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PH in hospital, prayers please.


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Alright you all....thanks for prayers. Whoever does not believe in the power of prayer has never got them from the BGP family!!!


PH was really bad off after his surgery. The Dr did not know if PH were coming or going! However, he started to get back to his old self. Yesterday however, he got really, really sick. That passed as fast as it came on....about 3 hours later, he was back to himself again.


Infact, the Dr came in this morning and could not believe the progress!!! He was doing so well and the open wounds looked so well that he told me to try to look at the wounds. I did. The Dr asked me if I feel sick looking at him laid open....I told him no. He told me to dress and pack the wounds. I did. So, now, gues what?!!! PH IS HOME!!! The Dr did not think he would even be coming home in a week because the infection was so bad. So, thank God for His answers to all the prayers.....and....thank you all so much for the prayers!!


The central line only hurt him when it came out....Hiim being laid open and packed does not hurt at all....just his pressure sores are hurting. Now, if his pressure sores would just heal up he would be in pretty good shape. He got down to 93 pounds, so, we are going to have to work on that! I am sure that he won't have problems doing just that!


Thanks again you all!!!

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My prayers are with you, my brothers wife had the same surgery(fem-pop) in march and nearly died. She is still having trouble with it. I hope everything is ok with PH, and wish him a speedy recovery


I was just wondering how your brothers wife is doing. I have been thinking of them a lot. If she is still having problems and wants another Dr, let me know and I will give you the info on PH's Doc....he is wonderful!

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Just a little update. PH is sleeping a lot and I think on top of everything else, he is coming down with what I have. Other than that, he is doing ok. I tell you all though, doing the bandage changes on that surgery site is a horrible thing. It looks horrible and it really hurts him. He is cut from hip to arm pit and it is left open. I pack it with wet to dry packing stuff and then cover it. It looks just like when the Dr cut him open. I am to pack it so the cuts will stay open and heal from inside out. The Dr said it could take a couple of months. YUK! He is a real trooper though...I would not be able to lay there while he packed me. I just really don't see how he can go though all of this and still have the attitude he does.

His pressure sores are what is really keeping him down. They really hurt. I just pray they heal soon...it is going on two years since that surgery. They look lots better than after the surgery, however, they just will not finish up. They hurt, can get infected so easy, and keep him from doing the thing he really loves to do...DRIVE. He was driving some, however, he felt that it was not safe for other people for him to be driving until they heal up because of all the pain he is in. He said he would never forgive himself if he hurt or killed an innocent person because he went over a bump and the pain got so bad that he was not paying attention to what he was doing.

Other than that folks, everything is going alright.

Thanks again for all the prayers....we could really use them!

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