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PH in hospital, prayers please.


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Mike, (Purplehaze) is in the hospital yet again. He got an infection in his fem-pop....basically, that was the artificial line that went from his main artery to his leg arteries to supply blood. This was used for when they were trying to save his legs before his amputations. The line on the right hand side became very infected...we thought it was just something minor, and, the doctor was going to do minor surgery yesterday. He was to go home. Now, it turned out to be a really big complication. Instead of just a little of the line being infected, the whole line was and it all had to come out. He is cut from arm to stump on his right side. The doctor decided to leave it open and not close and we are to pack it until it heals. Mike will be in the hospital for at least a week....the Dr said that it will take more than a month to heal.


He was in bad shape yesterday, however, is doing much better now. He is starting to get stir crazy all ready. I came home to get me some meds....I think I just may have the flu. I dont get sick much, but when I do, I tend to do it at the worst of times and get it pretty bad. I can't complain much though....Mike is going through some really bad stuff right now. He was having some problems with his iv's so, they put a central line in his neck. That looks really painful by itself.


Anyway, I just thought you all would want to know. I am sorry that I did not tell you all sooner, however, it all went from simple to bad at once.


He is at the Medical Center in Bowling Green...his room number is 4A-03...his phone number is 270-796-4203 That is the direct line to his room. He would love to hear from you all!!!


Thanks in advance for the asked prayers! I don't know when I will be home again to check on emails or BGP, so, just please be patient....Thanks again!


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He was having some problems with his iv's so, they put a central line in his neck. That looks really painful by itself.

It does look horrible; but I don't remember it being particularly painful. Hope that's true for PH too.


So sorry to hear he's having troubles again. I know it seems like you go from one crisis to the next; and I guess you do. But you two are truly amazing in your ability to cope and care for one another.


I'll try to get in touch with him sometime today if I can. :thumb:

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