realized Gates was black.:rolleyes:

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Good to know you think it's okay to berate law enforcement officers.

It's good to know that you think it is ok for a cop to not give his badge number and name when it is request by a citizen.

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I was going to stay out of this but my emotions have got the best of me. I agree with the President.


There is no way any other person can know how something like this makes you feel unless it has happened to them. It is a very degrading feeling.


I know because it has happened to me. It has also happened to my two sons. I thought them what to do so when it did happened they would know how to act.


If you expect people to be more understanding of your situation because of past experiences, then you need to do the same of the police officers. Wouldn't you agree?


You are worried about being degraded; the police officer is worried about being shot by the alleged burgler. Every day they go to work they know it could be there last. Adrenaline has to be pumping big time when they report to calls, particularly a break in where there is a good chance the burgler could be armed.


Instead of popping off some comments about how the police officer was a racist, perhaps the professor should have been as understanding as people want cops to be and responded with: thanks for responding to the call, possibly putting your life on the line to protect mine and my property and for which you get paid pennies on the dollar that I do for sitting in class and talking to students.


You and I both know that not only are there racist whites, there are racist blacks. There are whites that just won't let things go and there are blacks that won't let things go. Don't know if the professor is in this category, but throwing out charges of racism to a police officer showing up at the scene of an alleged break in and asking for identification seems like quite the over-reaction by the good professor.


In my opinion, from what I've read and heard, it was the professor that prompted the whole mess. Sometimes you just have to learn to shut your mouth up. I learned it a long time ago and NWO I'm sure you did too in your stay in the Marines. Even if the police officer's actions were wrong, please explain to me what good could be accomplished by calling the cop a racist and acting disorderly? Not one darn thing. Deal with it intelligently at the time and report the behavior to the authorities in the morning. My guess is that is just what you've taught your two sons to do. Or at least I hope and pray so.


Because if the cop really is a racist, makes up the "I believed his silver belt buckle was the barrel of a gun" and shoots the professor with a claim of self defense, the professor may have been right in his allegation of racism, but that won't help him much, now will it?

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If you expect people to be more understanding of your situation because of past experiences, then you need to do the same of the police officers. Wouldn't you agree?


You are worried about being degraded; the police officer is worried about being shot by the alleged burgler. Every day they go to work they know it could be there last. Adrenaline has to be pumping big time when they report to calls, particularly a break in where there is a good chance the burgler could be armed.


Instead of popping off some comments about how the police officer was a racist, perhaps the professor should have been as understanding as people want cops to be and responded with: thanks for responding to the call, possibly putting your life on the line to protect mine and my property and for which you get paid pennies on the dollar that I do for sitting in class and talking to students.


You and I both know that not only are there racist whites, there are racist blacks. There are whites that just won't let things go and there are blacks that won't let things go. Don't know if the professor is in this category, but throwing out charges of racism to a police officer showing up at the scene of an alleged break in and asking for identification seems like quite the over-reaction by the good professor.


In my opinion, from what I've read and heard, it was the professor that prompted the whole mess. Sometimes you just have to learn to shut your mouth up. I learned it a long time ago and NWO I'm sure you did too in your stay in the Marines. Even if the police officer's actions were wrong, please explain to me what good could be accomplished by calling the cop a racist and acting disorderly? Not one darn thing. Deal with it intelligently at the time and report the behavior to the authorities in the morning. My guess is that is just what you've taught your two sons to do. Or at least I hope and pray so.


Because if the cop really is a racist, makes up the "I believed his silver belt buckle was the barrel of a gun" and shoots the professor with a claim of self defense, the professor may have been right in his allegation of racism, but that won't help him much, now will it?


You're exactly right, LN. If the officer was racist (which I have no reason to believe that he was), calling him on it and acting in the manner that the professor did would accomplish nothing.


I have sympathy for the professor and his perception of the events as they unfolded. I also have sympathy -and worry- for the police officer that puts his life on the line every day.

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If you read the report, the cop said he gave it to him more than once and the man wouldn't quit ranting long enough to listen to him. Also this wouldn't have happened if Gates would have kept his cool and done as the officer had asked him to do.

Milford, I'm not picking you out here, I'm just using this post because unfortunately I can't respond to all of these. Now the cop says and I quote "I told Gates I was leaving his residence and that if he had any other questions regarding the matter, I would speak with him outside the residence." It seemed like the cop wanted to make this a public thing not Gates. The cop could have stayed in there and talked this out and all of you know this. I'm sure this cop has been called worse. Now is that baiting or what??? All the cop had to do was keep walking and make the little crowd walk with him away from the situation. Personally, I would have been a little upset myself if this happened. I just wonder how long has the lady who was called his neighbor actually been his neighbor. Doesn't make sense. Also did she stay on the phone the whole time while the police came on the scene?

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I can't claim to have ever been in the professors shoes and I am quite sure that racial profiling is a problem. But every time the cops come around a person that isn't their race it doesn't mean there was racial profiling going on. There was a call made to police of a break in. This cop had no idea what he was going to encounter when he got there. If he goes in assuming there isn't a break in and is shot where does that leave us. His original call in said I believe I'm w/ the lawful owner of the house, but he's uncooperative. There's a lot adding up in favor of the cop. Supposedly they are going to release the 911 tapes and it will favor the cop even more.


More importantly is Obama going to address every situation like this in a press conference? Why did he have the press ask him about this on national tv if he didn't know the facts of the case? Aren't there a lot more important issues to discuss during a prime time national press conference? Is there a press any more? Or is everyone an Obama stooge?


Wow how funny is it that President Bush made a comment on steroids being in baseball which is totally out of his business as a president. Why can't Obama make a comment on this. At least it carries some weight to intervene because of how sensitive of nature this topic is and the history behind it. You all know, CIVIL RIGHTS and all??? Obama had all the right to step in and say something here at least someone is trying to take a stand on this stuff. Police have done this way too often throughout the years and still to this day and it is so common that nobody really pays too much attention to it anymore. This can't happen and should never happen and the way to solve problems like this is to keep it in the media. Who knows maybe this will save someone's life next time.

I'm sure none of you all on here have never yelled in your house or around the house have you??? Also what about when you go to sporting events, I'm sure you have never yelled at an opposing player of your team before?? Get my point here.

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If you expect people to be more understanding of your situation because of past experiences, then you need to do the same of the police officers. Wouldn't you agree?


You are worried about being degraded; the police officer is worried about being shot by the alleged burgler. Every day they go to work they know it could be there last. Adrenaline has to be pumping big time when they report to calls, particularly a break in where there is a good chance the burgler could be armed.


Instead of popping off some comments about how the police officer was a racist, perhaps the professor should have been as understanding as people want cops to be and responded with: thanks for responding to the call, possibly putting your life on the line to protect mine and my property and for which you get paid pennies on the dollar that I do for sitting in class and talking to students.



You and I both know that not only are there racist whites, there are racist blacks. There are whites that just won't let things go and there are blacks that won't let things go. Don't know if the professor is in this category, but throwing out charges of racism to a police officer showing up at the scene of an alleged break in and asking for identification seems like quite the over-reaction by the good professor.


In my opinion, from what I've read and heard, it was the professor that prompted the whole mess. Sometimes you just have to learn to shut your mouth up. I learned it a long time ago and NWO I'm sure you did too in your stay in the Marines. Even if the police officer's actions were wrong, please explain to me what good could be accomplished by calling the cop a racist and acting disorderly? Not one darn thing. Deal with it intelligently at the time and report the behavior to the authorities in the morning. My guess is that is just what you've taught your two sons to do. Or at least I hope and pray so.


Because if the cop really is a racist, makes up the "I believed his silver belt buckle was the barrel of a gun" and shoots the professor with a claim of self defense, the professor may have been right in his allegation of racism, but that won't help him much, now will it?


Leatherneck, at least explain to me the reason that whites hated blacks or were/are racists against them. Then we can talk.

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So according to some:


1. When a neighbor or passer by sees someone who appears to breaking in to a house they should NOT call the police, especially if that person happens to be African American for fear that it might be considered profiling or racism.


2. If the police arrive at your door and say they are responding to a reported break-in you should be uncooperative, call them racists, and create a large disturbance.


3. The President of the United States should continue to berate law enforcement when they arrest people he knows, African Americans who claim racism, or any other LOCAL case that pops up on CNN, although he admittedly does not know all of the facts.

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Wow how funny is it that President Bush made a comment on steroids being in baseball which is totally out of his business as a president. Why can't Obama make a comment on this.


The President, whether it’s Bush, Obama, or Washington, has no business regulating professional sports. The same goes for Congress. They have a country to run and they should leave sports to the NCAA, NFL, MLB, etc...


President Obama was wrong in commenting because:


1. He admittedly didn’t know the facts in the case.

2. He came down on the wrong side of the case by criticizing law enforcement.

3. He had a personal relationship with the defendant that affected his judgment.

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Milford, I'm not picking you out here, I'm just using this post because unfortunately I can't respond to all of these. Now the cop says and I quote "I told Gates I was leaving his residence and that if he had any other questions regarding the matter, I would speak with him outside the residence." It seemed like the cop wanted to make this a public thing not Gates. The cop could have stayed in there and talked this out and all of you know this. I'm sure this cop has been called worse. Now is that baiting or what??? All the cop had to do was keep walking and make the little crowd walk with him away from the situation. Personally, I would have been a little upset myself if this happened. I just wonder how long has the lady who was called his neighbor actually been his neighbor. Doesn't make sense. Also did she stay on the phone the whole time while the police came on the scene?


If you read the whole police report you will notice that the officer stated that the reason he went outside was he couldn’t hear or communicate with the ECC over the radio due to Gate’s yelling.

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It's good to know that you think it is ok for a cop to not give his badge number and name when it is request by a citizen.

Give me a break. Gates asked Crowley to identify himself and he did immediately. If Gates wanted his badge number guess what? Look at his badge. It's right there on his chest. Again, read the police report. Gates was 100% in the wrong and deserved to go to jail. He was a jerk from the word go and I am blown away that anyone with common sense would defend his actions.

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Wow how funny is it that President Bush made a comment on steroids being in baseball which is totally out of his business as a president. Why can't Obama make a comment on this. At least it carries some weight to intervene because of how sensitive of nature this topic is and the history behind it. You all know, CIVIL RIGHTS and all??? Obama had all the right to step in and say something here at least someone is trying to take a stand on this stuff. Police have done this way too often throughout the years and still to this day and it is so common that nobody really pays too much attention to it anymore. This can't happen and should never happen and the way to solve problems like this is to keep it in the media. Who knows maybe this will save someone's life next time.

I'm sure none of you all on here have never yelled in your house or around the house have you??? Also what about when you go to sporting events, I'm sure you have never yelled at an opposing player of your team before?? Get my point here.



Are steroids legal? Is distributing them legal? That's beside the point. He has people ask the questions he wants answered. He calls a prime time national press conference to talk about health care and has someone ask him about the arrest so he could talk about it. He then says the cop acted stupidly and admitted he didn't know everything he needed to know about the situation. Now he's trying to backtrack as fast as possible b/c he knows he made a big mistake. Yet his defenders won't do the same as him.

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